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The Cake Bible Pdf Free Download

Hello guys, my name is Cheng-Shiun Li or you can call me "Emannuel". This name is from Bible. It means God with us. So obviously, I am a Christian.

I am thirty-six years old now. From a teeagehood, I learned instrument flute. Never stoped I played it. When I joined to the army, I got a sick. At that time, I touched the softwear "Finale". I like to write the music note with it. When the time goes by, my composing skill is better than I used be.

As I know this internet page, I finally can upload the sheets what I write to share with people. Tanks Lord, His will is always good. He like us human people showing honor to Him. Every time I have spirit with words, somethings, or just day dream, I write them down and compose it.

May God bless these songs becoming everybody's goodnews.

  • My parents and cat "Mimi"

  • My working place. GaoRong Elementary School in Yanmei.

I was borned in Taiwan. Taiwan is a small island near Mainland China. There are four seasons here. Temperature is hot in summer and cold in winter. It belongs to subtropical climate. No snow dropdowns here. Typhoons threaten here from June to Sepetember. The weather is good fit in spring and autum.

The main moutain cross vertical island we call The Centrol Moutain System. Good scene in the east, and flat in the weast. Totally I can say it's a good place for peple to live. Thanks God let me be borned in here.

--小豬 08:01, 27 September 2014 (EDT)

When I was Sixteen, a senior high school boy, my school chior student preached gosple to me. I recieved God next year. After school I adimted to National Chung-Shing University in Taichung. I live in brother's house of the church. We sang many songs durng these time. Thanks God, until now I touch Him with hymn every morning and affternoon.

--小豬 01:32, 28 September 2014 (EDT)

Now I live in No.8, Ln. 19, Szwei 2nd Rd., Yangmei Dist., Taoyuan City 32644, Taiwan (R.O.C.). If you want to contact with me, you can mail me. Another way to contact with me is my email address "littleshiun@yahoo.com.tw". About ten years ago, my family live in Banqiao(New Taipei City). Because my brother's job is in Lontang Township, we whole family moves to Yanmei city.Now my parients live in Taoyuan City(Taoyuan County). My older brother has been gotten marrige. His wife works in Tainan. Almost two weeks, she comes back. Mostly time my brother and I live in this house.

  • My Sweet Home. My brother and I live in.

What's desease I has gotten. "Schizophrenia", yes a kind of mental desease. During the time of volunteer soldier(Everyboy is borned in Taiwan should join to the army at eighteen for serving our country), I didn't adept such a stressing life. At one time, I left the situation. So commending officers decide sending me to the hosptal. After checking, I got this desease. Now every month, I go back to see the doctor and take medicine before I sleep every night. Goodnews is the desease is under control now.

--小豬 05:38, 29 September 2014 (EDT)

My job is a school security officer. GaoRong Elementary School is a medium school. There are about four hundred students and thirty teachers or officers. In the school, many plants, insects and birds you can see. I feel easy there. We, officers, all take care of childern. Take our patient and kindness to treat them. Hope them can grow up happyly.

--小豬 06:22, 3 October 2014 (EDT)

2015 will come. Say happy new year to everyone! And may Jesus come back soon! Christmas tree in Tokyo is very beautiful. Light is shining in the night. Although the weather is cold, our heart is warm. Thanks God gives us all things we need this year.

--Emannuel, Li 07:51, 14 December 2014 (EDT)

Now I have church life in Yanmei Dist., Taoyuan City. There are about 160 saints here. We have several meetings during the week such as praying meeting, reading Bible meeting, preaching gospel meeting, Lord's Day meeting. Although I can't join every meetings, my health is not well. But we all saints are for the Lord's recovery, Lord's ministry on the earth.

  • Dear saits in Pushin Sec., Yanmei Dist., Taoyuan City.

  • Lord's recovery meeting hall in Pushin Sec., Yanmei Dist., Taoyuan City.

--Emannuel, Li 00:06, 4 April 2015 (EDT)

My mother college is National Chung-Hsing University in Taichung. Botany is my major. I learn many different kind aspects of plants. Anotamy, morphology, physiology, taxalogy, ecology, cytology and even on time molecular biology are the subjects I had learned. I did hard on my subjects, and I had good grades when I graduated. Thanks all teachers teaching us hardly and all classmates being side by me. Four years went by quickly. We are the last class of Botany, now there is the Life Science replacing the name before. No matter where we are, what jobs we are doing, never forget to devote to the environment we live.

--Emannuel, Li 00:23, 3 April 2015 (EDT)

Many plants are in the school "GaoRong Elementary School." You can see two rose plants in the garden. They are very beautiful when flowers bloom. It have a meaning "love". When you love a girl, you may give her a bouquet of rose. Sometimes I cut some flowers and put them in front of the office door.

  • Rosa rugosa in the garden of the school.

--Emannuel, Li 08:18, 3 April 2015 (EDT)

In front of the door of my home, there are a raw of plant pot. One is this, "Amaryllis". They are blooming now. There are many bulbs and flowers you can see. It's beautiful. Amazing the world God creates. The weather is warm to hot here. It's a nice afternoon, when I go back home from the school. I see it, and take a picture for it's beautiful appearance.

  • The amaryllis are blooming in the flower pot.

--Emannuel, Li 05:18, 6 April 2015 (EDT)

Sometimes my thinking is unnormal. It's about going into other person's body, that makes me excite sexually. This is a kind of sin hiding in my deep part and bothering me many many years. Now I bring it to the Lord Jesus my savior, and please He heals me. Maybe not be healed quickly, but I will turn to my Lord everytime I drop into such a unnormal thinkings. Book Luke 5:31 "And Jesus answered and said to them, those who are healthy have no need of a physician, but those who are ill;". Yes, I am a patient and I need Him to be my doctor. Thanks Lord! Amen.

--Emannuel, Li 23:06, 7 April 2015 (EDT)

Sorry! My note book is broken, so I don't upload new music sheets these days. It still need some days to be fixed, be patience. Thanks people love the music I compose. God's will is always good, let us trust Him. Amen

--Emannuel, Li 04:57, 17 April 2015 (EDT)

Great! My note book is fixed finally, it has been passed by long time I feel. Share the picture "lilies". My neighbor is a flower lover. She takes care many flowers in front of her house. Now lilies are blooming. Beautiful, isn't it! In Bible, lily signatures a pure heart to our lover, Lord Jesus Christ. Hope everyone likes it.

  • Neighbor's flower "lilies".

--Emannuel, Li 07:31, 27 April 2015 (EDT)

Yesterday, I went to my parents' living apartment celebrating Mother's Day. I brought a cake with a heart shape. My mother still told me to pay a attention on my health by myself. Thanks my dear parents. We had a nice day. Hope every mothers in this world have a great day too. And thanks God, He is our great herdsman, He loves us with no ending.

  • My parents and I celebrate Mother's Day in their living apartment.

--Emannuel, Li 20:15, 2 May 2015 (EDT)

Today (5/6) is my birthday. Oh, I have been 38 years old. It should be greeting or not, I ask myself. At first, thanks all my brothers with God's life and friends we may not be seen. This day, I would give you a good sentence for expressing my heart to you. The sentence is "Every day is wonderful, every night is peaceful." Few days before, the princess of England was born. How cute a girl is. May God bless the baby grow up peacefully, also every children is. A new life comes to this world, can't we shout? Amazing inside of me I say. But something is worring me. Times passed by as before. Elders go by one by one. The burden of us, young people, is seemed heavier than before. What can we devote to next generation? What situation of this world will become? We don't know. Fortunately, God is still there. We can trust Him. Let's trust Him without any doubts. And do the thing He entrust us until He comes back. Amen!

  • Bleesing from me.

--Emannuel, Li 22:57, 5 May 2015 (EDT)

There is one key on my keyboard broken. One month twice broken my notebook was. So sad I am! It is on fixing now. Still few days need to be waiting. Now I just can write something on the paper note book. Hope it can be fixed soon. And thanks everybody's patience. There is a famus sentence in the movie "The Terminator", I'll be back. Yes, I will continue my work, when the notebook is fixed.

--Emannuel, Li 01:13, 11 May 2015 (EDT)

Hallelujah! My note book is fixed, so the work will continue. Thanks my Lord! I write the short musical drama "The Star" on the paper note book when it was broken. Please be longing for the musical drama is finished. And it will be upload to this website.
When I took the note book, I talked with the clerk a short time. I tried to preach the gospel to him. So I asked him some questions. One of them was about the obligatory period of serving the army, he answered me four months. But at the time when I joined the army, there are one year. They are lucky most people will think of. During these time, he think he learned many things can't be learned in the school. As the usual people in Taiwan, we think that a boy after joining the army he will become a man. What do you think?

--Emannuel, Li 07:48, 18 May 2015 (EDT)

Show a picture of my instruments. When I was 14 years old, I asked my father for buying a piccolo. At that time, I felt cool of playing piccolo. It has high pitch, and its sound can be heard obviously.
When I was a college student, last year of the college, I held a concert. After that, one brother teaching in Chung-Hsing university gived me a huge money. I bought the flute. Thanks Lord, all are He gives me. Now I record the music of my playing, and upload them on this website. If you like them, download and hear them. My playing is not perfect, please don't mind it. May God bless you and you enjoy the music!

  • My flute and piccolo.

--Emannuel, Li 08:00, 22 May 2015 (EDT)

We, christians, often have many different activities. Sometimes we blend with other brothers and sisters from another place. The picture shows that saints from Yanmei go blending with saints in Chungli.
Another picture shows that one brother not gathering in my church (where I had been baptised) invited me to join the whole city praying meeting. Hallelujah. In Christ, we are one body.
Because I have a cat, I must take care of it. Also I don't have good health. I decide I just join the christian meeting near my home. No far, and long-term traivel I will have.

  • Saints' Blenging.

  • Whole City Praying Meeting.

--Emannuel, Li 01:00, 25 May 2015 (EDT)

The poinciana tree is blooming in this season. When it's about May or June, the weather is hot, and poinciana tree is blooming. It's tall. You can see many red flowers on the top of the tree. At the same time it's the graduating season. Many students are graduated from the school. May every student has a great future.
There are many red petals on the ground which are near the tree almost everywhere. It take time to clean them.
The other picture shows bees are buliding their hive. it's small now. Hope they won't hurt children.

  • The Ecology of GaoRong Elementary School.

--Emannuel, Li 03:10, 31 May 2015 (EDT)

Why don't we go to the park in the weekend? Especially there are many good installations. Hsin-Shin Park is the one. Last Sunday afternoon, I went to Hsin-Shin Park to take some exercise. It's a beautiful park. One stream "Lao-Chieh Stream" flows aside the park, and a bridge named "Cui-Ti" is over it. Big lawns are there. Trees and flowers are there you can see too. Very beautiful. Children, Youngers, elders are doing their own favorite activities. Some take their pet run over the lawn. They are very happy and you can feel that from their smiling face. Maybe next time I will take some other pictures for you. It's good to take the time to go to the park in the weekend.

  • The Scenery of Shin-Hsin Park in Zhongli Dist., Taoyuan City.

Do you pay attention of that? The picture is more clear than before. Yes, I take the picture by using my smartphone, and it's camera has higher pixel. May you enjoy them!

--Emannuel, Li 06:59, 1 June 2015 (EDT)

During these days, my mental disease is getting worse. I felt fretful this morning. I contacted with a teacher by line. She advised me to go to the park and took a walk. Yes, it's a good idea I thought. The park nearest my home is Si-Wei Children Park. It's not a big park, but it's good to pass the time. I walked around the park, and took some pictures. Now I feel better.
There are a arbor and some facilities for children's playing and elders' stretch. There are some different kinds of trees. The picture is London Plane Tree which its bark is peeled off and you can see its smooth trunk.

  • Some views of Si-Wei Children Park

--Emannuel, Li 21:29, 5 June 2015 (EDT)

Today I want to Taichung. Many times I would go there, but my bad health I didn't until now. In the morning I went to the "HRT Taoyuan Station" by my motor. The first picture is the view of the station. There are many big spaces still around the station. I felt nervous, because I had not been to the public place long time.
Now the transportation is convenient. It only cost more the half an hour and I arrived at the destination "Taichung". I joined the meeting with the brothers. We had not been seen each other long time. I was very happy. And one of them took me to the Taichung Library seeing the exhibition. We were joyful.
Of cause I took a walk around my mother university "National Chung-Hsing University". The picture you can see. The building is my studying place "Life Science Building". And there is a lake "Chung-Hsing Lake" which the shape is like the figure of China. It's very special. And the door of the school is very wide and stylish. After several hours one brother took me to the "HRT Taichung Station" by his car. It's a good tour. Thanks all brothers and my dearest Lord.

  • The picture of HRT Taoyuan Station.

  • The brothers we had been lived together.

  • Three pictures of National Chung-Shing University.

--Emannuel, Li 07:29, 14 June 2015 (EDT)

One brother "Jun-Jhe" lived in brother house in Yanmei Dist. And he was graduated from the senior vocational school. Before he moved from the brother house, I gave him a love feast. We made an appointment yesterday and we met at a brief restaurant. These two pictures is taken there. He will move to Kaohsiung. May God bless his way.

  • One brother "Yun-Jhe" is with me. I gave him a love feast yesterday.

--Emannuel, Li 22:08, 16 June 2015 (EDT)

I know that I made many mistakes whether on composing or playing flute. Please don't be serious to regard them. I hope you just enjoy them. I announce it again I am not professional. Because of loving music I try my best to do them better. Find other good points of them. Thank you!

--Emannuel, Li 07:46, 24 June 2015 (EDT)

Students will end the course soon. In Taiwan, they have a vacation of almost two month. I will feel lonely. There will be no your smiling voices, playing figures. I will try to adept it. Hope you all have funny vacation.
When you turn back to school, you will be up the grade. Be more thoughtful I wish.

--Emannuel, Li 06:31, 26 June 2015 (EDT)

Today, I felt uncomfortable in the afternoon, so I went out taking a walk. I rode my motorcycle to Rui-Ping Junior High School. The school is near Pu-Sin Meeting Hall. And there is a peaceful place, I like there. The building of the school is new style. I think it was built up recent years. I went inside and took some pictures of it.

  • Some pictures of Rui-Ping Junior High School.

--Emannuel, Li 04:36, 27 June 2015 (EDT)

My composed music has been published. I'm very happy. This is my first time to publish books. They are not for selling. I only send them to the library in Taipei and Taichung. I upload the pictures of them and share with you all.

  • I publish the musical books! Praise the Lord!

--Emannuel, Li 08:35, 1 July 2015 (EDT)

I took some pictures of plants. I don't know what their name are. They were blooming. The photos were taken in my living area. Hope one day I can know what their name are. There are many plant species in the earth. The memory should be very good, you can know them all. In the college, my plant identification is not good. So don't claim me too much. Just enjoy them.

  • Some pictures of plants in my living area.

--Emannuel, Li 19:54, 4 July 2015 (EDT)

Today, brothers and sisters studying in Kai-Nan University are blending with us. More people than usual are meeting in Pu-Sin Meeting Hall. It's big enough to contain us all. I take some phone number of them. Maybe one day we will contact with each other. One is working in a library. And one is graduated from the school immediately. After few months he will service in the army. No matter where we are, we all are living a God-man life to express the Lord on the earth.

  • Brothers and sisters studying in Kai-Nan University come here to blend with us.

--Emannuel, Li 02:59, 12 July 2015 (EDT)

The plant "Poison Bulb" is blooming now. I remember there was one in my mother college. Now the old department was tore down, the plant was gone too. Here I see the plant again. The flower is white. Isn't beautiful? Often we human being thinks that flowers are the signature of beauty.

  • The plant "Poison Bulb" is blooming in the school where I work at.

--Emannuel, Li 22:40, 13 July 2015 (EDT)

Yesterday I went to the place my parents lived. They prepared a feast to me. I enjoyed it. And my mother still cares about my health. After few hours I stayed, I leaved and my father saw me off. I took the picture in the courtyard of the community.

  • The courtyard of my parents' living community.

--Emannuel, Li 19:54, 18 July 2015 (EDT)

Recent days, there is Summer Video Training in the church of Yanmei Dist., Taoyuan City. I joined some meetings. The messages of Christ is abundant. The training is like a festival. Brothers supply fresh Christ to us and I enjoy it. May God bless His church continuously.

  • 2015 Summer Video Training in my church.

--Emannuel, Li 20:14, 25 July 2015 (EDT)

It's sunshine today. I went to the Hakka Bureau in Longtan Dist. There are many local famous peoples' introduction inside. They are all Hakka in literature or music such as Yu-Xian Deng, Chao-Cheng Chung, and others. I know Yu-Xian is a antecessor in pop music in Taiwan. I have one CD containing his songs. Very nice. Soft, easy to sing and reflecting the early Taiwanese feelings. You can try to find out the CD and listen to it.

  • Hakka Bureau in Longtan Dist.

--Emannuel, Li 02:06, 26 July 2015 (EDT)

I like to go to the library. There is quiet. Yesterday I went to the Chang Jing-Yu Library in Chung Yuan Christian University. I composed the music there, and read a book at rest. There was cool because air conditioner was working. I enjoyed there. At the midday, one restaurant was open inside the school. It's MacDonald. I ate a Filet-O-Fish®. It was delicious. There was crowed.

  • Chang Jing-Yu Library in Chung Yuan Christian University.

--Emannuel, Li 03:33, 2 August 2015 (EDT)

Typhoon "Su, Di-Le" stroke Taiwan before yesterday. The wind was powerful, and the rain was heavy. When I went to the school today, there was devastated. Many branches were fractured and spread on the ground. I will spend much time to clean them all. Hope God gives me good physical strength. Amen.

  • The scenery of the school after the typhoon "Su, Di-Le" go through.

--Emannuel, Li 07:03, 10 August 2015 (EDT)

Thanks Lord. It's Him making us become one body. Today, dear saints from 27 Taipei Meeting Hall came here to blend with us. We sang hymns within our spirit. We prophesied enthusiastically. God's word is the affiance between He and us. How wonderful! Otherwise blending really help us become vital as the blood circulating in the vein.

  • Dear saints from 27 Taipei Meeting Hall.

--Emannuel, Li 04:37, 16 August 2015 (EDT)

It's my loving story. When I would be a senior student in the university, I fell in love with a brother "Ci-Yen, Feng". It was a summer vacation, we, our church's saints, had a young blending. We went to "Dong-Shan River" in I-Lan County. I know the feeling is true. No matter how I deny it. It still reminds me, yes you love the guy. Now we don't contact with each other, I wish he has a good life. May God keep my heart loving him in my whole life.

  • The brother I fall in love with.

It was another story. When I was seventeen, a senior high student, I did some gay sex with a brother "Bai-Yue, Mei". At that time I felt happy really. But I didn't know that was not love. It was only a sexual feeling, and I wanted to satisfy that feeling. We got together about two years. When we attended into different universities, we contacted with each other less times. And he still came to see me at my graduation. Thanks he accompanied me many years, and we had fun.

  • The brother I had been done gay sex with.

--Emannuel, Li 18:13, 5 September 2015 (EDT)

Today, I went to De-Long Elementary School. It hides in crossroad. If you want to find it, you must be carefully. Why I know this school?
Several years ago, it was 2011. I got a job from government. And the working place was in the school. My health was worse. So many times, I can't work even I was in the school. I took rest often. The teachers working at the school treated me patiently. They did not blame me for the rest. I felt easy there. Every time I remind it, I thank them in my heart.

After few hours, I left the school. Originally I would go to the True Jesus Church in Long-Tan. But I felt hungry, I went to the McDonald's. Other many reasons such as Christianity is differences, I didn't get baptized in my truly heart… I need time to clarify what I really want. So I ate some food in the restaurant. Then I went home.

  • De-Long Elementary School in Long-Tan Dist., Taoyuan City.

  • McDonald's in Long-Tan Dist., Taoyuan City.

--Emannuel, Li 01:13, 6 September 2015 (EDT)

Recently many disorders are happened in the world. I am a Christian, I select some verses in the Bible. And I wrote some short articles(gospel articles). Share them to everyone. Hope God's peace is in your heart too.

福音短文-當災難來臨的時候(When disaster is coming...) 福音短文-賜平安的福音(A peaceful gospel)

--Emannuel, Li 02:45, 11 September 2015 (EDT)

Do you need a herdsman? Yes, I need him. In the Bible human being is like a sheep. And Jesus is a herdsman. He takes care of all your need. Do you need Him? Yes, I need Him.


--Emannuel, Li 05:52, 15 September 2015 (EDT)

There are three coconut trees near the Pu-Shin Meeting Hall. Many burgeons are growing out. If you don't cut them down, they will grow up and become sturdy. So every few weeks, I need to cut them down. These are pictures before and after I cut them.

  • Coconut trees near the Pu-Shin Meeting Hall.

--Emannuel, Li 03:46, 19 September 2015 (EDT)

When we talk about a hero, we will think some mythical person such as Superman or Spider man...etc. Have you been thought Jesus? Ok, please see the article.


--Emannuel, Li 06:59, 21 September 2015 (EDT)

It is the Teacher's Day after few days. In the traditional Chinese culture we pay attention to the occupation "a teacher". Famous ancestor Confucius is the greatest teacher in the history. In our life we will be taught by many teachers. They can give you some useful advice. So on this day, thank your teacher. I do a card. Share it with every teacher in this world.


--Emannuel, Li 20:46, 21 September 2015 (EDT)

Now I had been published five books several times. I send one of them to the National Library for legal deposit. And another three books to the library in Taipei, Taichung and Taoyuan. Here is the Zhong-Lu Branch Library in Taoyuan City. One brother works there. And the last one I retain it for myself. After I contacted with the brother, I went to the parents' living place. We had a good dinner time.

  • Zhong-Lu Branch Library in Touyuan City.

--Emannuel, Li 19:27, 26 September 2015 (EDT)

When I read Book "Revelation", how terrible the time will be I think. So I try to understand It in another way. If we recognized the sin and lived a figure like God Himself, the time would be hopeful.


--Emannuel, Li 07:21, 28 September 2015 (EDT)

This morning I went to the rest meeting. The brother Yang Shi-Tao is rest in peace. I know the brother is about 7 years ago, we participated the meeting together. Because he had gotten the sick "Parkinson's Disease", it was hard for him to do many things even eating and coming to the meeting. He was still longing for joining the meeting. We all brothers and sisters think he is a testimony of loving Lord. Amen.

--Emannuel, Li 01:49, 3 October 2015 (EDT)

Do you often feel weakness? Yes, I do. How about people in Bible? There are still many people do. Read the gospel article.


--Emannuel, Li 07:24, 6 October 2015 (EDT)

Show some photos of plant in my working school. One you can see is lotus and duckweed. A fish is under the water. I planted it recent month. Another is a breadfruit. Its leaves are big. They are God's creatures.

  • Seneries in my working school

--Emannuel, Li 22:09, 8 October 2015 (EDT)

Today is Lord's Day, I didn't go to the meeting. I just stay at my home room. It's relax for me, thanks my Lord. The weather is getting cold, after several months winter will come here. May people over the world have a warm place to stay especially that refugees escaping from the Syria. God bless them.

  • My cute cat and me stay in my home room.

--Emannuel, Li 22:09, 10 October 2015 (EDT)

Because the cypress was died before, a student's father plant a new tree "cedar". It's still small. I took its photo.
A teacher working here asked me a question. Do we have fern in the school? I don't think we have. He said "yes, there is one near the kindergarten". So I found it. It's Asplenium nidus.

  • A new plant in my working school.

--Emannuel, Li 01:47, 15 October 2015 (EDT)

Are you longing for Christ's coming back? We often hear this subject in the meeting. Here is something about the subject. Please read the short gospel article.


--Emannuel, Li 06:26, 16 October 2015 (EDT)

Yesterday, I went to the lecture in the Chung-Li Art Gallery. It was about musical drama. I write the musical drama too. The speaker was a director "Jing-Cong, Wang". He directed several musical drama in a short time. After listening the lecture I think it's hard to play a musical drama. Many different parts should be coordinated such as fashion design, stage design, screenwriter, singers, multimedia technology...etc. I still just do composing music and writing the play.
In the evening I went to the computer cram. They introduced the software "Maya, Alias, 3D max, AE". They are the top software in the multimedia technology. I learned a lot.

  • I was in the Chung-Li Art Gallery.

--Emannuel, Li 22:42, 18 October 2015 (EDT)

Sins enter into the world again. I mean we receive the salvation although, there is one person being lost in the sin. Sins are still affecting all people living in this world. No one can escape from the disaster. Please read the short gospel article by me.


--Emannuel, Li 01:16, 23 October 2015 (EDT)

Hallelujah!! We have gospel meeting on 14, November. May God bless this meeting. Many friends can touch Him and accept Him. Amen!

  • A Card "Gospel Invitation for Young Workers"

--Emannuel, Li 19:59, 2 November 2015 (EST)

Originally I want to hold a published concert. I apply the allowance of Ministry of Culture (R.O.C.), and I plan to do it. Many affairs are in progress. But I felt the stress and it made me hard to compose continually. So I announce I won't hold the concert. I give my all music to the Lord. He knows what to do is the best.
Show the propaganda card I designed. Do you like it?


--Emannuel, Li 01:02, 3 November 2015 (EST)

Many problems are happening in the world. One of them is the legalization of same-sex marriage. Here is the short gospel article for you!


--Emannuel, Li 20:40, 5 November 2015 (EST)--Emannuel, Li 20:40, 5 November 2015 (EST)

This weekend I went to Taipei learning music therapy. I have been listened this subject, but I don't know much about it.
I had been long time not going to Taipei. I was afraid of going far away from home after getting sick. This time I braced up and had two days short trip. I am happy I conquered the fearing.
Ok, I want to share something about this trip. The main goal is learning. Music therapy is not mainstream of the medical profession in Taiwan. You can find many magical articles on the internet. I search some articles too. I can say the scope of it is funny. Take it easy and find some interesting in it.
After one night I went to the Taiwan Museum. There is the movie introducing a natural naturalist "Wallace". We students here almost have been listened Darwin, but seldom know about this person. I think it's good to know a scholar even he is not famous. He still have some important contributions to this world.
Thanks God I got many acquisitions this trip.

  • One night I lived at Backpaker's Inn in Taipei.

  • Taiwan Museum.

--Emannuel, Li 07:28, 7 November 2015 (EST)

There is the sport competition at the school. Because I went to the school early, there were still no students. Tents were set up. Two pictures showed the view.
There were many people coming here. Students' parents care about their children, so they participated the activity. And many students graduated from the school came back. I was happy to see them.
Thanks God the weather is good. Amen.

  • The sport competition at GaoRong Elementary School.

--Emannuel, Li 03:54, 14 November 2015 (EST)

In recent month we sorted out the parterre near the security office. And I bought some little potted in the supermarket. I planted them in the parterre. I observed them these days, they adapted well. Thanks God.
Did I say what major I studied in the university? Ok, my major is Botany. Now I do some works about the major in the school. I hope I can do it successfully.

  • The parterre beside the security office.

--Emannuel, Li 02:20, 21 November 2015 (EST)

This afternoon I went to Southern Taoyuan Youth Activity Center listening the literature. The Speaker was "Shi-Ying, Chu", he is a famous traveler and author. Now he works in the NGO. The speaking title is "Being a person you like yourself". One idea he put forward is to receive different cultures especially uncultured area such as Myanmar.
In my generation we were taught to emulate the progressive country. So we were focus on the country like America, Europe. When we considered to go abroad, we would think going to America or Europe. East-South Asia was a uncultured area we think. We wouldn't go there to study, because we were predominant then them. Now the generation has been changed, we, all human beings, are one family in the world. So we wouldn't discriminate anyone from everywhere they come from. I admitted I still have such discrimination, I need to pray, turn round, and try to receive the new idea.

  • The literature-Being a Person You Like Youself.

--Emannuel, Li 06:45, 22 November 2015 (EST)

Ok, I would say sorry for you paying attention on my message. Why I didn't write my news for a long time? Yes, you all can guess it, my notebook has been broken again. It's almost a week I have been send it to be fixed. God news is I can get rest during the time. Thanks Lord, my parients, brothers and friends. Be expecting new songs I compose. Good luck!

--Emannuel, Li 07:40, 7 December 2015 (EST)

Hellow everyone, merry X'mas from the students of my working school. Enen the vacation is not arrive, we can feel the happy phonomenon gradually. May you have a good vacation. They are cute, unn't they?

  • 聖誕祝福一

  • 聖誕祝福二

  • 聖誕祝福三

  • 聖誕祝福四

  • 聖誕祝福五

--Emannuel, Li 00:31, 10 December 2015 (EST)

My church's life is abundant. One is sports blending for students studying at Taoyuan City, another is a brother's marriage meeting. How wonderful life we believer live. May one day you can join us to live the best life on the earth.

  • We brothers have a sports blending at the National Central University.

  • My deer brother "Yao-Wen" has a sweet marriage meeting at Keelung City.

--Emannuel, Li 19:44, 15 December 2015 (EST)

We celebrate the holidays, but we still think backward this year. Many unfortunately events happened such as terrorist attacks at France, refugees influx into Europe...etc. I have been suffered by my indisposition. What is our hope? Ok, please read the short gospel article.


--Emannuel, Li 05:25, 20 December 2015 (EST)

There is a Christmas party at Pushin Baptist Church. I play flute tonight. We celebrate that Jesus was born for us. Thanks God.

  • Christmas Party at Pushin Baptist Church, Yanmei Dist.

--Emannuel, Li 07:34, 26 December 2015 (EST)

Hellow, do you have new hope in 2016. As a Christian I have some advises for you, It's about some attitudes we should live in the year. Read the short gospel article.


--Emannuel, Li 21:10, 31 December 2015 (EST)

Now we are having a several days vacation. It's a video training in my church. We have seven trainings in one year. Winter Training is one of them. Here in Taiwan, we are trained by the video. So we call it Winter Video Training. In this training we have twelve messages.
You can see the picture, there is a new trail near the church which is constructed these days. I think it is more beautiful than before. What do you think? Another picture is the view we pay attention to a brother summarized the message. Halleluja! May we all are constructed by His words. Thanks Lord!

  • 2016 Winter Video Training in Yanmei Dist.

--Emannuel, Li 05:37, 10 January 2016 (EST)

There was 2016 President Election here (Taiwan) yesterday. As a citizen I went to vote yesterday morning. After one day competing vehemently, the President Elect was emerged. Congratulate to Ms. Iin-Wen, Tsai. She is going to be a president in Taiwan, and the first lady to be a president in the history of Taiwan.
I think she has leader characteristic, and the politics she raises are good. So she should lead us dwelling here to a good future.
And still we should pray insistently. May God carries out His willing on the earth of cause including Taiwan. Amen.

--Emannuel, Li 18:47, 16 January 2016 (EST)

I got a bad temper recent days, and something bothered me a lot. So I need some days to rest. There are several days I won't upload music files until I feel good. Sorry! May God bless us all.

--Emannuel, Li 07:08, 19 January 2016 (EST)

Now it's cold in Taiwan. Winter is coming here. Sometimes raining, sometimes cloudy. There are few sunny days. And the temperature sometime is under 10℃. It was snowing in Taipei momently. It's really a strange event. When winter is getting deep, you will know the Chinese New Year is coming. It's a long and important vacation for Chinese people.
The pictures are taken near the school. I have been worked here almost three years. Really, I can't believe that I can work such a long time. Maybe I will work here until I can work no longer.
The camellia is blooming. It's beautiful. I hope people can live their life beautifully. At last, may all people Happy Chinese New Year.
Oh, yea! I feel better than before. Thanks people taking cares of me and praying for me. Thanks a lot.

  • The winter view near the school.

--Emannuel, Li 00:45, 22 January 2016 (EST)

Wow! It was snowing here in Taiwan even not at the mountain. How marvelous it is! This morning I went to the meeting as usual, I saw a car covering by the snow. I asked saints and they said it was snowing on the hill. I have not seen the snow in nature until today!
Because of the low temperature I wear a coat, a hat, gloves and scarf. Do I like a ball?

  • Snowing here. How marvelous it is!

--Emannuel, Li 01:11, 24 January 2016 (EST)

My friend send me a picture that a big cross hang on the sky some days before. And I saw some incredible pictures on facebook these days. They drew forth me some ideas. Please read the short gospel article.

--Emannuel, Li 04:58, 31 January 2016 (EST)

Many, many letters to me and they said I have the fund. It was a huge money. I think some people use my personal information to do some illegal actions. I want to say that the music and information I post here is to share with people like me and my music. Don't use my profiles to act illegally. And I don't receive any benefit from this website. If you want to download the scores, please obey the law here. Or you will be caught by the police. I announce it here. May God bless you!

--Emannuel, Li 23:14, 1 February 2016 (EST)

Big earthquake happened in Taiwan. Many buildings were dumped. Originally the Chinese New Year is the vacation people going home to gather with parents. But now…It became a tearing vacation. Some ideas I want to share with you.


--Emannuel, Li 20:11, 6 February 2016 (EST)

 I felt better, so I went to my parents' living place this morning. Before I went there, I went to the Culture Affairs Bureau Taoyuan. There is an exhibition. It's about the lamp of palace. One big lamp of palace you can see in the hall. It's festive. Wish you have a happy lunar new year.

  • An exhibition of the lamp of palace.

--Emannuel, Li 06:33, 13 February 2016 (EST)

There was a concert yesterday. It was a spring concert which the Sound of Living Stream Orchestra (SOLSO) held. So I went to Taipei to listen it. Many brothers and sisters join it. The playing place is National Concert Hall. It's a high class place to listen the music. The whole concert was very good. Before the end it played almost four songs in addition to the set songs.
But I couldn't sleep all night at the Space Inn. It is my illness. Hope one day I could be healed. May God bless.
The Sunday morning I went to the Taipei 1st Meeting Hall to join the Lord's day meeting. I took a friend with brothers Chen and Jie-Xin, Wu. Hope I could blend with them again one days. It was too hurry today.

  • The Concert of Sound of Living Stream Orchestra.

  • Taipei 1st Meeting Hall and Taiwan Gospel Bookstore.

--Emannuel, Li 01:57, 28 February 2016 (EST)

Yesterday I had a graduated school entrancing exam in Fu-Jen Catholic University. I went to Taipei by train. When I walked in the school, many trees are there. I like the environment. No many modernized high-floor architecture, I memorized the old building of Botany in the Chung-Hsing University where I studied before. More than ten years I had been leaved from the study.
Many buildings there are named as a missionary. So you can feel dense Christian atmosphere. Many students were doing some activities. At the same time you can felt lively.
Thanks God I finished the exam.

  • My graduated school entrancing exam in Fu-Jen Catholic University.

--Emannuel, Li 20:12, 5 March 2016 (EST)

Now Taiwan will have the ruling party. Some problems are argumentative. One is the KMT's belongings. Some ideas I think, and I share with you. Please read the short article.

--Emannuel, Li 06:33, 14 March 2016 (EDT)

I think the law is not omnipotent. The law has big influence on people but it still has restrictive. It is just a tool for wise to rule. Some basic moral principles are important too. Please read the short article.

--Emannuel, Li 06:40, 15 March 2016 (EDT)

My notebook has broken again, I can't do the work. And I didn't pass the entrancing exam, I won't be a student in the future.

--Emannuel, Li 07:09, 27 March 2016 (EDT)

In the late winter here Taiwan. Camellia blooms. My neighbor plants some camellia. They are very beautiful.

  • My neighbor's camellia.

--Emannuel, Li 20:54, 1 April 2016 (EDT)

I changed my notebook. Now the new notebook is Apple Mac Pro. It's a very good computer. Hope I can use it long time without fixing it. The speed of dealing the file is faster. Hallelujah. May God bless me. Something is difference in my software Finale. I can't export the audio file, so I won't upload the MP3 files of my composing.

--Emannuel, Li 01:27, 4 April 2016 (EDT)

Ibought a new notebook recent weeks ago. It's Apple Mac Pro. And the system is OS X 10.11.4. But there are some problems when I used. It confuses me. Hope they can be overcame soon.

--Emannuel, Li 06:56, 14 April 2016 (EDT)

Today is a rainy day. I worked at GaoRong Elementary School as usual. I read some books. Outside the security office rain dropped down. The ground and the air were wet. What was the best to do today? Maybe sleep on the bed.

  • Rainy day at the school.

--Emannuel, Li 05:33, 18 April 2016 (EDT)

Recent days we had been preached gospel at 2nd Hall, Yanmei Dist. So after working, I went to preach gospel. Knocking doors one by one. We hope there is a peaceful fruit, and someone can receive the gospel. The picture shows the meeting.

  • Gospel Meeting at 2nd Hall, Yanmei Dist.

--Emannuel, Li 17:38, 30 April 2016 (EDT)

Yesterday, we had young occupation saints meeting at 1st hall, Touyuan City. The brother told us young people should organize to groups. And we can seek the truth together, pray with each other, and live body life. Halleluja, I got a lot. And I hope I can practice them gradually. Amen.

  • Young occupation saints meeting at 1st hall, Taoyuan City.

--Emannuel, Li 19:17, 14 May 2016 (EDT)

Today morning, dear saints from 25th meeting hall at Taipei blended with us. How joyful it was. I made contact with three brothers after meeting. They are young occupation saints. We shared some believing experience with each other.
Brother told us. We need to notice the attitude ourselves when we serve the Lord. If we fell not good in the heart, it may be we have been leaved away from the Lord already. No matter how the situation is, we will feel joyful and say hallelujah in the heart. And it is the correct spiritual condition. Amen.

  • The saints of 25th meeting hall at Taipei came to blend with us.

--Emannuel, Li 06:38, 15 May 2016 (EDT)

Today is Friday. Lower grade students went home. So there were less higher grade students in the school in the afternoon. You can see the picture, many of them were playing ball and some of them were sitting on the ground and talking with each other. It was joyful this afternoon you can feel.

  • Students were joyful in the school

--Emannuel, Li 05:43, 20 May 2016 (EDT)

Thanks Lord! I went to the sport blending with young saints this afternoon. Although I felt sad, maybe it was caused by my disease. When I saw them young brothers, I still felt better. Amen. I will pray to serve the Lord more.

  • Sports blending with young saints

--Emannuel, Li 04:53, 22 May 2016 (EDT)

Several days ago, it was raining. When I went home by my motorbike, I found the such beautiful flowers blooming. I was surprised by it's beauty. Especially, the weather was foggy. It was planted by my neighbor. The name is Surinam Calliandra.

  • Surinam Calliandra is blooming

--Emannuel, Li 20:45, 24 May 2016 (EDT)

Today I went to Banqiao to see brothers haven't seen many years. I had been lived in Banqiao. So I joined the meeting at Xin-Pu meeting hall at that time. It has been about ten years ago.
Another surprising thing comes to me. My senior high school classmate contacted with me days ago. And his mother's home is in Banqiao. And he is a believer. So we meted today. I am very happy.

  • With brother Li-Ming, Lin

--Emannuel, Li 04:17, 29 May 2016 (EDT)

This morning I talked with a younger brother. I feel the spiritual elder is important to this young age. This is a confusing age. Sexual concept is one of many subjects. Please read the short article.


--Emannuel, Li 06:21, 31 May 2016 (EDT)

Deer brother Ren-Huo, Jiang had been died. Today is his funeral meeting. I joined it. In Christ we are one body, in Christ we are family. This afternoon, the weather was comfortable, not too hot and wind was blowing. Many people were there. Dear brother was a good brother. He participated many meetings in Lord's Recovery, and support many young brothers. Yes, everyone will be died, but we Christian look forward to see again in the kingdom of thousand years. May the Lord keep us in the heavenly way. Amen.

  • Ren-Hou, Jiang's Funeral Meeting

--Emannuel, Li 05:58, 12 June 2016 (EDT)

Sometimes I watch the films about the construction in China. How to live beside the strong country? Please read the article. it's my opinion.


--Emannuel, Li 09:21, 15 June 2016 (EDT)

Today I had a test in Taipei 4th Meeting Hall. It is a singing test for joining a choir. I was nervous at that time. A lady was singing before me. She was cute when she was singing. I know that good or not is not the most important. How I enjoy singing is the most important. So I sang the song freely. Halleluja, may the Lord is upraised.

  • Taipei 4th Meeting Hall

--Emannuel, Li 06:00, 19 June 2016 (EDT)

Recent days I watched many films about the Ching Dynasty. The Emperor of the Dynasty is my focus on. The last emperor of China is Yi, Pu. Why did the dynasty end? Please read the article.


--Emannuel, Li 06:16, 21 June 2016 (EDT)

In recent years we have heard some countries would leave from European Union. It's a big strike to my church. Because we think that it is a sign that Jesus will come back again. All portent in the Bible should come true. If the Union disintegrated, what we trust would break down. No one will believe us! Maybe! But we should love other people in front of our benefits. And we shouldn't interrupt the God's work. If God wanted to do, and He will do it. We shouldn't worried.


--Emannuel, Li 01:48, 24 June 2016 (EDT)

I went to Taipei to take my testing profiles back today. After that I think I can stay in Teipei more time. So I went to Songshan Cultural and Creative Park. Many good exhibitions are there. They concentrated my attention. Draws are very good. Students had great creative ideas. Good traveling at a short time in Taipei.

  • Songshan Cultural and Creative Park

--Emannuel, Li 06:09, 25 June 2016 (EDT)

I have been heard many unfortunate news. Something I think, and I share with you all.


--Emannuel, Li 07:18, 2 July 2016 (EDT)

I can't do God's work. Sometimes I overstep His authority. May He forgive me. Amen.

--Emannuel, Li 02:28, 9 July 2016 (EDT)

It's a short article to express my imagination about my brother. Jiu-Zhang, Liu had been died two months ago. May God bless his family.


--Emannuel, Li 03:49, 9 July 2016 (EDT)

My dear brother "Jiu-Zhang, Liu" had been died. We many brothers came together to accompany with him the last time. God's will is deeper than us. Amen.

  • The funeral service of brother "Jiu-Zhang, Liu".


May his all friends can calm down, he is by our side now.

--Emannuel, Li 20:51, 10 July 2016 (EDT)

International affairs are happened recently. May they could be solved peacefully. Short article is my opinion.


--Emannuel, Li 20:33, 12 July 2016 (EDT)

Yesterday we had a gospel meeting in Chung-Li. The subject was "The medicine for Busy-Confused-Blind." Many friends came there. We enjoyed the night diet and the message. Hope everyone find the medicine "Jesus, the Savior". Amen.

  • The gospel meeting in Chung-Li.

--Emannuel, Li 02:11, 17 July 2016 (EDT)

Some regretable things happened recently. Hope we could pay more attention to be safe.


--Emannuel, Li 06:25, 21 July 2016 (EDT)

Share the video I made. It was for the music camp originally.


--Emannuel, Li 22:46, 25 July 2016 (EDT)

When I go to work, it's a farm by the road. Short distance between my home and the school you can see the different landscape. The farm is the one.

  • There is the farm by the road which I go to the school.

--Emannuel, Li 20:06, 27 July 2016 (EDT)

Again there is a vocation in the church. Every vacation we enjoy the words of God brothers sharing with us. It's the Summer Video Training. Joyful. Hallelujah.

  • 2016 Summer Video Training at the church in Yanmei Dist.

--Emannuel, Li 07:40, 30 July 2016 (EDT)

The teacher "Zhi-Lin, Chang-Jian" shoot some short films. And I edited them. Share with you all. It's the film about the scene of the school.


--Emannuel, Li 21:02, 2 August 2016 (EDT)

Some sisters have burden to invite gospel friends having fellowship with each other. So now we have the diet fellowship at Wednesday night. Yesterday there were three brothers coming. I was very happy to see them. And we share the circumstance about working and some needs. In the end of the meeting we pray for each other. Hope God bless us all. Amen.

  • Diet fellowship at the Wednesday night.

--Emannuel, Li 20:12, 3 August 2016 (EDT)

Today, after the meeting two brothers and I went to the Starbucks in Puhsin. It opened recently. I know the store but I didn't shop there anymore. It's the first time I went inside and bought a bread. We ate and talked to each other happily.

  • Snack time with brothers in the Starbucks.

--Emannuel, Li 04:07, 7 August 2016 (EDT)

Many brothers and sisters had been died these days. We know God's returning will be soon. Do you a person make Him sad in this ending generation?


--Emannuel, Li 03:10, 12 August 2016 (EDT)

There are many different instruments in the orchestra. Winds, strings and percussion. I introduce you some wind instruments and strings. Thanks Lord gives us music the wonderful thing. Amen.


--Emannuel, Li 21:30, 12 August 2016 (EDT)

Yesterday, I went to Taipei to join a lecture. It's about preserving the species living in the world. Dr. Jia-Wei, Li shares his plain to us. He said several extinctions on the earth. And now we need to preserve the species to avoid the disaster. If DNA were preserved, we have chances to make the species alive.

  • The lecture about preserving the species.

--Emannuel, Li 03:51, 14 August 2016 (EDT)

Share with you the video of my church life from 2015 to 2016. Hope you enjoy your life as me. May God bless you!


--Emannuel, Li 06:30, 16 August 2016 (EDT)

This morning I went to the Lord's Day Meeting at the Pusin Hall. How joyful the church life is. Amen.

  • Lord's Day Meeting at the Pusin Hall.

--Emannuel, Li 02:09, 21 August 2016 (EDT)

I write an article about the grass "Poaceae". In the article I introduce some grass in the school. Now I share with you!


--Emannuel, Li 08:35, 22 August 2016 (EDT)

I finished the short musical play today, I was released. The story is about the student being caught by the evil. Finally, they conquered them. And they came back the the real world.
This afternoon I went to the blending with the dear saints. The diet was very abundant. And we read a spiritual article, shared it. We were satisfied inside and out.

  • Diet blending on Wednesday

--Emannuel, Li 08:58, 31 August 2016 (EDT)

Do you send gift to your friends? We, Chinese often do this. Many different holidays we send different gifts to friends. It's just like a culture. I share my opinion to you all!


--Emannuel, Li 21:56, 31 August 2016 (EDT)

At the school there are Golden Dewdrops blooming now. They are growing near the west door. A bunch of purple flowers are very beautiful. If you walked there, see them.

  • Golden Dewdrops

--Emannuel, Li 03:11, 10 September 2016 (CEST)

Lord's Day Meeting is the day belonging to the Lord. This day we Christian go to the church, sing hymns, pray together and eat the bread, drink the blood. It's the meaningful day.
I am often annoyed by my mind. I think a lot before I go out my home. Another is my flash. I often feel tired. So I miss the meeting.
Thanks Lord. Today I join the Lord's Day Meeting. Amen.

  • Lord's Day Meeting.

--Emannuel, Li 09:21, 11 September 2016 (CEST)

Recently we argue that we are Chinese or Taiwanese. It's my opinion. I share it with you!


--Emannuel, Li 03:02, 12 September 2016 (CEST)

Yesterday we had a meeting. Families brought their food here and we ate them together. It's joyful to me. Two people came here first time. After that we had a fellowship about the mystery of the life. Because we, human are containers which should be contained God. And when the time we receive Him, our life would be meaningful.

  • A fellowship with dear saints

--Emannuel, Li 02:59, 22 September 2016 (CEST)

We had a meeting for young workers today. The subject was totally to dedicate for God's building. Brother said the only thing God want to do is to build His residence. So we need totally to dedicate. Other works are Babel. They make to split. When I listened this I request. Sometimes I think I have some gifts, I didn't use it for the Lord. Now I know it. I eager not to use my gifts, but for God's building. Amen.

  • The meeting for young workers

--Emannuel, Li 12:49, 24 September 2016 (CEST)

Typhoon Mei-Ji stroke the school. There are many branches and leaves on the ground. The scaffolding of motorcycle near the east door are blew away. What powerful it is.
We, staff took some time to clean the school and took some safe step. The power of the typhoon couldn't be despised.

  • Typhoon Mei-Ji strikes the school

--Emannuel, Li 14:04, 28 September 2016 (CEST)

On the coming days I will busy. There are three tests waiting for me. I continue to pray for passing them smoothly. God will bring me on the way.

  • My church life, and dear saints.

--Emannuel, Li 08:08, 9 October 2016 (CEST)

We have a gospel meeting each month. Coming meeting is on 28, October. Hope people we invite have a soft heart, and they would come to the meeting.Then receiving the Lord.

  • The card of the gospel meeting is for inviting people.

--Emannuel, Li 08:14, 9 October 2016 (CEST)

Our new general affairs director is very positive. Almost two months there are two projects going. Now you see the picture, two trees are transfer to this place. They worked all day. The weather is rainy today. So they had a hard work.
Although today is Double Ten, I need to work. I saw the part of the broadcast. The soldiers are full of energy. Their performance is very good. Happy birthday to my country.

  • The projects in the school.

We need pray for brothers' health. Of cause the health is very important. If we were sick, we can't have a good church life. And God has no person to live for Him. I think God will recover this situation. We need pray.


--Emannuel, Li 10:54, 10 October 2016 (CEST)

Now I write an article about the plant. Because my major is Botany when I was a student, I learned some knowledges about plant. Hope I can write articles one after another. Thanks God.


--Emannuel, Li 13:27, 13 October 2016 (CEST)

I design a new inviting card for gospel meeting on 28, October. Because the business said the card which I delivered previously had no good resolution. The finished design is linked here.


--Emannuel, Li 13:59, 14 October 2016 (CEST)

The short article is for memorizing the king of Thailand.


--Emannuel, Li 14:45, 14 October 2016 (CEST)

This afternoon I went to the activity center to exercise. I ran on the treadmill and did some arm training. I hadn't been long time to exercise. After that I hope I can become thinner. Of cause I should do exercising insistently.

  • Exercise in the activity center

--Emannuel, Li 10:20, 16 October 2016 (CEST)

Hello! Tricks or treat! We students in GaoRong bless you having a happy Halloween!

  • Happy Halloween!

  • Happy Halloween!

  • Happy Halloween!

--Emannuel, Li 12:26, 24 October 2016 (CEST)

There are many different plants in the school. I introduce some blooming plants in the article. Share with you. Maybe I will establish the other links next time.


--Emannuel, Li 07:48, 27 October 2016 (CEST)

Yesterday I went to Taipei to join the reading exhibition. It's Christian reading exhibition. And SOLSO (Sound of Living Orchestra) plays some hymns, we sang together. Hallelujah! There I saw the brother many years I had not seen. We lived together in the brother house when we were college students. And I make a friend with brother Lin, he has the church life in Sixth Hall in Taipei. May God bless every book be the gospel of people who bought them.

  • Christian Reading Exhibition

--Emannuel, Li 02:06, 31 October 2016 (CET)

I sign up a band. The application form has a question. Why you learn the instrument? I answered serving the Lord. Please read the article I will explain on it.


--Emannuel, Li 11:34, 31 October 2016 (CET)

Today I joined the seminar of the Botanical Garden in Taipei. It's the 120 anniversary of the Garden. I learned many knowledge about the Botanical Garden such as its history, the situation of other countries' garden, conservational research in Korea, and situation here in Taipei. Really Substantial.
A guest ask a question what the difference between garden and botanical garden is. It's my opinion, and sharing with you.


  • The seminar of the Taipei Botanical Garden 120 anniversary

--Emannuel, Li 12:17, 5 November 2016 (CET)

Now we pursue the morning revival words "Return to Church's Orthodox". We come to the third week. It's about the church Shimonah. The name means suffering or being persecuted. At that time Christian were suffering. The empire persecuted them. Many of them were martyrdom. Now we won't be killed by believe God like them. It's happy. God commended them faithful to die. He revealed that He is the beginner, and terminator. They will revive again.
Died is so frighting, no one deny it. So do I. But if we can know He God we trust is the beginner and the terminator truly. We can conquer it. Hallelujah.

  • Lord's Day Meeting

--Emannuel, Li 08:13, 6 November 2016 (CET)

There is a glory meeting today. It's full-time training opening day for trainer's family. I didn't join the meeting on site. I watched the live at my home. Joining the full-time training is glory. The ministry helps trainers to become a proper part in the whole body. I didn't participate the training, but I support it. May God bless the training. Amen!

  • Full-time training opening day

--Emannuel, Li 10:53, 12 November 2016 (CET)

When I was a university student, my major was botany. Recently I touched some Japanese scholars in the time of Japanese occupation. During the time Taiwan was a behindhand place. Students can study in the university were almost Japanese's posterity. Some important scholars in botany I learned, and I shared with you all.


--Emannuel, Li 12:57, 17 November 2016 (CET)

On last Saturday, I went to Hsinchu to join a seminar. Art village is selecting the village artist. I am interesting about it. When I passed the underground sidewalk, I was impressed by its lightening and cleaning. You can see it in the picture.

  • Railway art village in Hsinchu

--Emannuel, Li 01:41, 21 November 2016 (CET)

Comparing the young students' recreation in Taiwan between the age Japanese Occupation and now. It's my opinion, and I share it with you.


--Emannuel, Li 03:38, 21 November 2016 (CET)

About one month ago, two eucalyptus trees were transplanted to new place in the school. They were not looked good. After irrigating much water every two times a day, they were still died. I feel pity.


--Emannuel, Li 12:48, 22 November 2016 (CET)

Being a overcomer is not easy in this age. Many incredible laws have been setting such as gay marriage bill. May Lord keeps us honest to Him. Follow His way and obey His teaching.


Maybe I can't be a overcomer...Lord! I need You!

--Emannuel, Li 02:49, 24 November 2016 (CET)

Hello! Again I introduce three blooming flowers in the school. I share the article, please read it.


--Emannuel, Li 12:56, 27 November 2016 (CET)

There was a gospel meeting for young workers on last Saturday. Many delicious deserts were on the table. After praying we ate them. It was very abundant. About 7:30 pm. we sang hymns and some brothers testified to all the saints and friends. May God bless the friends who were baptized on that day. Amen.

  • Gospel meeting for young workers in Chungli Distriction

--Emannuel, Li 12:30, 29 November 2016 (CET)

There are some broken wall in and outside the guard office. Our directer asked workers renovating it. Although it's not convenient for us now, it will become greater after constructing. We are longer for it.

  • Renovating the guard office

--Emannuel, Li 03:55, 2 December 2016 (CET)

Today morning we had a blending meeting for all saints living in Taoyuan City. I was a server in this meeting. Before the meeting I prayed to the Lord that hope His spirit fills of all saints in the meeting. And all serves were perfectly.
The message brothers taught us is God's moving in this day. What He does is building up His body, preparing His new bride, and bringing His kingdom to the earth. Amen. Hope we are exhaustedly preaching His gospel, shapering His lamps and devoting the money for His moving all over the world.

  • 2016 Blending Meeting for all saints living in Taoyuan City

--Emannuel, Li 09:02, 4 December 2016 (CET)

There are several student movements from the age of Japanese Occupation to this day. Some of them are named by plant. And I list them, share with you!


--Emannuel, Li 12:15, 4 December 2016 (CET)

After several days constructing, the project is finished. Now the guard office is looked as a new one. Hope we who work here can keep it.

  • The guard office is looked as a new one

--Emannuel, Li 02:15, 7 December 2016 (CET)

The video is my church life on the second half of 2016. Share it with you!


--Emannuel, Li 14:00, 14 December 2016 (CET)

Love feast on Wednesday are abundant. Before reading the feeding material we eat feast. More ten brothers and sisters come here. We are all satisfied in and outside. Amen!

  • Love feast on Wednesday

--Emannuel, Li 12:03, 15 December 2016 (CET)

One weekend later it's Christmas. We celebrate it today. Some children studying in this school took pictures. Say Christmas to everyone.

  • Silver Christmas (One)

  • Silver Christmas (Two)

--Emannuel, Li 06:23, 16 December 2016 (CET)

Do you know trees "fig"? Do you know it used to be described from Bible? I introduce some messages to you.


--Emannuel, Li 13:03, 16 December 2016 (CET)

This afternoon I went to specialty store with the brother Huang. We talked historical stories. The Qing Court was too weakness. It had no power to resist domestic trouble and foreign invasion. So our National Father "Dr. Sun Yat-Sen" started the revolution to overthrow the Qing Dynasty and established the Republic of China. He is a Christian too.

  • Tea time blending with the brother Huang.

--Emannuel, Li 11:25, 18 December 2016 (CET)

After few days the new year will come. To welcome the new year is always exciting. In the church we will pray until passing the midnight. It's a kind of special praying. I share a short article for you!


--Emannuel, Li 13:01, 22 December 2016 (CET)

Solar terms belongs to the Chinese wisdom. Now the climate changes dramatically. Many countries try to improve the change. Short article about the solar terms I know and share it with you!


--Emannuel, Li 13:00, 23 December 2016 (CET)

Most countries think nuclear power generation is not safe. I agree it. Developing other methods for generating electricity is pressing. I offer my thoughts to you!


--Emannuel, Li 12:29, 28 December 2016 (CET)

Now we discuss the homosexual marriage ardently in many countries. I put forward my thoughts. Share it with you!


--Emannuel, Li 03:44, 30 December 2016 (CET)

Be patient, then gain. We should stand on the post to face the challenge. The short article I share it with you!


--Emannuel, Li 05:10, 31 December 2016 (CET)

I search some information about the plant "pomegranate". And I share it with you!


--Emannuel, Li 01:27, 2 January 2017 (CET)

By observing the plant in the school, I understand some things. Please read the article.


--Emannuel, Li 13:22, 2 January 2017 (CET)

Every winter black-faced spoonbills fly to Taiwan. They come here through the winter. I introduce them to you!

分享 冬候鳥-黑面琵鷺.pdf

--Emannuel, Li 12:50, 5 January 2017 (CET)

Some drunk driving news are reported for a period of time in Taiwan. Although advertising shows the result is serious, not good effects are took. I share my thoughts with you!


--Emannuel, Li 12:38, 6 January 2017 (CET)

Sometimes I don't know what should I do. My friends advise me to take sports. So this morning I went to the park near my home to take walk. The view is beautiful, and I saw squirrels. I share the picture to you!

  • The view in Siwei Children Park

--Emannuel, Li 03:46, 7 January 2017 (CET)

Pension Reform is a hot issue in Taiwan now. How to use money reasonable is hard but important. I have a thought. Please read the article.


--Emannuel, Li 13:07, 7 January 2017 (CET)

Hallelujah! One sister is baptized today. May God bless her.

  • Sister Feng-Zhu is baptized

--Emannuel, Li 08:04, 8 January 2017 (CET)

See the beautiful miscanthus. They bloom in the fall. I took the photo near the school.

  • Miscanthus

--Emannuel, Li 02:00, 12 January 2017 (CET)

It's 2017 Winter Video Training in the church. This message is about Book Ezekiel in Bible. Many brothers and sisters join this training. May God bless His church.

  • 2017 Winter Video Training in the church

--Emannuel, Li 11:45, 15 January 2017 (CET)

Get up early in order to close to Lord! It's difficult to me. I like to sleep on the bed especially in winter. But the benefit getting up early in the morning is great. I practice it.


--Emannuel, Li 02:31, 17 January 2017 (CET)

Yesterday we prayed for saints coming from Korea have a wonderful blending with us during the Chinese New Year. We discussed how to participate this activity. Hope God bless us.

  • Pray meeting

--Emannuel, Li 02:00, 18 January 2017 (CET)

This afternoon I went to the concert in Chungli. Brother "Liu liang-yan" plays the cello. The orchestra is Chung-li Youth Orchestra. Many teenagers play their instruments great. Very good for many people like the music.

  • Brother liang-yan's concert in Chungli

--Emannuel, Li 12:03, 22 January 2017 (CET)

There are different ways for me to go. Brothers encourage us migrating to Germany and preaching the gospel there. And I apply a test for entering the graduate school. After thinking over, I change my mind.


--Emannuel, Li 01:55, 24 January 2017 (CET)

Last Wednesday we had the last meeting this period. Hallelujah! Hope we have joe in the next period.

  • Young elders love feast.

During the Chinese New Year dear saints coming from Korea visit us. So closed I feel when I see them. And so funny I can hear them saying Korean.

  • The saints coming from Korea visit us

  • Another picture

--Emannuel, Li 13:39, 29 January 2017 (CET)

Share with you a short poem.


--Emannuel, Li 13:14, 31 January 2017 (CET)

Recently in the meeting I and sister "Ai-Hua" played the instruments and sang a hymn. We recorded it and will share with dear saints. We recorded it with simple equipment, so the sound was noise and blurred.


This Saturday I went to the "Xin-Shi Park" in Chungli Dist. I took some photos and I share it with you!

  • Xin-Shi Park

--Emannuel, Li 12:18, 4 February 2017 (CET)

This logo is designed by me. Do you like it ? Hope you like it. My nickname is piggy. The boat symbolizes enjoying free and smooth life. And the down words are flutist and composer. It shows what I do.

  • The logo I designed

--Emannuel, Li 12:53, 6 February 2017 (CET)

Sometimes when I preach the gospel, I will get some problems. People will reject my inviting by believing different religions. After I think, this kind of reason should not be existed. I share what I think with you!


--Emannuel, Li 03:44, 9 February 2017 (CET)

Today I play the flute in Longtan Philhamonic. There are many students. The conductor is my sir in the army when I was in military service. I am very happy that I can play my flute with the band.

  • I play my flute in Longtan Philharmonic

--Emannuel, Li 08:03, 11 February 2017 (CET)

Taoyuan Culture Bureau offers some classes about theater. I join some of them. The class today is about musical. Do you know the picture book writer "Jimmy" ? He is famous for people in Taiwan. And some of his works are adapted to the musical. Sound of colors is the one. And the producer shares her experience for us today.

  • Taoyuan Culture Bureau's class

"Seiya Ueno" the amazing Japanese flutist. His playing skill is good. Many difficult music pieces seems easy to him. The music I post is enchanting. His expression is delicate. Very, very good.


--Emannuel, Li 11:25, 19 February 2017 (CET)

Yesterday we had a gospel meeting in Pushin. Two people were baptized. Welcome to be a baby in the family of God. May God bless them.

  • Gospel meeting in Pushin

  • Baptized

--Emannuel, Li 09:38, 25 February 2017 (CET)

Recently I take a lesson from Mooc. It is a learning system on the net. For me it is convenient. One lesson I chose is about ecology friendly. I share my thoughts with you!


--Emannuel, Li 06:06, 28 February 2017 (CET)

These two days I stayed in Taichung with the brother. The first night we listened an opera. It is written by Puccini. The story is sorrowful. The play was very wonderful. The next day, we went to our mother university, it changes a lot. Many new buildings are there. And we went to the National Opera House, the building is very special. It uses many curves, and very hard to build. It is a world-class building. And we went to the Taichung Art Museum. We saw many books introducing great artists. This travel was intellectual.

  • Listen the opera with the brother

  • Take a walk in National Chung Hsing University

  • National Opera House

--Emannuel, Li 13:01, 4 March 2017 (CET)

In my working school, there are many grasses. I select some of them to introduce. And I share it with you!


--Emannuel, Li 12:46, 7 March 2017 (CET)

This morning I had a morning revival with the brother "You-Wen, Lai". We ate the breakfast together. And we talked about ourselves. It was a happy morning.
Near the church there is a playground. It is building now, not completing yet. There is a baseball field and a basketball court.

  • Brother "You-Wen" and the playground

--Emannuel, Li 11:18, 11 March 2017 (CET)

Hi, this connect is my flute playing. It's for the test of joining the camp of orchestra. And I share it with you! Hope you like it.


--Emannuel, Li 11:40, 14 March 2017 (CET)

Now I learn two online curses. One is Global Change. I learn many new knowledge after school. Now I upload the picture. It's my homework, and I share it with you! Thanks students in my working school, they help me to finish the work.

  • The work of the class "Global Change"

--Emannuel, Li 02:13, 23 March 2017 (CET)

Sharing the subject about "cigar flower" in my working school. I take some time to do some subjects. This is one of them.


--Emannuel, Li 12:19, 23 March 2017 (CET)

Today is Lord's Day. I went to the meeting hall. Praise the Lord and Heavenly Father. In the meeting I took these photos and recorded the singing. I share them to dear brothers. Some of them don't join the meeting. I hope one day they can come back to the church.

  • Lord's Day Meeting

--Emannuel, Li 14:39, 26 March 2017 (CEST)

There are several cherry trees in my working school. I remembered they were blooming great last year. Now I observe them. They just bloom some. Hope they can bloom great next year.


--Emannuel, Li 02:12, 4 April 2017 (CEST)

Share a trip which listening the opera in Taichung with you!


--Emannuel, Li 14:29, 5 April 2017 (CEST)

Yesterday we had a meeting. The same the meals were abundant. We sang a song "we have been obtained the real freedom". In Christ we have a real freedom. When we don't be saved, we were under the rule. Satan enslaved us. Hallelujah! Now we have a real freedom in Christ. And one sister was baptized. May God bless her and her children.

  • Wednesday dinner meeting

  • A sister "Qin-Zhen, Chang" was baptized

--Cheng-Shiun, Li 02:46, 13 April 2017 (CEST)

Because my general director has burden green landscaping the school, we were busy for plant flowers recently. Coming the school there is a round garden, we plant new flowers inside. Including general director, school workers, alternative service and me spend some days to plant it. Now the round garden is changing. Hope everyone coming here like it.

  • Round garden green landscaping

--Cheng-Shiun, Li 04:57, 19 April 2017 (CEST)

After working in the school it has been three years. Now the round garden changed. I share you what happened there.


--Cheng-Shiun, Li 14:13, 23 April 2017 (CEST)

There are some problems on my internet device. If I could I will keep this working. Uploading the scores must be delayed. Sorry for everybody.

--Cheng-Shiun, Li 10:16, 2 May 2017 (CEST)

I will start to observe the plant cell by the action microscope . Now it's convenient to observe the cells and take the photo of them. Yes, action microscope. I bought it. And I will use it to observe the plant cells. Look forward to it.


--Cheng-Shiun, Li 10:23, 3 May 2017 (CEST)

Last Saturday, the brother invited me to hear wind band. I said OK, at that time I didn't know what to do. Going to Chungli and passing the leisurely time. We heard the music at a short time. And we went to the business center, there were many people. And an organization was holding the activity. It is for children against the violence. Share my thought with you!


--Cheng-Shiun, Li 11:32, 5 May 2017 (CEST)

Lord's Day meeting we were in 3 Hall, Yaoyuan City. I feel deep burden on preaching the gospel and feeding the new born saints. Oh! Lord may we participate your ministry on heaven. And we have a burden for purchasing a hall in Taoyuan west side.

  • 20170507 Lord's Day Meeting

--Cheng-Shiun, Li 09:42, 7 May 2017 (CEST)

Greeting to everybody. Last Saturday is my birthday. Thanks my mom, she loves me and encourages me to be educated. Thanks God, He takes care of me and teaches me to be a giving man. For the future I should experience God more and more. Amen!

  • My self-portrait

--Cheng-Shiun, Li 11:41, 10 May 2017 (CEST)

In Taiwan it's the ending time of spring. Before summer comes, you can see many trees budding, and many flowers blooming in the school. Share it with my friends.


--Cheng-Shiun, Li 14:03, 11 May 2017 (CEST)

Because I have something to deal with today, I went to Taipei. At the same time full-time training calling meeting and christian book fair are holding. I joined them. I was so touched by the song "called". I feel my spiritual situation weak these days. This song encourages me that don't give up my christian life.
After the calling meeting, I went to eat lunch. It was the fried noodles which I often ate when I was young. It is delicious. Then I went to the book fair. I met many brothers I know. And I was very happy to see them. At the book fair I was interested on the books introducing the saints in the Qing Dynasty and even before. At that time the society was not opened as now. To be a christian I think is hard. You had to endure many strange visions. And I was interested on what kind of the truth they saw in that feudal society. Maybe one day I will study about some of it.

  • 2017 full-time training calling meeting

  • 2017 Christian Book Fair

--Cheng-Shiun, Li 13:51, 13 May 2017 (CEST)

Lord's day meeting, saints from 9 hall in Taoyuan come to blend with us. It's the photo.

  • After lunch we take the photo

--Cheng-Shiun, Li 09:01, 14 May 2017 (CEST)

In my working school, there are some biological specimens. I observe them by action microscope. This cross slice is the stem of dicotyledonous plant. I don't know what plant it is. Share it with you!


--Cheng-Shiun, Li 13:52, 16 May 2017 (CEST)

My thoughts about the future of Taiwan.


--Cheng-Shiun, Li 02:49, 18 May 2017 (CEST)

I read a book about Indonesia. And I share it with you!


--Cheng-Shiun, Li 08:42, 20 May 2017 (CEST)

My thoughts about the foundation of basic construction in Taiwan.


--Cheng-Shiun, Li 12:33, 23 May 2017 (CEST)

Recently Mr. Zhu, Ge-Liang died. He was a artist. I wrote a short article to memorize him.


--Cheng-Shiun, Li 02:26, 24 May 2017 (CEST)

Today we have a meeting. Before read a spiritual book, we eat dinner together. The meal is abundant.

  • Today we have a meeting

--Cheng-Shiun, Li 14:57, 24 May 2017 (CEST)

Happy Dragon Boat Festival. I ate zongzi, did you?

  • Zongzi

Cooperate to prosperity.


--Cheng-Shiun, Li 12:20, 29 May 2017 (CEST)

Today's meeting! Hallelujah!

  • Young worker's meeting

--Cheng-Shiun, Li 14:40, 31 May 2017 (CEST)

Recently I saw a news. It was about a unhealthy child. He was painful to die. I have some feelings and I share with you!


--Cheng-Shiun, Li 14:36, 2 June 2017 (CEST)

Six days of Tiananmen incident is a national pain. It hurts many students have a longing for the future of China. May God heals the pain. Amen.


--Cheng-Shiun, Li 09:30, 4 June 2017 (CEST)

After introducing stem cross slices of Dicotyledonous I introduce Monocotyledons.


--Cheng-Shiun, Li 13:48, 5 June 2017 (CEST)

This morning I got up early, the brother called me to exercise. The photo is the evidence.

  • The way I took walk this morning

--Cheng-Shiun, Li 07:33, 6 June 2017 (CEST)

Last weekend we had a blending. We went to Central Taiwan Blending Center. This is National War Festival Conference. I am so lucky to be saved by Lord. In this meeting I blended with brothers. We share our experience with Lord. And we listened the message about the element of the church. No matter what condition we are, the church is heavenly, holy and resistant to death. After meeting we went the the Sugar Factory in Houli. I bought a popsicles. Then we went home. Hallelujah. Wonderful trip.

  • National War Festival Conference

  • National War Festival Conference

  • National War Festival Conference

--Cheng-Shiun, Li 03:49, 12 June 2017 (CEST)

Several days ago the director "Bo-Lin, Qi" died when he worked. He loves Taiwan by aerial photography. He leaves us great films. May God memorize him.


--Cheng-Shiun, Li 02:56, 15 June 2017 (CEST)

Recently the building in London were fired. Many people were hurt and died. I share my thoughts about fire and flood.


--Cheng-Shiun, Li 03:01, 21 June 2017 (CEST)

1 Peter 1:25 "but the word of the Lord stands forever. And this is the word that was preached to you"

  • Gospel Meeting in Pushin

--Cheng-Shiun, Li 15:14, 23 June 2017 (CEST)

Memorizing the brother "Xi-Guang, Liu". He is the victor. May God bless his family and his work in Thailand.


--Cheng-Shiun, Li 15:25, 24 June 2017 (CEST)

Many plants are blooming in summer. Poison bulb is one of them.

  • Poison bulb's flower

Another plant "Bur bristle grass". I would like to create hazy beauty of it. Dose it success?

  • Bur bristle grass

--Cheng-Shiun, Li 04:48, 26 June 2017 (CEST)

I go to see the dentist regularly. I don't like to but it is good to me. It is very hurt when the doctor deal with my teeth.

  • Go to see the dentist

This photo is the love feast on Wednesday. Hallelujah! Brother Zhao joins with us. He is sister Bing's son. May God bless them.

  • Young workers meeting

--Cheng-Shiun, Li 02:41, 29 June 2017 (CEST)

Do you know ferns? They are usually small and live in wet environments. I observe it's leaf on the action microscope and share it with you!


--Cheng-Shiun, Li 13:47, 29 June 2017 (CEST)

Today morning I got up early. Last night I didn't sleep well. I went to the park near my home. Took a walk. I saw the flowers blooming and a bird. It seemed not afraid of people. We took close. And the Azaleas in the park lives not good as in the school. May God can make them live great.

  • Flowers and bird in the park

--Cheng-Shiun, Li 02:38, 3 July 2017 (CEST)

It's easy to get ill for the plants in summer. Especially in Taiwan it's not only hot but wet. Many pathogens are easy to grow up. And many insects act in this season. In my school there are many problems on plants, and I share some with you!


--Cheng-Shiun, Li 13:02, 3 July 2017 (CEST)

To be a composer has been four years. In this period of time many problems bother me. For example my emotion is not stable. Sometimes I feel good and I can do the job. But sometimes can't. I call for Lord Jesus when I got the problem. Insomnia is another factor to bother me. If I didn't sleep well last night, I feel bad to compose. Thanks Lord! I can insist till now is amazing. Hope God can keep me composing good music in the future. Thanks fans love my music.

--Cheng-Shiun, Li 06:53, 10 July 2017 (CEST)

Yesterday we came together again. Every Wednesday night we have a meeting. I shared some messages about the heavenly food. We pray reading God's words to eat them. Then we constitute by God's nature. We human are blending with God. Amen.

  • Young workers meeting

--Emannuel, Li 03:28, 13 July 2017 (CEST)

Memorizing Mr. Xiao-Bo, Liu.


--Emannuel, Li 15:16, 14 July 2017 (CEST)

I share my experience of getting ill. I am a thinking disorder. Before it was called Schizophrenia. I have gotten this disease thirteen years. In the beginning I didn't take the medicine with the doctor. Now I change. I take the medicine regularly. Thanks Lord. His kindness are always with me. Till now I feel better than before. Please read the article.


--Emannuel, Li 13:48, 16 July 2017 (CEST)

Now I have a Japanese name, 遠藤陽生(Yoshio Endo).

--Emannuel, Li 14:32, 20 July 2017 (CEST)

Bible plants-Cedar tree.


--Emannuel, Li 10:30, 22 July 2017 (CEST)

Eslite bookstore is a very good bookstore. It is comfortable and high class for readers. I feel sorry for the establisher died.


--Emannuel, Li 07:30, 25 July 2017 (CEST)

In the summer there are many flowers blooming. I share you some. Please read the article.


--Emannuel, Li 14:42, 26 July 2017 (CEST)

This week we had summer video training. There are twelve messages. I joined two of them. It's about the vision of Ezekiel. May God bless His church.

  • 2017 Summer Video Training

--Emannuel, Li 12:58, 29 July 2017 (CEST)

Just share what I experience. Typhoon in this season in Taiwan.


--Emannuel, Li 14:28, 31 July 2017 (CEST)

Psalm 22:10 From birth I was cast upon you; from my mother's womb you have been my God. Thank you Lord, before I birth you have been known me.
Today I heard a song I like. Because it touches my heart. It almost calls my feelings. I don't know does there anyone know my pain at that time. But here God says He knows. He can understand. Sometimes my faith is weak, I could not believe Him. Strengthen me Lord.
Now I am good. I am good. I still walk on the heavenly way. Although I seldom join to the meeting. Amen!

--Emannuel, Li 14:14, 2 August 2017 (CEST)

Do you know what the lichen is? I share the part what I know with you!


--Emannuel, Li 13:11, 6 August 2017 (CEST)

About several months ago, the general director bought a firecracker flower. I planted it beside the guard office. After the typhoon it died. So sorry for it.


--Emannuel, Li 13:40, 7 August 2017 (CEST)

Today I went to see my parents. We saw the old pictures together. Sure it includes the pictures of my childhood. Time really passed by fast. Cherish what you have now. Share some pictures to you, my fans.

  • All my family

  • Mother and me

--Emannuel, Li 12:58, 12 August 2017 (CEST)

Today dear saints from Nanjing blended with us. They came to Taiwan joining the Children Character Garden. We fellowship together very happy. Amen!

  • Love feast time

--Emannuel, Li 15:04, 16 August 2017 (CEST)

Because of my college servant's son is holding a marriage testimony meeting today, I go to Taipei. Before the meeting I went to the Free Squire. There is a exhibition of Fun Learning with Snoopy. I like snoopy and I saw the exhibition. Many pictures I took. I will share them with you!
About half pass two p.m., I joined the meeting. Some brothers and sisters I have been not seen long time. We establish the connection again. Hallelujah! We sang four hymns. It's about God's covenant to us. Very sweet. Then we may encounter some problems, will you choose God or your own way? Every time we choose God, we walk with Him. Last we devote ourself to Him. Hallelujah! May God bless this home be a source of God's blessing.

  • Free Squire

  • Snoopy Exhibition

  • Brother "Qian-Rong's" marriage testimony meeting

--Emannuel, Li 13:46, 19 August 2017 (CEST)

Last weekend I went to Taipei to join the marriage testimony meeting. Before it began I went to the Free Squire. There are several exhibitions. I saw the one about Snoopy.


--Emannuel, Li 14:00, 25 August 2017 (CEST)

Today I went to Taipei. And I went to the place which I had been lived in childhood. It is Zhongshan Hall. And there is a small park near the hall. When I was a child, my brother and I offen play there. A proverb says "Time is in a hurry". Between the twinkling of an eye we have been grown up. The picture is the place. There are many memories about my childhood.

  • Zhongshan Hall in Taipei

--Emannuel, Li 08:17, 11 September 2017 (CEST)

Algae lives in ocean or damp land. Volvox in one kind of algae. I observe them by the active microscope and I share it with you.


--Emannuel, Li 12:12, 17 September 2017 (CEST)

Mid-Autumn Festival will come. Are you longing for it? In Taiwan many people will have barbecue and eat moon cake. What a wonderful time with your family or friends. I write a short poem and share it with you!

  • Some feelings in Mid-Autumn Festival

--Emannuel, Li 13:00, 18 September 2017 (CEST)

I joined the young worker special meeting. This time we have a fellowship about shepherd organically and building up the God's home. Many activities we will do coming few months. Including the 2018 International Chinese Special Meeting. Many saints from the world will come. We need to admit them during the time. And we will sing the hymn in the meeting. God I need you!

  • 2017 Young Workers Special Meeting

--Emannuel, Li 10:23, 24 September 2017 (CEST)

About three times a day I will patrol the school. In the route I notice the plants and see children playing. I write a short article explaining what I see and I share it with you.


--Emannuel, Li 14:44, 27 September 2017 (CEST)

Today is Lord's day. As usual I went to the church. Christ is our land, we should manage it. The land is abundant. He is the all-inclusive Christ. We, assembly become His temple and city when we enjoy Him. He, our God can rest in peace and manage here. Amen!

  • Lord's day meeting in Pusin, Yanmei Dist.

--Emannuel, Li 03:10, 9 October 2017 (CEST)

Today I join the brother serving blending meeting. In the morning I went to the Hall 1 by train. I took the picture. You can see it.
The message is about the recovery of the church. I touched it is said when we are one then God lower the blessing. It is signified by the oil poured on Aaron's head and the honeydew decent on the Zion's mountain. How wonderful! Hallelujah!

  • The rail way

--Emannuel, Li 10:39, 21 October 2017 (CEST)

Halloween's Day will come. Wish you have a happy day. There are blessings from the students in the school.

  • The blessings from the students

When you go into the school, there are left and right rows of golden leaves. I cut out one leave, and observe it under the active microscope. I share the result with you!


Several days there are not raining, in the round garden plaints are enduring it. Leaves are wrinkled. I observed them and share it with you!


There is one poonga-oil tree near the east of the door in the school. I cut out leaves of it, and observed it under the active microscope. It is blooming now, I share something with you!


There is one poonga-oil tree near the east of the door in the school. I cut out leaves of it, and observed it under the active microscope. It is blooming now, I share something with you!


--Emannuel, Li 11:15, 25 October 2017 (CEST)

Last Sunday I went to Taipei to join the new book presentation. It's Mr. Hideaki Oba presenting his new book "Bunsho Hayada". Mr. Hyayda is a botanist when Taiwan had been governed by Japan. He had a great contribution of botany in Taiwan. I am interested of it.


In the evening there was a concert in Zhongshan Hall. I know a musician "Nan-Cheng, Chen" playing cell at this concert. He played Tchaikovsky's music "Rococo Theme Variation" It's wonderful!


--Emannuel, Li 07:20, 26 October 2017 (CEST)

Cute students are blessing to you! Merry X'mas.

Merry X'mas from students in GaoRong

--Emannuel, Li 12:47, 31 October 2017 (CET)

Do you have a spiritual partner? In this last ear it is important. it would the best you have four to five spiritual partners. When you feel weakness, the others can help you! Amen! Hope you can find spiritual partner.

  • We enjoy the loving feast

--Emannuel, Li 01:20, 2 November 2017 (CET)

Let's see something about Paramecium and Chlamydomonas.


--Emannuel, Li 13:24, 4 November 2017 (CET)

There were traffic volunteers when I got this job in 2014. Now it is cancelled. Thanks their helping.


--Emannuel, Li 06:01, 7 November 2017 (CET)

I who was born in 1970~1980 describe the past by myself.


--Emannuel, Li 10:03, 8 November 2017 (CET)

There is a sports competition in GaoRong Elementary School today. I see many students who have graduated from this school coming back. I am very happy! I share some photos with you!

  • Sports Competition

  • Sports Competition

  • Sports Competition

--Emannuel, Li 09:42, 11 November 2017 (CET)

After waiting for about one month I got my new piccolo. The model is YAMAHA YPC-62. This piccolo is not top, but for me it's affordable. It's made by grenadilla. The key is silver plated. I hope its sound is soft and it can be harmonious in band.

  • My new piccolo

--Emannuel, Li 10:59, 14 November 2017 (CET)

In the internet one friend shares a link. It connects to the Biodiversity Heritage Library(BHL). There are many beautiful pictures of creature. I combined the flute sound which I played and the pictures making a film. I upload it to the Youtube. Now I share it with you!


--Emannuel, Li 09:24, 18 November 2017 (CET)

Fungi is a group of special life. They do not belong to plants and animals. But they have some similar points of them. I observed Penicillium under the active microscope.


--Emannuel, Li 12:38, 19 November 2017 (CET)

Sometimes I played the flute using the book "100 Classical Studies for Flute". I just played the notes according to the sheet music. Until these days I seek for the informations about the composers. After understanding the composers' background, I believe I will perform the music next time playing the flute.


--Emannuel, Li 03:16, 26 November 2017 (CET)

We have the meeting at Wednesday week after week. Receiving the life of Christ by His holy word. He changes our life day by day. Then we can constitute the new Jerusalem. May God comes back soon.

  • Loving feast meeting at Wednesday

--Emannuel, Li 02:36, 30 November 2017 (CET)

Briefly narrative to the schools of higher education were setting up in the world


--Emannuel, Li 11:09, 2 December 2017 (CET)

Sharing you two articles. One is the beautiful view in my working school. Another is the exhibition about 120 anniversary of Kawakami Takami happened marimo in the National Taiwan Museum.



--Emannuel, Li 13:15, 9 December 2017 (CET)

My second work about combining the pictures of plants and the flute music played by me. And I share it with you! The pictures is provided by the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL). Thanks their selflessly providing.


--Emannuel, Li 13:25, 10 December 2017 (CET)

Hello! Everybody! Merry X'mas from the students in GaoRong Elementary School! Wish you have a nice year!

  • Merry X'mas

  • Merry X'mas

--Emannuel, Li 01:56, 14 December 2017 (CET)

Mourning for an author Mr. "Guang-Zhong, Yu".


--Emannuel, Li 07:37, 14 December 2017 (CET)

Mourning for China people died in Nanjing Massacre.


--Emannuel, Li 11:45, 14 December 2017 (CET)

My new flute is in my hand today. It's YAMAHA YFL-472 which belongs to the advanced model. All 925 silver plated on it. Thanks Lord.

  • My new flute

--Emannuel, Li 10:58, 18 December 2017 (CET)

2017 Full-Time Training Winter Graduated Meeting is holding today. I went to Taipei. The weather is fine. I feel great to join this meeting. In the meeting I listen their testimony concentratedly. I touched that they conquer many environments in the training process. Apparently they have different experiences, but there are some Christ life constituted into them. And they can live in the church life and being a living limb in the church life. Hallelujah! May God lead their forward way continuously. We always live for Christ and His body.

  • 2017 Full-Time Training Graduated Meeting

--Emannuel, Li 09:41, 23 December 2017 (CET)

In my working school, there is a round flower garden. Pedicles are obviously saw. I observed them and share some my knowing to you!


--Emannuel, Li 02:27, 25 December 2017 (CET)

I share some of the book "Bunzo Hayata", it is wrote by Hideaki Ohba. Bunzo Hayata was an important scholar of botany, especially he stayed in Taiwan many years to study the plants. So for Taiwan he has huge influence in the field of botany here. That time Taiwan was dominated by Japan.


--Emannuel, Li 13:09, 31 December 2017 (CET)

My thankful testimonies this year (2017). One is about myself, another is about the young workers' meeting.

  • 短文-2017個人年終感恩見證.pdf
  • 短文-2017青職小排見證.pdf

--Emannuel, Li 14:04, 1 January 2018 (CET)

Originally I went to the gospel meeting by my motorcycle in Fugang yesterday. On the way I fell down a ditch. My motorcycle was broken. Fortunately I had no serious hurt. Thanks Lord. On Sunday I went to the meeting hall in Luzhu. We have practiced the hymns for International Chinese Special Meeting. Amen! Brother said we will sing in front of the presidential palace. Wow! It will be a special experience for us.

  • Young worker saints practice singing hymns

--Emannuel, Li 13:16, 7 January 2018 (CET)

After working I went to Tsannkuen Co., Ltd. in Yanmei Dist. buying blank CDs. By the way I ate dinner in McDonald's near the company. Filet-O-Fish® I ordered. Show the picture to you!

  • Eating dinner in McDonald's

--Emannuel, Li 12:27, 12 January 2018 (CET)

The little mimi has been sick several days. Yesterday he finished the operation. I went to the animal hospital to see him today. He needs to stayed there five days. Because the cut is still flowing pus. How pitiful he is. Hope he can be healthy quickly.

  • The mimi has been stayed in the animal hospital

--Emannuel, Li 12:50, 18 January 2018 (CET)

The film of Plant Picture C had been finished. Sharing it with you! Hope you like it.


--Emannuel, Li 09:56, 21 January 2018 (CET)

Writing something about flowers are not easy. I will try. Share this article with you!


--Emannuel, Li 13:32, 22 January 2018 (CET)

We, Taoyuan Meeting Hall 3 have gospel meeting every month. Today we hold the meeting. There are three people baptized becoming God's children. How joyful we are. Hallelujah!

  • Gospel meeting

--Emannuel, Li 13:52, 26 January 2018 (CET)

The film of Plant Picture D had been finished. Sharing it with you!


--Emannuel, Li 10:09, 3 February 2018 (CET)

Because of the film "Spicy and Funny Teachers" I know the artist Qian. At that time I can't see he has been sick. I am shocked when I got the message he was died. May God lead him to the heavenly home.


--Emannuel, Li 12:28, 5 February 2018 (CET)

Potted plants bring me the thoughts of life. Sharing the article with you!


--Emannuel, Li 01:14, 6 February 2018 (CET)

Today is Lunar New Year's Eve, I went to the 3 Meeting Hall in Taoyuan City in the evening. There is the International Chinese Speaking Meeting in Taipei during the coming three days, many saints from other countries in the world come to Taiwan. Some saints form Korea and Mainland China have the love feast with us. The feast is abundant. We are joyful to blend together. Amen!

  • Blending with the saints from Korea and Mainland China

--Emannuel, Li 13:34, 15 February 2018 (CET)

Today is Lunar New Year's Day Two, in traditional daughter in law will go back her mother's home. I went to my parents' living place. We ate dinner together. Dinner was well. We talked a lot, some about mother's worried things. I told her we should pray for my brother's being baptized and don't worry.

  • Family's Reunion

--Emannuel, Li 12:50, 17 February 2018 (CET)

I take the tour bus with saints to Nan-Kang Exhibition Center joining the 2018 International Chinese Speaking Conference today. The message is that the goal of Lord's Recovery is to produce one new man. We need to practice three main points in life. The first we should allow the peace of Christ to arbitrate in our heart, the second we need to let the word of Christ dwell in us richly, the third we need to persevere in prayer. Amen! Now when we go back to our local church, we should practice these points.

  • 2018 International Chinese Speaking Conference

--Emannuel, Li 10:31, 18 February 2018 (CET)

The article is about my power of making music. Sharing it with you!


--Emannuel, Li 13:17, 21 February 2018 (CET)

Yesterday I went to the Taiwan Museum to join the lecture. Sharing the knowledge I gained with you!


--Emannuel, Li 07:56, 25 February 2018 (CET)

Last Saturday I went to the Taiwan Museum. The exhibition of carnivorous plants was holding. I share what knowledge I gained with you!

  • The exhibition of carnivorous plant


--Emannuel, Li 10:44, 26 February 2018 (CET)

Prothallium is the heart-shaped of Fern's gametophyte. I observed it in the active microscope, and I share some its knowledge to you!


--Emannuel, Li 12:59, 27 February 2018 (CET)

Recently I was confused about my future. I think it, and I share what I think with you!


--Emannuel, Li 08:58, 4 March 2018 (CET)

A poem for memorizing the pastor "Billy Graham".


--Emannuel, Li 14:00, 6 March 2018 (CET)


I would say sorry to everybody caring for me. Before I said I won't participate the graduated school entrance. Now I change my mind. God's will is higher than me. May God bless my way. He knows what is good for me.

--Emannuel, Li 03:05, 9 March 2018 (CET)

Because of the entrance exam of the inservice master program in life science I went to Taichung these two days. Yesterday I lived in the brother house of the local church in Taichung. I had been lived there about six to seven years, now something changed. Brothers, furnishing…etc. But many things and dear saints are so closed to me. And one of the interviewer is my teacher before. Thanks Lord !

  • The brother house of local church in Taichung

Sharing the picture of beautiful flowers in my working school.

  • Some beautiful flowers in my working school

--Emannuel, Li 10:01, 11 March 2018 (CET)

Sharing the story of the pastor Mackey.


--Emannuel, Li 13:22, 14 March 2018 (CET)

"Phoebe, Ke" how brave the sister is. Although your life is short, your testimony of loving life and no fear to death strengthens us. The video is the song she wrote and sang. We all miss you, and see you in the heaven.


--Emannuel, Li 04:06, 17 March 2018 (CET)

Recently many famous people had been left us including Mr. "Au, Li" and Stephen William Hawking. Mr. Hawking is a famous physicist, he has great contributions in the physical field to people. And Mr. "Au, Li" is a famous author in Taiwan. May God bless them.


--Emannuel, Li 13:32, 18 March 2018 (CET)

Sharing some thoughts about the small potted plant-lavender in the school.


--Emannuel, Li 12:44, 20 March 2018 (CET)

The book "Père Urbain Jean Faurie" I read, and I share some knowledge of it with you!


--Emannuel, Li 13:53, 25 March 2018 (CEST)

There is one pot of skullcaplike coleus in my working school. Sharing something I know with you!


--Emannuel, Li 14:51, 27 March 2018 (CEST)


I pass the entrance examination of inservice master program in life science. The department is in National Chung-Hsing University. I don't know should I register it? There are some worried things bother me. Lord, I pray to You. May You introduce my front way. Amen!
It's almost impossible for me to study again. Because I have two loans being needed to pay back. And my health is not good. Going to Taichung to study is a burden for me. Amen!

--Emannuel, Li 02:44, 29 March 2018 (CEST)

Enjoy some flowers of plants in my working school.


--Emannuel, Li 13:39, 30 March 2018 (CEST)

Sharing some knowledges about chrysanthemum "Margaret".


--Emannuel, Li 14:14, 3 April 2018 (CEST)

Yesterday is a holiday, we still have the young worker meeting. There was a new friend, Mr. Xu, coming here. His health is not good. May God bless him.

  • Young worker meeting on Wednesday.

--Emannuel, Li 02:12, 5 April 2018 (CEST)

Sharing some knowledge I know about banyan tree in my working school.


--Emannuel, Li 09:47, 8 April 2018 (CEST)

This afternoon I want to compose, but I started to cough. I feel like to have sunbathe. So I went to the Taoyuan Agriculture Expo. The expo is huge. Many things you can see, you can eat and you can play. Just one afternoon is not enough. I just looked around some place, there are many other place I had not visited. Maybe it is my habit, I took the many photos of flowers.

One exhibition is agricultural machinery. Modernized technology help people farm more efficiently. We should use it reasonably. Another exhibition is youth entrepreneurship. It shows the young's creativity. I am interesting in it. Many small work booth were setting up. Just go around one circle, you can find many interesting things. Last I want to introduce is green maze. The wall places many plant pots. Very beautiful. It's not really hard for you to walk out. Just enjoy walking the ways around the plants, and you can take photos there. Great for you to enjoy the journey.

  • 2018 Taoyuan Agriculture Expo

  • 2018 Taoyuan Agriculture Expo

Sharing with you what I see in the 2018 Taoyuan Agriculture Expo.


--Emannuel, Li 11:37, 10 April 2018 (CEST)

I decide to study in the inservice master program, life science, National Chung-Hsing University, next semester. May God bless I have a happy studying.

--Emannuel, Li 12:27, 15 April 2018 (CEST)

I introduce some plants you can see in 2018 Taoyuan Agriculture Expo.


--Emannuel, Li 03:20, 19 April 2018 (CEST)

Creeping oxalis is infected the rust. Please read what I know about it.


--Emannuel, Li 03:33, 24 April 2018 (CEST)

The observation and records of the plants in GaoRong Elementary School


--Emannuel, Li 08:29, 26 April 2018 (CEST)

Sharing some knowledges about butterfly orchid.


--Emannuel, Li 13:00, 1 May 2018 (CEST)

Share some knowledges after watching the Korean movies "Along with the Gods".


--Emannuel, Li 03:37, 7 May 2018 (CEST)

Tomorrow is Mother's Day. I bought a cake and visited my mom today. She is talkative. We talked her new work. Now she become a stock market advisor. Although the pay is little, she is happy now. And we talk about my recent living. May God bless my family. Amen and thanks my Lord.

  • 2018 Happy Mother's Day

--Emannuel, Li 11:56, 12 May 2018 (CEST)

I wrote an article about the spring. Sharing it with you!


--Emannuel, Li 14:24, 15 May 2018 (CEST)

Yesterday we have a group meeting. We ate the feast and had a nice fellowship. Thanks Lord. Than we took a photo.

  • The photo of group meeting on Wednesday

--Emannuel, Li 04:02, 17 May 2018 (CEST)

We have a youth gospel gathering tonight. Hallelujah. Some gospel friends were coming here. The loving feast was abundant. We ate and had fellowship with each other. In the meeting three brothers or sisters testified to us how they believe into Christ. The testimony was great. May God bless all friends they can believe into You too. Amen!

  • Youth Gospel Gathering

--Emannuel, Li 15:18, 19 May 2018 (CEST)

Sharing the film of the plant picture E with you! Just enjoy it!


--Emannuel, Li 14:24, 21 May 2018 (CEST)

It's the flower season of poinciana and it means the coming graduated season. Share the article about the poinciana with you!


--Emannuel, Li 12:40, 26 May 2018 (CEST)

Today my general director gave me one died tiger bee and its' hive. It reminds me the experience of seeing the snakes and tiger bees in the school. Now I share it with you!


--Emannuel, Li 13:19, 29 May 2018 (CEST)

Sharing the film of plant pictures F with you!


--Emannuel, Li 11:05, 2 June 2018 (CEST)

Would plants talk? I think they will. Share you an article about what I think.


--Emannuel, Li 13:04, 6 June 2018 (CEST)

Today the students of middle age training in Taiwan come here Hall 3 in Taoyuan blending with us. The blending meeting is great. They sing three hymns and share several testimonies for us. We need be trained for being useful in the Lord's hand. Amen!

  • 2018 spring class of Middle Age Training in Taiwan (MTT) exhibit meeting

--Emannuel, Li 09:40, 9 June 2018 (CEST)

Flowers are beautiful. There are some flowers blooming in the school. I took photos of them and wrote an article. Now I share it with you!


--Emannuel, Li 13:04, 9 June 2018 (CEST)

Before I bought a music "Matthew's Passion" from iTune. Share some thoughts about it with you!


--Emannuel, Li 04:21, 13 June 2018 (CEST)

See something about the music "John's Passion".


--Emannuel, Li 13:28, 14 June 2018 (CEST)

Sharing some knowledges about plasmodesmata. Please read the article.


My observation record about common petunias planted in the school.


--Emannuel, Li 13:39, 19 June 2018 (CEST)

There is the Summer Full-Time Training Graduated Meeting in Xinji Building today. After lunch I took the train to Taipei. Full-Time Training is important for the young people after the college. It help young people to become the function limb in the body of Christ. So if you had joined the training, you are the elite solders to the Lord. I didn't join the training, but I consider myself a full-timer for the Lord. Amen. Their testimonies are great. May Lord bless them all.

  • 2018 Summer Full-Time Training Graduated Meeting

--Emannuel, Li 13:17, 23 June 2018 (CEST)

I give up the entrance of the graduated school. Many things happened recently include the cat has been gotten sick, my parents have to move from the place they are living now. A girl we made a friend on line send me a gift costing me much money. Another reason is that my character is lazy, maybe I can't insist to the end of the semester. And many other things have bothered me. So I give up. Sorry for the people encouraged me to study. Thank you! May God bless you all and my decision. Amen!

--Emannuel, Li 12:16, 1 July 2018 (CEST)

Sharing my thoughts about the diversity of plants.


--Emannuel, Li 02:43, 6 July 2018 (CEST)

Today I joined a children group. We prayed first and then we went to the park. Singing and inviting the children came to listen the story. May God bless His economy.

  • The children group in the park

--Emannuel, Li 12:52, 8 July 2018 (CEST)

Sharing the knowledges about the observation of the leaf cross-section.


--Emannuel, Li 13:10, 15 July 2018 (CEST)

Sharing the observation of Impatiens these days in my working school.


--Emannuel, Li 12:52, 20 July 2018 (CEST)

Sharing some knowledges about Hendel and his oratorio "Messiah".


--Emannuel, Li 12:20, 23 July 2018 (CEST)

Sharing the observation of Paris Daisy these days in my working school.


--Emannuel, Li 03:58, 25 July 2018 (CEST)

Today afternoon I went to Zhongli to join the marry testimony meeting. Brother Jiun-Luen, Jau got married today. How happiness we brothers and sisters are. He is a nice brother and he got married a nice sister. May God bless this new family.

  • Brother Jiun-Luen's marry testimony meeting

--Emannuel, Li 11:57, 5 August 2018 (CEST)

Sharing my observation of spider aralia to you! It's leave are beautiful. The color of it is yellow or green. A special tree I think.


--Emannuel, Li 07:52, 13 August 2018 (CEST)

The report is about improving the breath of roots near the motorcycle shed. Share it with you!


--Emannuel, Li 11:36, 13 August 2018 (CEST)

Brief introducing of the plant "red polka" in my working school. Because of my carelessness it was died. And my observation is rare. Sorry!


--Emannuel, Li 07:17, 14 August 2018 (CEST)

Sharing some knowledges about the plant "olive" in Bible.


--Emannuel, Li 14:10, 14 August 2018 (CEST)

My friend send me a gift. It's amulet. Necklace was engraved a Buddha statue. Originally I reject it, after some days later I receive it cause of her mind. She hope me safe. Now am I a Buddhist? I don't know. One thing I am sure that God loves everyone whether what the religion he believes.

  • Selfie-amulet

--Emannuel, Li 02:45, 25 August 2018 (CEST)

Share some knowledges about the ancient ferns.


--Emannuel, Li 14:11, 30 August 2018 (CEST)

Share some knowledges about different species of roses.


--Emannuel, Li 14:45, 1 September 2018 (CEST)

Share the film about plants I made with you! Enjoy it.


--Emannuel, Li 12:02, 9 September 2018 (CEST)

Share the observation of the coleus flower under the active microscope with you!


New scenery this semester in the school


--Emannuel, Li 13:04, 10 September 2018 (CEST)

Share some knowledges of plants in Bible-Lylis.


--Emannuel, Li 14:08, 13 September 2018 (CEST)

Remembering the brother "Shiau-Wen".


--Emannuel, Li 02:44, 14 September 2018 (CEST)

Today I went to New Taipei City. It's holding the musical festival now. I went there to join an informal discussion. The speakers are couple and they are a director and a screenwriter. They share some experience about their works. After the discussion I think the development of the music drama in Korea is better now. We know the famous musical drama developed early is Broadway. Some famous examples are "Cats", "The Phantom of the Opera"…etc. But in Korea or Taiwan, the kind of musical drama is gradually developing recent 20 years. To make one musical drama is hard, the audience buys the ticket to see the show is important. Then the virtuous cycle is happened. This industry will be better in the future.

  • The Musical Festival in New Taipei City

--Emannuel, Li 11:45, 15 September 2018 (CEST)

Share some knowledges about the flower-jasmine.


My observation of the plant-lavender in my working school.


--Emannuel, Li 13:33, 17 September 2018 (CEST)

Today is Wednesday meeting, some sisters bring the feast here. The feast is abundant. We enjoy it. Now sisters and young children are increased then before.
After the feast, we read the message about the "Split open bread meeting". The bread is signature His body. After eating the bread we drink the cup. The cup is signature His blood. When we come to this meeting, it says we are waiting for His second time coming. Amen!

  • Wednesday Meeting

--Emannuel, Li 14:37, 19 September 2018 (CEST)

Some stones I found in my working school.


--Emannuel, Li 07:58, 25 September 2018 (CEST)

Share three flower photos I took and some knowledges about them.


--Emannuel, Li 14:26, 27 September 2018 (CEST)

Brief introducing of brown root disease and some trees got it in my working school. Share what I know with you!


--Emannuel, Li 13:16, 2 October 2018 (CEST)

Share the observation and introduction of golden dew in my working school.


--Emannuel, Li 13:23, 5 October 2018 (CEST)

Share the short article about the blessing or misfortune of the world when China have became strong.


--Emannuel, Li 14:54, 6 October 2018 (CEST)

This afternoon I went to Chungli to listen a lecture. It's about the opera "La traviata". Alexandre Dumas fils wrote the masterpiece "La dame aux camélias" and Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi composed it. The specter is Dr. Yung-Kai, Tsai, and the lecture held in the Chungli Art Gallery today. Before starting, I saw the art exhibition. Many pictures are drew well, I marveled in my heart. I photoed two pictures.

Then the lecture started. The speaker explained the opera carefully. I enjoyed the whole process. The heroine is a prostitute, Violetta Valery. She was played by soprano. She got sick, but love a young men, Alfredo Germont. He was played by tenor. The story is poignant and attractive. Dr. Tsai show us the edition is played in Salzburg Music Festival. The director changed the original edition except the music and the play. Thanks God for listening the lecture.

  • Art exhibition in Chungli Art Gallery

--Emannuel, Li 12:07, 7 October 2018 (CEST)

Share the difficulty I encounter in my composing and my Christen faith help me conquer it.


--Emannuel, Li 13:24, 10 October 2018 (CEST)

Message said God's work is done by Himself, we just enjoy what He does for us. We don't need to do anymore for Him. So I decide to stop observing the plants in my working school. This burden I give it to God. Thanks Lord!

--Emannuel, Li 10:06, 14 October 2018 (CEST)

Some gained knowledges after watching the movie "Namiya Zakkaten no Kiseki".


--Emannuel, Li 03:32, 16 October 2018 (CEST)

Happy Halloween to everybody from the students.

  • Happy Halloween

  • Happy Halloween

--Emannuel, Li 07:03, 18 October 2018 (CEST)

Mourning Mr. Jau-Nan, Wu.


--Emannuel, Li 03:00, 19 October 2018 (CEST)

Today I didn't go to the Lord's Table Meeting, I feel sorry for that. But some opinions from the Christian confused me. I need some time to move out from it.

This afternoon I went to Chungli to listen a lecture "Franz Schubert's Lied". The speaker introduced about three songs "Heidenröslein", "Linden", and "Auf dem wasser zu singen". The poems are beautiful and the songs are too. Schubert's composition is very good.

--Emannuel, Li 11:23, 21 October 2018 (CEST)

These two days I went to Taipei. On the one hand I visit the 2018 Christian Book Fair, on the other hand I take the entrance exam of the State-owned business of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. I must to say it's so hard for me to live this two days outside. Luckily I finished this Taipei travel.
The picture showed here is the Christian Book Fair. I bought some presents for my scorpion and parents. Of cause for myself I bought the suit cd "The songs of Life". I have thought to buy it many many years ago. Now I got it.
Then the painful thing came. I forgot bringing the medicine, and because of the habit I didn't sleep all night. Not for the Inn, the implements of it are good. It's my habit. I could not sleep apart from my sweet home. So the second day, I felt tired. Really luckily I finished the exam. Thanks Lord. He always takes care of me. Amen.

  • 2018 Christian Book Fair

--Emannuel, Li 10:37, 28 October 2018 (CET)

Share the thoughts after watching the movie "Christopher Robin", and listening the lecture "Wang, Lin, Zoo and Memory of the citizens".


There is the exhibition of "Watch Out, Elephant Coming!" in Taiwan Museum. I took some photos there. The left side is the theme board. Upper right corner shows the Ivory poaching, and bottom right corner shows elephant skull. I forgot it is Asian elephant's or Africa elephant's. It's huge. The weight of one mature elephant may come to 3-5 ton. They are really the biggest terrestrial organism.

  • The exhibition of "Watch Out, Elephant Coming" in Taiwan Museum


--Emannuel, Li 00:08, 11 November 2018 (CET)

Share some thoughts and contents after watching the book "The Empire of the Sea".


--Emannuel, Li 11:59, 14 November 2018 (CET)

After some few days election is coming. This time we have mayor, city councilor, village chief elections. Of course the most important is referendum. Several referendum cases need Taiwanese to decide. So come on! We try our best to face it and drop the ballot. May God bless!


--Emannuel, Li 13:07, 20 November 2018 (CET)

Share some thoughts after watching the movie "Along with the Gods: The Last 49 Days".


--Emannuel, Li 13:08, 22 November 2018 (CET)

Share the film about plants I made with you! Enjoy it. All pictures were download from Biodiversity Heritage Library(BHL).


--Emannuel, Li 02:14, 29 November 2018 (CET)

Last Saturday I joined the 9th international conference of clinical plant science in Taichung. The holding place was in the Chung-Hsing University. Coming back to my mother college again. It's familiar to me.

We talked about the new concept how to build up the system of plant doctor. It's a new concept and big project. We have a doctor, veterinary in the human society. What's about the plants? All as the life we may get sick. But we have no plants doctor system to solve the disease of plants. In Taiwan we have Agricultural improvement field and Forestry Laboratory, when plants got disease, you can ask the experts in these two organizations now.

In this conference we talked about how to train staffs to have the professional skills to diagnose plant's disease, promote plant's health and reduce the chemical pesticide using to protect our environment. In Japan they start the system of plant doctor several years. We will try to carry out the system now. Please link the website and download the file to understand the brief way to carry out the system. It needs many aspects to coordinate include the universities, Government agency, Agricultural industry, and research units...etc. Long way we have to go.

In this conference I also see many results of the research report. Many students also post their research results. Their doings are excellent. I communicated two of them to understand their research. Thanks all experts and students participate this conference. I gain some knowledges much.

At night I joined the NTSO 73th Anniversary Celebrating Concert. This is my first time going to the position of the NTSO. The concert hall is comfortable. The sound of each instruments can be heard very clearly.

In this tour there was one thing making me feel bad. It's I spent too much money. Almost two thousands I spent in this tour. Oh! God! Please forgive me. Amen!

  • The 9th International Conference of Plant Clinic Science

  • NTSO 73th Anniversary Celebrating Concert

--Emannuel, Li 10:26, 2 December 2018 (CET)

Recently three outstanding people died. They have great contributions for people. We, posterities will commentate them. May God insist blessing this world.




--Emannuel, Li 08:14, 9 December 2018 (CET)

Mr. Bing-Kuen, Jiang had been served a Chairman of the SEF. Thanks for his contribution on dealing with the events of both sides of the strait.


--Emannuel, Li 13:57, 10 December 2018 (CET)

It's my opinion about the difference between Democracy and Populism. Please read the article.


--Emannuel, Li 06:54, 12 December 2018 (CET)

China holds the Nanjing Great Slaughter Receiver Festival today. I am glad to see this. Share the short article with you!


--Emannuel, Li 10:32, 13 December 2018 (CET)

Recently many reports about the african swine fever spreading out in China are appearing. It brings out huge property loss. I have some thoughts. Please read the article.


--Emannuel, Li 11:25, 14 December 2018 (CET)

Today the Hall 3 in Taoyuan, Pusin Dist. hold the 2018 Year-end Thanksgiving Meeting in CitySuites. Thanks Lord. This year I participate the Youth Meeting on Wednesday night. Although sometimes I didn't participate, most of the time I participate with dear brothers and sisters. Church life is sweet. We enjoy the abundant loving feast and spiritual feeding by reading the spiritual books. You can reference my testimony. I upload it here.

After lunch we go to Bali Left Bank Park. Brother "Ming-Je, Chang" and I rent the bicycles and ride it to tour the park. There are holding the sand sculpture exhibition now. They are exquisite. One hour later we take the walk. The Tamsui River is just in front of us. Some boats are on the river. Also one sail is there. Wind blows, and the weather is not too cold. It's nice day to go outside. Hallelujah. Amen!


  • 2018 Year-end Thanksgiving Meeting

--Emannuel, Li 12:22, 16 December 2018 (CET)

Sharing the short article about the touring in the Bali Left Bank Park yesterday.


--Emannuel, Li 02:43, 17 December 2018 (CET)

These few years people talk about Transformation justice including national currency revision and remove the memorial bronze statue in Freedom square. Share my some thoughts with you!


--Emannuel, Li 02:33, 20 December 2018 (CET)

Thanks Lord! My morning revival partner, brother "Han-Ting, Ji" will graduate from Full Time Training of the church. The graduated meeting is coming Saturday. How unfortunately I will substitute at that day. I can't join the meeting. After graduated, he will serve the Lord in Taichung. May God bless him. Amen!

  • The invitation card of 2018 Full Time Training Winter Graduated Meeting

--Emannuel, Li 02:58, 20 December 2018 (CET)

Merry Christmas from the students in GaoRong Elementary School.

  • Merry Christmas

--Emannuel, Li 06:16, 22 December 2018 (CET)

As the families my family have problems too. Share my thoughts about the problem we face now.


--Emannuel, Li 12:33, 24 December 2018 (CET)

At the end of the year 2018 I share one poem with you!


--Emannuel, Li 01:50, 31 December 2018 (CET)

Share some my thoughts about the influence between reporters and missionaries.


--Emannuel, Li 07:00, 2 January 2019 (CET)

Camilla is blooming now. Waiting for this about two or three years. Share some knowledges about the camilla in my working school.


--Emannuel, Li 12:38, 3 January 2019 (CET)

This afternoon I joined the married meeting of brother "Bo-Yan". He gave up previous girlfriend in order to cooperate God's mind. Now he got a sister in Lord. As the record on Bible "Belief and unbelief do not match the same negative yoke". He does it. Amen! May God bless him.

  • The married meeting of the brother "Bo-Yan"

--Emannuel, Li 12:53, 5 January 2019 (CET)

Lord! Let me be a fool.


--Emannuel, Li 13:07, 7 January 2019 (CET)

Share the film about the plants I made. All pictures were download from Biodiversity Heritage Library.


--Emannuel, Li 13:12, 18 January 2019 (CET)

We had gospel meeting today. So I went to the church. Thanks brother and sister share their testimony to let me revisit the joy of birth. After the meeting, a brother told me the chaos of educational units in Wuhu County. Share my thoughts to everybody. Hope it can help us to be a law-abiding national.


A while ago the accounting director in my working school chatted with me. He told me his little boy were interested in biology. I share my some thoughts with him. Now I post it here.


--Emannuel, Li 14:58, 25 January 2019 (CET)

One day after the meeting, the brother "Fan-Yu" took me home by driving the car. We talked about his full time service or study abroad in the future. I wrote the short letter for him, and now I post it here.


--Emannuel, Li 04:09, 26 January 2019 (CET)

After the mediation in the court last time I wrote the short article about filial piety to my brother. Now I post it here.


--Emannuel, Li 11:10, 26 January 2019 (CET)

Remembering the sister "Jin-Chi, Li-Lin".


--Emannuel, Li 12:54, 26 January 2019 (CET)

Several weeks the accounting director in the school went to my office to check the monitor. I asked him does something happen? He said there was the teacher applied additional amount. So I wrote some short letters to him explaining my thoughts about the event. Now I post them here.



--Emannuel, Li 12:03, 28 January 2019 (CET)

Should mentally ill reduce penalty? Share my thoughts to you!


--Emannuel, Li 12:29, 29 January 2019 (CET)

Several days ago brother "Wei-Ji, Chen" often line me about his hard preparing the exam of physician license. I wrote him some short letters and now I post them here.




--Emannuel, Li 01:45, 1 February 2019 (CET)

Today we have the 2019 Taoyuan City South Meeting Area in Emperor Ridge Restaurant. I got up at about eight o'clock. The weather is hot. I rode my motorcycle to the meeting place.

Some brothers and sisters sang songs for us. Then we started the Lord's table meeting. Thanks Lord! We can meet together before the lunar new year. After that two brothers released the messages. I touched that we are the partners of the Lord. We should be regardless of our own right but caring of the Lord's right. In the coming new year, we should follow the Lord's steps, be His witness. No matter whether He goes we follow Him tightly.

Then we saw the media of the church life. It attracts us deeply. Some brothers and sisters shared their testimony of living their church life. And some shared their testimony about preaching the gospel in India and Germany. Hallelujah! The church life is abundant and multi-faced. Hope more and more new born babies can live in the church life like us. Amen!

  • 2019 Taoyuan City South Meeting Area in Emperor Ridge Restaurant

--Emannuel, Li 08:53, 3 February 2019 (CET)

Mourning the brother "Jung-Ren". May God keep giving His grace to this family.


--Emannuel, Li 13:12, 3 February 2019 (CET)

I list some urgent priority I thought.


--Emannuel, Li 12:11, 8 February 2019 (CET)

Chinese has been changed. We are all Chinese nation, feeling honor with each other.


--Emannuel, Li 05:17, 9 February 2019 (CET)

Remembering old brother "Jen-Nan, Wang".


I put forward my opinion about the problem of Xizang Autonomous Region in China.


--Emannuel, Li 02:02, 12 February 2019 (CET)

Through this fellowship I know his sickness. He has serious allergy, and he decides to exercise in the morning to improve the sickness. Now we have no morning revival temporarily. May God bless him.


My sister-in-law was distributed. Now she is worried about the future. I have a short fellowship with her according to my previous experience. Now I share it with you!


--Emannuel, Li 03:26, 13 February 2019 (CET)

After talking with my sister-in-law I know my elder brother's difficulties. So I try to explain to my mother. Hope she can understand, too. Hope my family dispute can pass over one day.


--Emannuel, Li 02:12, 15 February 2019 (CET)

One emergence happened to me. And it bothers me a lot. Hope the event can go on smoothly.


--Emannuel, Li 08:28, 17 February 2019 (CET)

Mourning the priest "Jiun-Ming, Gao".


Responding that Mainland China don't give up making use military force to Taiwan. The short article is my own opinion.


--Emannuel, Li 09:42, 20 February 2019 (CET)

Sorry for brothers and sisters. Several Lord's Table Meeting I had not been there. Because telling the brother "Wei-Ji" the meeting information, he remind me we have to follow the spirit.


--Emannuel, Li 02:01, 25 February 2019 (CET)

Today I went to the Zhongli Art Museum to join the master talk. The content was Puccini's work "Tosca". The masters were the choreographer "Huai-Min, Lin" and the conductor "Shau-Jia, Liu" and the host was the Dr. "Yuan-Pu, Jiau". Because the opera is hard to performer in the town. And I heard another Puccini's work "Manon Lescaut" and it is very good I think. So this time I bought the ticket of the Puccini's opera again. After this talking I know the practice is very hard and all workers do great effort. And the Tosca is a women with love and hate. The opera will be performed on the date fifteen and March. I will join this concert with confidence in Puccini's music. We talked after the concert.

  • Master talk with Tosca.

--Emannuel, Li 10:43, 2 March 2019 (CET)

Recently Taiwan Gospel Study recommends brothers and sisters to buy the Brother Witness Lee's Collected Works. I heard the brother "Fan-Ju" bought one set of it. And I have a fellowship with him. I share it here.


--Emannuel, Li 06:30, 8 March 2019 (CET)

Share my observation of the plants in GaoRong Elementary School.


--Emannuel, Li 03:01, 12 March 2019 (CET)

Now the government will release new ID card. Some people argue that the flag of Republic of China should or shouldn't be printed on the new ID card. I share some my ideas.


--Emannuel, Li 02:37, 21 March 2019 (CET)

Some difference between Alfalfa and Creeping Oxalis I observed.


--Emannuel, Li 12:27, 25 March 2019 (CET)

Share the film about plants I made with you! Enjoy it. All pictures were download from Biodiversity Heritage Library(BHL).


--Emannuel, Li 10:19, 26 March 2019 (CET)

Share the observation of two plants in the school, Hair-petal Photinia and Paper flower.


--Emannuel, Li 12:22, 28 March 2019 (CET)

I watched the remembering meeting of brother "Lian-Jen, Jau". After listening the testimonies from brothers and sisters, I write the short article to express how I admire him.


--Emannuel, Li 12:33, 30 March 2019 (CET)

Share what I understand about the Sino-US trade war with you.


--Emannuel, Li 10:42, 2 April 2019 (CEST)

2019 Autumn Class of Full Time Training Calling Meeting will hold in 3 Hall, Taipei on 5 May. Wellcome dear saints are under 35 years old and wish serving the Lord join this meeting. May God bless his church. Amen.

  • The Invitation of 2019 Autumn Class of Full Time Training Calling Meeting.

--Emannuel, Li 13:47, 12 April 2019 (CEST)

Share my opinions of the meetings in the Lord's Recovery with you!


--Emannuel, Li 09:59, 14 April 2019 (CEST)

Think about it. I think we need new relationships between U.S.A and Mainland China.


--Emannuel, Li 10:43, 16 April 2019 (CEST)

Share the ppt.and confession I report it in the life education class. It's about my real story. I am a sensory disorder patient. It's a long way to recover. But God make this way abundant.


--Emannuel, Li 08:14, 17 April 2019 (CEST)

Notre Dame de Paris were happened a fire disaster. I wrote a short article to say how I feel. Please read it.


--Emannuel, Li 02:46, 19 April 2019 (CEST)

Congratulations of new reign title of Japan "Rei wa".

  • Congratulations! New reign title of Japan.

--Emannuel, Li 05:10, 22 April 2019 (CEST)

Death penalty, should it exist or not? I share my opinion with you! Please read the short article.


--Emannuel, Li 08:01, 24 April 2019 (CEST)

The observation of the Taiwan Cherry trees in my working school.


--Emannuel, Li 13:08, 25 April 2019 (CEST)

These two days I went to Taichung. Originally I would join the Annual Meeting of the Plant Pathology Society. When I arrived the brother house where I stay over. I found I forget bringing my medicine. So I have not slept these two days. I feel sick. So I didn't join the annual meeting. I stayed at the brother house. Although I feel bad, I still joined the gospel meeting on Saturday night and morning revival with brothers and sisters on Sunday morning. How I was joyful when I saw the brothers. I did not join the Lord's day meeting in Taichung, I leaved there and took the Taiwan High Speed Rail to go back home. I wrote a letter to them. And I share it with you. Please read it. Amen!


--Emannuel, Li 12:27, 28 April 2019 (CEST)

If you have burden to serve the Lord, please join this meeting. Or after graduating from the university you can devote yourself to the training two years. May God bless. Amen!

  • The invitation card of Full Time Training Calling Meeting

--Emannuel, Li 03:14, 30 April 2019 (CEST)

Today (20190501) is the His Majesty's Dean of the Japan Emperor " Naruhito". I give my blessings to this country.


--Emannuel, Li 07:47, 1 May 2019 (CEST)

Venezuela faces internal chaos. Hope positive and negative parties can recall the national policy together and save the people out of the disaster. Also hope international nations can see the situation of Venezuela and help them.


--Emannuel, Li 13:28, 3 May 2019 (CEST)

Tomorrow is my birthday. I want to say something to all my friends. Hope we are ready to face the end of the age.


--Emannuel, Li 15:28, 5 May 2019 (CEST)

To all mothers in the world, happy mother's day.


--Emannuel, Li 14:20, 12 May 2019 (CEST)

Share the film I made with you all. All pictures are download from Biodiversity Heritage Library(BHL)


--Emannuel, Li 11:44, 14 May 2019 (CEST)

Share the thoughts about the military development of China.


--Emannuel, Li 02:44, 16 May 2019 (CEST)

Old brother "He" rest in the Lord.


Mourning the architectural master "Yu-Ming, Bei"


--Emannuel, Li 12:01, 17 May 2019 (CEST)

The plant "dieffenbachia" I observed in the school. I wrote a short article and share with you!


--Emannuel, Li 11:01, 21 May 2019 (CEST)

There was a young gospel meeting in 2nd hall in Taoyuan. We ate rice ball or dinner box and some fruits. Many different kinds of food or drinks we can choose. Hallelujah! When we were full. We started to sing a hymn "There is a new life". After singing we pursue a message about a blind can see. Thanks Lord I can join this meeting.

  • Taoyuan Young Gospel Meeting in 2nd hall

--Emannuel, Li 14:18, 24 May 2019 (CEST)

Today afternoon I went to Chungli by my motorcycle. Other four brothers, I and two gospel friends played basketball together. I really had exercise today. When we took rest, we pray with these two gospel friend. They will enter into Chi-Ying Senior High School. May God blesses them and their family. Amen!

  • Sports blending

--Emannuel, Li 13:22, 26 May 2019 (CEST)

Share my thoughts about the "peace Lily" in the school. I write a short article. Please read it.


--Emannuel, Li 14:00, 27 May 2019 (CEST)

Hallelujah, this night brothers and sisters come from southern Philippines blending with us. Before the love feast, we sang a song to stirring up our spirit. The dinner was abundant with dear saints' love. Then we start meeting. First two brothers in 3 hall shared some testimonies about how to go out from the traditional religion in Taiwan and the situation of young workers meetings here. Then two brothers share the statics of church life in 20 hall and the power of young workers meeting. One sister of them brined many people being saved by the Lord. Hallelujah. After saints sharing in Taiwan, Philippines shared too. They shared there are three big islands in Philippines. They came from the southern island Mindanao. Relatively speaking it is poor than the northern island. And it was the first time to go abroad in their life. Also shared the testimony about their church life. They are building the new hall now. Hope it can be established in 2020. May God bless them. I am enjoyable tonight with dear saints from Philippines. Amen!

  • Southern Philippines come blending with us, hall 3 and 20 in Taoyuan.

--Emannuel, Li 15:39, 29 May 2019 (CEST)

Today I went to Taipei Botanical Garden, because there is an exhibition. It's Korean Modern Plants Paints Art Exhibition. I felt sleepy this morning, so this schedule was delayed. It's ok. I went there and saw the exhibition. There are many plants paints. Some were drawing by color pencil and some were by watercolor. Few of them were drawing by pen or pencil. All the paints are beautiful. I took some pictures of them which the plants I know and some technological plants paints. Technological plants paints were drawing more carefully. Besides the main body, they need to paint the structure of roots, leaves, flowers and fruits…etc near the main plant body. Although the time I saw is short, I enjoy of it. Thank Lord. Amen!

  • Korean Modern Plants Paints Art Exhibition

  • Korean Modern Plants Paints Art Exhibition 2

--Emannuel, Li 10:16, 1 June 2019 (CEST)

This afternoon I joined Central University Graduated Meeting in the Hall 10, Taoyuan. I don't know any graduated students. I went to the meeting only for support. Oh! I know the full time sever of the students.

Whole meeting had a strict schedule. First we saw the video about the graduated students' church life. It let me know brief characters of the graduated brothers and sisters. Then starting is the graduated students' testimony. Their spiritual family taking care of them shared the testimony, too. Then Students still in school sang a song for them. How a warm view I saw. They really had a good church life and good partners. When one feel weak, others will write a card or sent a cake for him or her to encourage them. They would not feel lonely. There are brothers and sisters always are around them. Whether what will they do after graduated from the school, they have Lord in their spirit. I am touched by the elder's sharing. We should treasure Christ, and see everything being shit like Paul. Pursuing Christ does our utmost. Amen!

  • 2019 Central University Graduated Meeting

--Emannuel, Li 16:06, 1 June 2019 (CEST)

Because of some news about the public safe, I have some ideas to deal with. Please read it.


--Emannuel, Li 08:26, 2 June 2019 (CEST)

Reminding June 4th Tiananmen Incident I write a short article and I share it with you!


--Emannuel, Li 12:02, 3 June 2019 (CEST)

Mourning the big brother in the variety industry Mr. "Yi-Hang, He".


Yesterday I joined the MTT Exhibited Meeting. MTT is the training for the middle-aged saints to participate in the Lord's Recovery. They sang three hymns and their singing was great. Some saints testified how the training change them. Hallelujah. I think training has a regular life, so it can help saints to build up a life being in Christ. Confirming this training is helpful to dear saints living in the church life many years but searching to surmount current situation. Amen!

  • 2019 MTT Exhibited Meeting in Taoyuan

--Emannuel, Li 01:36, 8 June 2019 (CEST)

This morning I joined the wedding meeting in hall 2, Taoyuan. When I went into the meeting place, I was shocked by the crowd. Many saints were there, even I had had gone to second floor and saw the instant broadcast. I think this new couple have the same goal. They have the strong aspiration to serve Lord overseas. So after several months they will go to Paris and open their home to serve the local saints. Hallelujah! The glory meeting I joined today. May God blesses this new family.

  • The wedding meeting of brother "You-Heng, Lin"

--Emannuel, Li 09:57, 8 June 2019 (CEST)

This morning we, dear saints in Taoyuan gathered in the Zhongzheng Hall, Chung Yuan Christian University. Yes, it's centralized Lord's day Meeting in Taoyuan. Almost two thousands saints gathered together there. Brothers shared the National Day Special Message "Experiencing Christ". Brother showed us the Philippians and give us the example Paul's living and activity. I am touched whether the situations are Paul can live. Because Christ is his secret. Brothers told us we want to live a comfortable life when we believed in the Lord. But here it's not saying comfortable life we, christian will have always. Sometimes we will experience sufferings. And would you still believe? Amen! We should like the apostle Paul to experience every situations God gives to us. We all have Christ living in us. In every situation we can experience Him. Hallelujah!

  • Centralized Lord's Day Meeting in Taoyuan, June 2019.

--Emannuel, Li 11:19, 9 June 2019 (CEST)

Share the short article about plants scientific drawing.


--Emannuel, Li 13:45, 9 June 2019 (CEST)

My opinion about the activity of opposing sending to China.


--Emannuel, Li 07:13, 11 June 2019 (CEST)

My opinion about the activity of opposing sending to China part 2.


--Emannuel, Li 07:02, 13 June 2019 (CEST)

The next Saturday afternoon it's graduated meeting, welcome to join it if you have time. May God bless the meeting. Amen!

  • 2019 Full Time Training Summer Graduated Meeting

--Emannuel, Li 15:25, 13 June 2019 (CEST)

Share the short article about the Phalaenopsis and its' industry in Taiwan.


--Emannuel, Li 11:02, 15 June 2019 (CEST)

My opinion of the challenge of Chinese Government to Hong Kong.


--Emannuel, Li 03:06, 19 June 2019 (CEST)

Many people see the situation of Hong Kong today and worry about Taiwan tomorrow if we closed to China. The short article is my opinion.


--Emannuel, Li 10:37, 19 June 2019 (CEST)

Sometimes I can observe the insect larvas in the school. If I see it, I will take a photo. Now I share some of the moth larvas with you!


--Emannuel, Li 12:14, 23 June 2019 (CEST)

My opinion about 2019 EVA Air flight attendant strike event.


--Emannuel, Li 14:44, 23 June 2019 (CEST)

Today a new friend came to our meeting, we were joyful. His name is "Jr-Shiang, Hu." Hope he can come often, and God bless him. Amen!

  • Wednesday Meeting

--Emannuel, Li 14:54, 26 June 2019 (CEST)

Mourning my co-worker Mr. Wen-Chiuan, Chr.


--Emannuel, Li 03:49, 28 June 2019 (CEST)

A fellowship with brother "Je-Yi" who are before joining the Full Time Training.


A fellowship with brother "Fan-Yu" before his going abroad to study in Germany.


--Emannuel, Li 04:00, 2 July 2019 (CEST)

Recently there are happened many events include Evergreen flight attendant strike or Reverse delivery activity in Hong Kong. Many people show their actions. I think some were ignorance, so I wrote this article. Hope people can show their high intelligent to react the events they stand on.


--Emannuel, Li 04:12, 2 July 2019 (CEST)

I wrote an article about the collective death of animals. And I share it with you!


--Emannuel, Li 11:18, 3 July 2019 (CEST)

Mourning to lose young police officers. May God comforts the co-workers and their families.


--Emannuel, Li 04:55, 6 July 2019 (CEST)

This morning I saw a movie "Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald". I share some plots of the play with you!


--Emannuel, Li 09:42, 7 July 2019 (CEST)

Share the film I made with you! All pictures are download from Biodiversity Heritage Library(HBL). It's the last film in this series. Thanks everybody to watch.


--Emannuel, Li 04:43, 9 July 2019 (CEST)

Share my reflection on the reverse delivery regulation in Hong Kong with you.


--Emannuel, Li 13:47, 9 July 2019 (CEST)

It's a long way to compose for me. I wrote a short article to share with you!


--Emannuel, Li 09:19, 14 July 2019 (CEST)

I observed some insects in my working school. Now I wrote an article to introduce some of them. Please read it.


--Emannuel, Li 12:59, 22 July 2019 (CEST)

When I heard White Shirt Clique Atrocities at night in Yuen Long, Hong Kong, I was sad. Hope everything in Hong Kong can go on smoothly. I wrote a short article to show my opinion with you!


--Emannuel, Li 14:10, 22 July 2019 (CEST)

Mourning the brave police officer "Cheng-Han, Li"


--Emannuel, Li 14:49, 28 July 2019 (CEST)

Saving the Taiwan Cherry trees in my working school.


--Emannuel, Li 13:54, 29 July 2019 (CEST)

Yesterday I went to Hong Kong to visit a friend, but she did not appear. So I just took the bus to Sha Tin District. I arrived there and visit a big mall. Many people are there, too. Originally I wanted to visit the church in Hong Kong. But I can't find it. So I went back to the airport. By the way there is a typhoon, I worried the flight would delay. Good to that I came back to Taiwan on 20:30. Thanks Lord keep me safe. Amen!

  • One day trip in Hong Kong

--Emannuel, Li 02:30, 1 August 2019 (CEST)

Share the short article about election.


--Emannuel, Li 14:56, 3 August 2019 (CEST)

The fungi tropical ganoderma threats the growth of cherry blossom tree. Today we remove its some fruiting body. Hope the cherry blossom tree can grow well.


--Emannuel, Li 14:06, 6 August 2019 (CEST)

After watching the TV series "Cristal boys" many years ago, now I have something to talk to the author of the original novel, Mr. "Shian-Yuan, Bai". Please read the letter.


--Emannuel, Li 15:32, 11 August 2019 (CEST)

Because of recalling my note book these days it was not by my side, today I took it home finally. Now I can continue the work before I did. Thanks Lord!

--Emannuel, Li 14:44, 21 August 2019 (CEST)

Recently I see some news about CPC forces christians in China. In praying meeting I listened a sister prays for two brothers being caught in Beijing. So I wrote two short articles, now I share them for you here.


--Emannuel, Li 14:57, 21 August 2019 (CEST)

Mourning the doctor "Rou-Lan, Bo", the founder of Mennon Hospital.


--Emannuel, Li 15:04, 21 August 2019 (CEST)

Memorizing the brother "Hung-Yung, Liang" who rested in the Lord.


--Emannuel, Li 02:33, 22 August 2019 (CEST)

Now Hong Kong people pursue the democracy activity are continuing. We are afraid of CPC will take force to suppress. I wrote the article to show my worried.


--Emannuel, Li 02:42, 22 August 2019 (CEST)

Share my thoughts after watching the movie "Shining tears." It's about the younger sister loving her brother. Japanese movie.


--Emannuel, Li 03:43, 25 August 2019 (CEST)

Share my thoughts about the movie "Cape No.7". The story is beginning from seven love letters a Japanese teacher sending back to Japan wrote to his girl friend in Taiwan. But the address does not exist now. How does the leading role solve this problem?


--Emannuel, Li 10:10, 25 August 2019 (CEST)

Mourning the great cellist Anner Bylsma.

Mourning the great cellist Anner Bylsma

--Emannuel, Li 12:30, 25 August 2019 (CEST)

Recently the world situation becomes more tense, hope brothers and sisters in Lord living a Godliness life and preaching the gospel. Amen!


--Emannuel, Li 10:05, 31 August 2019 (CEST)

Calling on Hong Kong people to abide by the rule.


--Emannuel, Li 10:09, 31 August 2019 (CEST)

Today I went to Taichung joining the wedding meeting of brother "Geng-Lin, Shie". We had been lived together in brother's house in my college life. He is a warm person. Even we graduated from the school. He still invites me to Taichung and feasts me, let me stay over night at his home. I thank him. And this time I saw many brothers and sisters I have not seen long time. Thanks Lord. May God bless they have a warm family and become the family serving the Lord. Amen!

  • The brother "Geng-Lin, Shei's" wedding meeting

  • The brother "Geng-Lin, Shei's" wedding meeting 2

--Emannuel, Li 14:37, 1 September 2019 (CEST)

Pink plumeria was blooming.


--Emannuel, Li 07:20, 5 September 2019 (CEST)

Would Hong Kong people want to subvert the CPC "robber"?


--Emannuel, Li 14:23, 8 September 2019 (CEST)

Last three days are Moon Festival Continuous Holidays, we, some brothers and sisters in Taoyuan met together in the Hedecanan Activity Center in Yilan County. We had three days Young Workers' Special Meeting. Hallelujah! We got the vision to preach the gospel. Lord's Recovery is not another christian group, and activity. If we had no vision, we have no existing valuable. We say and live the truth of Bible. For this burden we are here in the earth. Now the world become evil and darkness, the words of prophets are correct as the light in the dark. So we need to pay attention of all these. Several courses we discuss how to preach the gospel in our working place, and bring friends to our church life. We need pray for them and preach the gospel to them face to face. Hope we can practice in daily life what we saw in this meeting, and many people can listen the gospel by our effort. Amen!

  • 2019 Young Workers' Special Meeting

  • 2019 Young Workers' Special Meeting

--Emannuel, Li 12:58, 15 September 2019 (CEST)

Few days ago Solomon Islands chose to establish diplomatic relations with China. I share my thoughts with you!


--Emannuel, Li 02:54, 19 September 2019 (CEST)

Sharing my observation of the insects in my working school.


--Emannuel, Li 14:27, 20 September 2019 (CEST)

Now new general manager changes the appearance of the school a lot including the circle, the eastward garden near the door and the garden near the west side door. Now see what changes in the school, please read the article.


--Emannuel, Li 15:23, 2 October 2019 (CEST)

Share my thoughts about the differences among physical lust, love and God's purpose.


--Emannuel, Li 03:35, 7 October 2019 (CEST)

Mourning two dereliction of firefighters, "Chih-Hsiung, Hsieh" and "Che-Chia, Chang".


--Emannuel, Li 03:56, 7 October 2019 (CEST)

Who will you vote in the 2020 president election?


--Emannuel, Li 14:03, 7 October 2019 (CEST)

Yesterday night I went to the concert in Hakka Culture Center. The theme is Longtan Image. It's a charity concert. All the purchase of proceeds will donate to Taiwan Quality Life Association. They help elderly living along and some disabled children.

Why do I go to listen to the concert? Because of the artistic director of LongTan Philharmonic Orchestra Mrs. "Yi-Hsiu, Chen" invited me. The tracts of whole music concert is about Taiwan. Many of them are performing all the world. And one tract "Longtan image symphonic poem" was first played in the world. The composer is teacher "Che-Yi, Li". He committed to arrange or compose the Taiwan local music. All the songs are very good. Thanks for inviting me to join the concert.

  • «Longtan Image» charity concert

--Emannuel, Li 10:30, 13 October 2019 (CEST)

When I joined the praying meeting, I am sad because of some brothers didn't gather with us. Some have their troubles, and others go to the christian guild. We pray for them and hope they can come back to gather with us early.


--Emannuel, Li 03:28, 14 October 2019 (CEST)

Happy Halloween from the students studying in the GaoRong Elementary School.

  • Happy Halloween

  • Happy Halloween

  • Happy Halloween

--Emannuel, Li 03:11, 17 October 2019 (CEST)

We should maintain our democratic literacy. Please read the short article I share with you!


--Emannuel, Li 07:18, 17 October 2019 (CEST)

Talk about three elements for governing the people.


--Emannuel, Li 13:38, 17 October 2019 (CEST)

A fellowship with brother "Tsung-Heng". His homeland is Mainland China. Now he studies in Zhongshan Medical College, Taichung, Taiwan.


--Emannuel, Li 03:58, 18 October 2019 (CEST)

Share my observing the spider plant at the ring of the school.


--Emannuel, Li 13:26, 18 October 2019 (CEST)

Several days ago our general manager plant many cannon flowers beside the wall. Share the knowledges about the flower with you!


--Emannuel, Li 13:24, 21 October 2019 (CEST)

Greeting for Emphase Ceremony of Japanese Emperor


--Emannuel, Li 03:10, 22 October 2019 (CEST)

Why do the buds of jungle flame disappear? Share my thought with you!


--Emannuel, Li 14:35, 24 October 2019 (CEST)

Do you think Republic of China is a country being blessed by God? Why? Share my opinion.


--Emannuel, Li 11:14, 25 October 2019 (CEST)

Today I went to Taipei joining the christian book fair. Share my stroke and what I gain with you!



--Emannuel, Li 13:44, 26 October 2019 (CEST)

After Lord's Table meeting I came back home soon. Then I took my instruments and took the train to Banqiao. The photo shows the MRT Yadong Hospital Station, one building and the hall inside of the building in New North City Far East Communication Park. When I arrived, the time was early. I sat on the chair in the hall of the building. After a while, the class was ready to start. I stepped on the two floor of the building and joined the class. The class was held in Yamaha Music Communication Center.

The speaker and performer is teacher "Ren-Bin, Lin". He taught us how to play a piccolo well. And his performing is good. When the time on my playing the D scale, I was nervous. I still can't control well to play the middle octave B and C. If I had time, I will practice and follow the methods teacher taught me today. I learned a lot in this class. Thanks Lord.

  • MRT Yadong Hospital Station, one building and the hall inside of the building in New North City Far East Communication Park.

  • Piccolo Class in Yamaha Music Communication Center

--Emannuel, Li 11:59, 27 October 2019 (CET)

When I watch the news today, I know the Shurijo Castle in Okinawa have been burned. I feel sad. Share the short article with you!


--Emannuel, Li 11:53, 31 October 2019 (CET)

Remembering the sister "Ding-Wu, Gan".


--Emannuel, Li 10:18, 6 November 2019 (CET)

Remembering the brother "Tie-Min, Liang".


--Emannuel, Li 12:17, 10 November 2019 (CET)

Don't hold money tight. The meaning of the money is for circulating. Share my thought of it with you!


--Emannuel, Li 02:46, 11 November 2019 (CET)

Share my observation of cannon flowers beside the wall in the school.


--Emannuel, Li 12:12, 14 November 2019 (CET)

Last Wednesday, teachers in my working school went to the "Peace Wetland" for studying. They took some pictures of plants. I made them to the film. And now I share it with you!


--Emannuel, Li 07:05, 21 November 2019 (CET)

A fellowship with the brother "Shin-Li, Juang".


A fellowship with the brother "Fan-Yu, Shiu" studying in Germany.


A fellowship with the brother "Wei-Ning, Gau".


--Emannuel, Li 11:26, 24 November 2019 (CET)

Mourning the artist "Yi-Shiang, Gau".


--Emannuel, Li 13:55, 27 November 2019 (CET)

Mourning the doctor "Olav Bjørgaas".


--Emannuel, Li 07:26, 28 November 2019 (CET)

This afternoon I went to Shin-Ji Building in Taipei. I had been studied the course of life education in Central University. So when I know this forum, I signed up. I find the concept being different of me. The goal of the life education is help us to live a good and positive life. We human being are different from the animal. We can learn and be inherited the knowledge. So even we encounter disaster, we can recover from it quickly. Now the society we live in is multicultural, it is the new problem we face. Many different cultures challenge our traditional concepts. We need time to adapt and run in. At the same time we need to protect the good cultural ideas. The speaker encourages us not to give up our right to promote positive ideas. Another speaker taught us when we say about the life education, we need the sources of the love. Without it we are easy to be exhausted when we lead students to experience the life. The last speaker gave us nine rules to become positive. I love the stories he told us. Before I thought the life education is to help us face the problem about the living and dead. Now I know it help us knowing how to live better. I learned a lot.

  • 2019 Life Education Forum in Shin-Ji Building, Taipei.

--Emannuel, Li 14:00, 30 November 2019 (CET)

Mourning the master conductor "Mariss Jansons".


--Emannuel, Li 12:26, 2 December 2019 (CET)

My opinion about Hong-Kong Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement.


Loan problems about China One Belt and One Road.


--Emannuel, Li 02:01, 4 December 2019 (CET)

Giving respect to China practicing socialism.


--Emannuel, Li 10:01, 4 December 2019 (CET)

This morning my dear cat "Mimi" passed away. I feel so sad. I appreciate all days he had been accompanied with me. He is a good cat. He likes my touching. Sometimes he came to me and I touched his head and kissed his forehead. We often slept together in winter. I held him in the bed. I will miss him for the rest of my life. I know Jesus would take care of him in His Kingdom. And at that day when I die, I can hold him in my embrace again.

  • My dear cat "Mimi".

--Emannuel, Li 02:41, 10 December 2019 (CET)

This Christmas is sad for me. All you know my dear "Mimi" passed away from me. But I know God doesn't like a person stay in a sad situation long time. Share the short article with you!


--Emannuel, Li 14:13, 16 December 2019 (CET)

Memorizing master "Shen Shiou-Neng, Chen".


--Emannuel, Li 13:40, 20 December 2019 (CET)

Sharing my 2019 grateful testimony with you!


Now we are in the technologically advanced society, we still need to care of our humanity. Share my opinion with you!


--Emannuel, Li 10:09, 22 December 2019 (CET)

Mourning the grandpa "Liang, Lin".


--Emannuel, Li 13:24, 23 December 2019 (CET)

In this holy night I share some my thoughts about baby Jesus with you!


--Emannuel, Li 14:09, 24 December 2019 (CET)

The short letter to the World Gym membership counselor "Li-An, Shiu".


--Emannuel, Li 14:08, 25 December 2019 (CET)

Yesterday the Black Hawk Helicopter Incident was happened. Eight high-ranking generals died in this incident. Mourning this unfortunate event.


A short fellowship letter with brother "Fan-Yu" studying in Germany now.


--Emannuel, Li 01:51, 3 January 2020 (CET)

My respond to the brother "Bo-Yan's" testimony on our church's weekly message.


--Emannuel, Li 11:25, 3 January 2020 (CET)

Today afternoon I went to Hsinchu District Court. I took off the train in Zhubei, Then I try to find the bus going to the place. But I cannot. I walked a long way. The view in the beginning after out of the train station is old, when I walked by the street "Boai". About thirty minutes later the big and new hospital is there, and the streets are neat and wide. Many new buildings are placed there. It's a new developed district. So great. I think people living here are fairy rich. Thanks Lord. After walking about one hour I arrived the goal place "Hsinchu District Court". The hall is wide. The court inside are looking new and wide. The experience I gained is I don't afraid of going to the court.

  • Hsinchu District Court

  • The buildings in Zhubei

--Emannuel, Li 11:50, 8 January 2020 (CET)

Forest fire are happened in Australia. And the fire spreads many places, it seemed unstoppable. Many people are forced to relocate their homes, and many animals died in this disaster. I am worried and I pray for it can be controlled quickly.


--Emannuel, Li 02:35, 10 January 2020 (CET)

My questions and suggestions after this Taiwan president election.


--Emannuel, Li 01:57, 15 January 2020 (CET)

I am sad for hearing England Prince Henry would remove the royal duties. He and his wife Megan will be independent from the royal family and start the new civilian life. Queen of England knows the news and decide to support them although Her Majesty feels sad. Maybe the royal duties are too heavy for them. Because of Megan's health is getting worse, they have to make this decision. We don't know what would happened to their new life, I believe many people including me would support them and give them our best wishes.

--Emannuel, Li 11:47, 20 January 2020 (CET)

Greeting to everyone "Happy Chinese Lunar New Year".

  • Gengzi Rat Year

--Emannuel, Li 08:01, 22 January 2020 (CET)


Sharing my thoughts after watching the video.


--Emannuel, Li 13:11, 22 January 2020 (CET)

I know some people are angry with me. Now I quit and only care for myself.


--Emannuel, Li 13:16, 25 January 2020 (CET)

Mourning the great NBA basketball player "Kobe Bryan. We are all born in the year 1978. Now he had gone first, good luck I would say to him.


--Emannuel, Li 07:10, 27 January 2020 (CET)

Now Wuhan pneumonia is serious in China. Many countries are on guard of it. Hope God mercy us and stop the epidemic to spread.


--Emannuel, Li 08:32, 2 February 2020 (CET)

Yesterday evening I went to Taipei to see the solo exhibition of Mr. "Kai-Shiang, Jeng". Originally I would see on last Saturday, but I forgot. Now people are under the shadow of the Wuhan pneumonia, so much people wear the mask.
After few minutes I arrived the 饗 art, the place of the exhibition. I saw some pictures he painted. Many of them are the stores. One picture, one store. And I took three photos of two religion cultures pictures and the picture of Green Lake at Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall. I share them with you!

  • The solo exhibition of Mr. "Kai-Shiang, Jeng".

  • The solo exhibition of Mr. "Kai-Shiang, Jeng".

--Emannuel, Li 01:42, 4 February 2020 (CET)

Mourning the actor Mr. Small Bucket.


--Emannuel, Li 06:29, 4 February 2020 (CET)

Sharing my some thoughts about the affects of Wuhan pneumonia.


--Emannuel, Li 06:57, 7 February 2020 (CET)

Mourning the doctor "Wen-Liang, Li". He was the first man alerting the disease would have the dangerous of spreading. In the beginning no one believed him, but now the fact proves he is right.


--Emannuel, Li 14:00, 8 February 2020 (CET)

Sharing some knowledges about the plant "Mona Lavender Plectranthus" with you!


--Emannuel, Li 02:25, 12 February 2020 (CET)

Before these days the school had some works. I took some pictures about the works, and sharing them with you!


--Emannuel, Li 12:16, 14 February 2020 (CET)

My recent some thoughts about the human and nature.


--Emannuel, Li 10:54, 19 February 2020 (CET)

Mourning two outstanding female.


--Emannuel, Li 02:09, 27 February 2020 (CET)

Today morning I went to the hall to teach a teenager saint piano, after the class his mother asked me some questions including my parents. I told her my father is old, and he has some diseases. She advised me to take him a walk then some symptoms will be better.

Soon I lined my mother I would go to see them. In the afternoon we walked to the leisure trail near their renting home. There are many pigeons, and they don't fear people. We talked and basking in the sun, seeing the pigeons. We had a good afternoon. Thanks Lord! Amen!

  • Accompany parents

  • Accompany parents 2

--Emannuel, Li 11:52, 29 February 2020 (CET)

Our dear brother "You-Cheng, Wu"(Paul, Wu) rest peace in Lord today morning. May Lord comfort us and keep us running the heavenly way. Amen!


--Emannuel, Li 02:40, 5 March 2020 (CET)

Share the feelings about composing music recently.


--Emannuel, Li 12:51, 11 March 2020 (CET)

Thanks all people caring my marriage problem, I share my thoughts with you all! Amen!


--Emannuel, Li 11:54, 13 March 2020 (CET)

Look! There is the new wall with cute pictures in GaoRong attached kindergarten.

  • The painted wall of GaoRong attached kindergarten

--Emannuel, Li 01:49, 17 March 2020 (CET)

Enemy wants to separate Your children, we should continue to meet together shaming the enemies. Let's continue meeting, dear saints.


--Emannuel, Li 07:00, 25 March 2020 (CET)

Mourning the artist "Jen, Liou".


--Emannuel, Li 07:12, 25 March 2020 (CET)

When One Belt One Road Initiative are in full swing, Epidemic Black Swan Incident happened. It intermingles the previous plan. I share my opinion on this with you!


--Emannuel, Li 03:39, 30 March 2020 (CEST)

The famous Japan comedian 志村 けん died cause of COVID-19. Hope his fans can be comforted.


--Emannuel, Li 08:18, 30 March 2020 (CEST)

Mr. "Bo-Tsuen, Hau" rest in peace today. May God comfort and bless his children. Amen!


--Emannuel, Li 15:11, 30 March 2020 (CEST)

Mourning Italian priest "Don Giuseppe Berardelli" rest in peace cause of COVID-19.


--Emannuel, Li 14:21, 1 April 2020 (CEST)

Share the article about "Light and shadow capture" with you.


My thoughts about COVID-19 2nd.


--Emannuel, Li 03:39, 7 April 2020 (CEST)

Today I waked up very early. I prayed if I got up early, I would take the entrance exam previously. So I went to the National Taiwan University of Art to take the exam. Before the exam I was nervous. My major is composing. I need to compose the string quartet for 20 measures. I didn't finish cause of time was not enough. Only 17 measures I composed. After the written examination, the face to face answer was coming. I still very nervous. In my term I played the piano first and then teachers asked me some questions. I tried my best to answer them. Ending the all I felt great. I give the result to the Lord! Amen!

  • The campus of National Taiwan University of Art

  • The campus of National Taiwan University of Art

--Emannuel, Li 10:30, 11 April 2020 (CEST)

Yesterday afternoon I attended the old brother "Bau-Shiau, Wang's" rest meeting. Share his testimony with you.


--Emannuel, Li 20:13, 19 April 2020 (CEST)


Now my composition must temporally stop. I should pay more attention on caring students. My general manager was angry with my not responsibility. Sorry my fans, I hope one day I can normally compose the music again. We need patience more. May God open the way for me. Amen.

--Emannuel, Li 15:16, 3 May 2020 (CEST)

Few days later Mother's Day comes. How will you pass the day with your mother? Share my short thoughts with you!


My 2020 Birthday Wishes.


--Emannuel, Li 14:18, 7 May 2020 (CEST)

Today I went to my parents' rent department to celebrate Mother's Day. I bought a cake. We just talked, ate the cake, watched the TV news. Hope they feel happy every day even they have many sicknesses.

  • 2020 Mother's Day

--Emannuel, Li 11:56, 9 May 2020 (CEST)

Because the app got some problems, these articles delay till now to share with you.



--Emannuel, Li 12:03, 16 May 2020 (CEST)

Mourning the mater cellist "Lynn Harrell".


--Emannuel, Li 14:39, 16 May 2020 (CEST)

Mr. Jau-Jeng, Jung rest in Lord on 16, May.


--Emannuel, Li 11:48, 17 May 2020 (CEST)

Yesterday I rented an animation to watch. I share my thoughts after watching the film with you!


--Emannuel, Li 12:21, 18 May 2020 (CEST)

Several weeks ago the general manager sawed the branches and planted some flowers. Now I share what I saw with you!


--Emannuel, Li 13:03, 19 May 2020 (CEST)

China should obey "Hong Kong Basic Law", don't enforce Hong Kong's National Security Law. Share my opinion with you!


--Emannuel, Li 15:01, 22 May 2020 (CEST)

Share my thoughts about the current world situation with you!


--Emannuel, Li 01:24, 23 May 2020 (CEST)

These two days I went to Taipei for taking the national disability exam originally, but at least I didn't take it. After out of my home I found I forgot bringing my medicine, I only can pray I thought. These two nights I didn't sleep. Almost I was awake and dreaming. I stayed the hotel at the second day and join the meeting at Xinji Building in the evening. At that meeting I got the message "during the different ages in God's economy including the age of Law…ect., now it will turn to the age of the kingdom from the age of grace. The requirement is the bridge must be ready. It means our life must be mature and living the righteousness of Christ in our life". Oh! Lord, I need to grow up still. Amen!

  • Finder Hotel I lived in these two nights in Taipei

Another shock to me is that the pastor David Bowson was rest in peace. I share some words I want to say about him.


--Emannuel, Li 04:55, 31 May 2020 (CEST)

A letter to my dear brother "Sheng-Cheng, Wang".


--Emannuel, Li 03:21, 1 June 2020 (CEST)

Today is June 4th we can't forget a big events happened thirty years ago in China. Many students gathered together in the Tiananmen Square perusing democracy and freedom. Because of the government was corruption, I share some my thoughts with you in the short article.


--Emannuel, Li 13:36, 4 June 2020 (CEST)

Today I went to visit my parents, my mother cried and told me a lot about the unfair treatment in the court. My brother and my mother lawsuit now. Because my parents need money to see a doctor and buy the medicine. They have many sicknesses. But my brother don't want to pay the alimony. This short article is for my brother.


--Emannuel, Li 11:54, 6 June 2020 (CEST)

Mourning Kaohsiung City Speaker "Kuen-Yuan, Shiu".


--Emannuel, Li 12:06, 8 June 2020 (CEST)

There are some problems on the plant "New Guinea Impatiens" in the school. I share my observation with you!


--Emannuel, Li 13:47, 10 June 2020 (CEST)

Now 2020 have been passed half there are many events we experience. Worrying in more than happiness. I share the short article about it with you all.


--Emannuel, Li 08:13, 15 June 2020 (CEST)

I share my observation of the Taiwan Cherry in front of the class "Elephant".


--Emannuel, Li 10:47, 19 June 2020 (CEST)


Now my website will be advance operation. Hope the problem of gold flow can be solved quickly. Wellcome you to my website "小豬的音樂創作空間 (Piggy's Music Composition Space)" and browser it. If you have some books interested, you can buy it or e-mail me for asking. May God bless you!
Announcement in 13 November 2020

Sorry! Because of some reasons, my own website had been canceled.

--Emannuel, Li 09:28, 21 June 2020 (CEST)

I share my opinion about Guishan Island attribution. Please read the short article.


--Emannuel, Li 10:40, 22 June 2020 (CEST)


Last week my father got second stoke, so I ofter went to the hospital to take care of him. From my home to the hospital need 40-50 mins by motorcycle. Sometimes I slept in the hospital. Luckily yesterday he discharged. He is almost ninety years old, after stroke he need more help than before. He almost can't stand up by himself, we have to hold him up. Walking is hard for him now. My mother and I worried a lot. May God strengthen us to pass the hard time.
Thanks brothers "Liu" and "Huang" of the church helped us sending my father home. Thanks brother Tzu Chi Merit Association donates us some medical equipments.

--Emannuel, Li 07:25, 30 June 2020 (CEST)

Share my state of mind these days to take care of my old sick father with you!


--Emannuel, Li 04:05, 2 July 2020 (CEST)

Mourning Mr. "Chuang-Huan, Chiou".


--Emannuel, Li 09:11, 5 July 2020 (CEST)

Sharing my opinion about Hong Kong version of national security law and reverse osmosis law.


--Emannuel, Li 08:31, 7 July 2020 (CEST)

Mourning the Heroic Warriors in the Hanguang Exercise.


Mourning the miners killed in Myanmar's jade mine.


--Emannuel, Li 13:39, 7 July 2020 (CEST)

My preliminary understanding about National Parks.


--Emannuel, Li 16:09, 17 July 2020 (CEST)

The third fellowship letter with brother "Fan-Yu".


Contact with the teacher "Chang-Jian".


--Emannuel, Li 14:16, 23 July 2020 (CEST)

Share the film I made yesterday about my one day life.


--Emannuel, Li 02:35, 26 July 2020 (CEST)

New planted Tigertail Orchid in my working school.


--Emannuel, Li 04:38, 28 July 2020 (CEST)

Mourning Former President Lee Teng Hui.


I share some my thoughts about the conflict between China and America. 短文-衝突一觸即發.pdf

--Emannuel, Li 14:30, 30 July 2020 (CEST)

There is a simple restaurant opened recently. It is trial operation now and near my home. I went there to enjoy this afternoon. I like the inside space. There are plants as decoration. It make me comfortable. But the meal is expensive. If I have money, I would went and stayed there all day long and composed by my computer.

  • simple restaurant

  • simple restaurant

Mourning Ms. "Pei-Ying, Luo".


--Emannuel, Li 11:56, 8 August 2020 (CEST)

Share my opinions about new situation in Middle East relations.


--Emannuel, Li 14:10, 17 August 2020 (CEST)

Share my opinions about problems inside Europe Union and Tai King's leadership.



--Emannuel, Li 21:38, 17 August 2020 (CEST) Share the short article about overview of planting plants near the main entrance of my working school.


--Emannuel, Li 03:49, 19 August 2020 (CEST)

Share my observation about puffball in campus flower garden


--Emannuel, Li 08:30, 20 August 2020 (CEST)

Sorry for that I miss the appointment again...


--Emannuel, Li 12:24, 23 August 2020 (CEST)

Sharing my thoughts about the relationships of China, America, Taiwan and Hong Kong.


--Emannuel, Li 03:41, 25 August 2020 (CEST)

We brothers and sisters went to the grapefruit park preaching the gospel. Before the day we prayed the weather is fine that people can go outside playing. Thanks Lord! God gave us a good weather. We touched the people in the park and sang hymns there. Three brothers spoke short gospel messages. We had a great day. Amen!

  • The gospel meeting in grapefruit park on 29 Aug, 2020.

--Emannuel, Li 07:38, 1 September 2020 (CEST)

Recently the government had some new policy. It issued promotion and travel coupons. I was lucky wining the coupons. Today morning I went to the Xinpu Town Farmers' Association Market, Hsinchu County. I bought some desserts by the coupons. And then I went to the Xinpu township eating the Hsinchu Food- Tiao Tiao. It's light and delicious. When I took some rest in the convenience store, I saw the Xinpu Town Church is opposite the store. I was surprising. About the half a day I went home and finished this short travel.

  • Half-day tour of Xinpu Town, Hsinchu County

  • Eating Hsinchu Food-Tiao Tiao

--Emannuel, Li 07:38, 2 September 2020 (CEST)

Sharing the short article about the little cute squirrel in my working school.


--Emannuel, Li 02:56, 3 September 2020 (CEST)

The young Korea flutist "Yubeen Kim" plays very good especially fast piece. Share a film his playing with you!

Korea flutist "Yubeen Kim" played Paganini Caprice No.5

--Emannuel, Li 04:52, 3 September 2020 (CEST)

Today morning we had West Care District Service Blending Meeting in the second half of 2020, so I woke up early. It is hard for me. When I still felt sleepy, I went out and waited a brother I bring to the meeting.

In the meeting I touch the message about our life. We should establish a life which preaching the gospel, being a shepherd with Jesus's heart. We all know christians should take people to touch the gospel massages but we don't live a preaching life. What we need is to enjoy the Lord every day even every moment. And then we will live a life with Jesus's heart. He wants people to be got saved and knows the truth. We should cooperate with Him.

And we should be a good shepherd. It means we should not be a passenger when we treat the lamb. A good shepherd cares lambs all aspects of their needs. He won't give up them and he always have a gentle heart to treat them. May we enjoy the Lord everyday and take cares of our lambs with Jesus' heart and finally being a good shepherd.

  • West Care District Service Blending Meeting in the second half of 2020

--Emannuel, Li 10:47, 5 September 2020 (CEST)

Share my recent feeling with you!


--Emannuel, Li 04:06, 11 September 2020 (CEST)

I create a short poem to memorize sister "Yu-Ting, Huang". I don't know her before. I heard her testimony from Youtube. And I didn't heard clearly, so if my poem is not subtle her. I say sorry first.


--Emannuel, Li 14:29, 11 September 2020 (CEST)

Today morning I went to Taichung by train to join the church in Taichung 70 anniversary blending meeting. Wow! It has been 70 years. It is also my graduated from university for 20 years. We know time passed very fast, but does your time is valuable for God? Thanks God being preserved me. I just had few times didn't live in church life. Most times I live in church life and follow the elder brothers and sisters till now. It is most valuable.

Before I travel this time, I thought I want to meet some fathers there. They are old now. Thanks Lord! They said the conclusion of this meeting. It reflects their health is not bad. Amen.

The main project of this meeting is "Inheritance and Entrust, Reinvent the Bureau." The church in Taichung started from only four people praying. Till now it almost 2400 people in the meeting once time. It expands, but many christians are old now. So we need young people to hold the burden keep going the Lord's move.

I saw the exhibition of children, young people, and young family. They are energetic and lively. For this we thanks Lord, but we don't satisfy from this situation. They make five years goal to become a ten thousands meeting people church. May God bless their faith and give them practical grace. We need work hard to cooperate God's move and achieve this goal. Amen!

  • The church in Taichung 70 anniversary blending meeting

--Emannuel, Li 11:22, 13 September 2020 (CEST)

I share my thoughts "On Fairness and God's Justice".


--Emannuel, Li 02:54, 14 September 2020 (CEST)

This night I went to join the praying meeting. When I arrived, one news shocked me. The brother who have strong burden goes to other district helping saints. We some brother and sister here said that I am the youngest at this district so I should pick up the burden of this praying meeting. I am worried, but one idea happened in my mind. And I wrote a short article to show what idea I got.


--Emannuel, Li 15:38, 15 September 2020 (CEST)

Sharing my thoughts about a child being afraid of going to the classroom along.


--Emannuel, Li 02:52, 16 September 2020 (CEST)

Mourning the artist "Hung-Sheng, Huang".


--Emannuel, Li 03:06, 17 September 2020 (CEST)

Share the short article about can the peace really come true?


--Emannuel, Li 12:40, 20 September 2020 (CEST)

Sharing the short article about Encouraging University Students.


--Emannuel, Li 15:09, 21 September 2020 (CEST)

Share the short article about having a pure heart in finance affairs.


--Emannuel, Li 03:35, 28 September 2020 (CEST)

Share the observation of fungi "Little Helmet" in my working school.


--Emannuel, Li 08:14, 29 September 2020 (CEST)

Share the poem I made for Mid-Moon Festival in 2020.

  • The poem

--Emannuel, Li 15:00, 29 September 2020 (CEST)

Regarding the Naka region, although there was a ceasefire agreement, disputes are now recurring. Does the Naka region belong to Azerbaijan? The historical entanglement and the attribution problem caused by this will not be repeated. However, a letter from the representative of Armenia to the United Nations to the Secretary-General mentioned that Asaibaran originally belonged to Turkic or Caucasian Tatars, and did not have Asai. The name of the Bairan people was born around the 1930s in modern times.

Armenia and Azerbaijan originally belonged to the Soviet Republic. After the collapse of the Soviet Republic, the two countries became independent neighboring countries in accordance with relevant laws, and their nationalities and beliefs were different. Due to the relationship between the leaders of the regime, the Naka region sometimes belongs to Azerbaijan and sometimes belongs to Armenia. This has caused the current problem of ownership. Later, due to economic opportunities, a large number of Azerbaijanis flooded in, and the number of Armenians tended to decrease. , Naturally caused the Armenians to worry.

After the 1991 referendum, the Naka region was established as an independent state and became the Republic of Alcá, but only a few non-United Nations countries recognized it, and the international community did not confirm its acceptance, which also made the status of this country a substantive issue. Now, Armenia and Azerbaijan are in conflict with this regional ownership issue, and independence may not be able to solve the problem.


--Emannuel, Li 04:37, 30 September 2020 (CEST)

Share some knowledges about the plant "Peacock Echeveria" in the flowerbed, my working school.


--Emannuel, Li 07:28, 6 October 2020 (CEST)

Share my thoughts about Mainland China and America conflict.


--Emannuel, Li 03:21, 7 October 2020 (CEST)

Yesterday night I went to Chung Yuan University joining a speech. The speaker is the teacher "Jeng-Wen, Wang" teaching in department of history, Tunghai University. The subject of speech is the conversion and identification of Christians in the late Qing Dynasty. I kwon at that age believing in Jesus Christ is difficult because of strong clanism and temple fair culture in Chinese society. When you decide to believe and follow Jesus, it means that you are forced to abandon the family business such as heritage and land…etc even loss of kinship. So it is a big problem.

These problems still plague the more traditional Chinese society to convert to Christ. However, due to the change of social atmosphere, the society is mostly composed of small families, and the clan's binding force is no longer so strong; and the notion that religion is personal freedom has been widely accepted by the public, therefore, the belief in Christianity is no longer as in the society of the late Qing Dynasty will be rejected.

  • Lecture at the Institute of Religious Studies

--Emannuel, Li 03:07, 8 October 2020 (CEST)

Yesterday is the 109th National Day of Republic of China, I write a short article to celebrate it.


--Emannuel, Li 13:15, 11 October 2020 (CEST)

Responding to four-oneism... and other misunderstandings of false truth.


--Emannuel, Li 04:58, 12 October 2020 (CEST)

Reinforcement of old school buildings in my working school had been finished. I record some process of it and share it with you!


--Emannuel, Li 11:52, 18 October 2020 (CEST)

Share my some recent feelings with you! May Lord keep mercy to the people on earth.


--Emannuel, Li 13:02, 25 October 2020 (CET)

Happy Halloween from me and the students of my working school. Recently we discussed it's good or not to celebrate Halloween in Taiwan. Some parents thought the culture of asking for candies is not good. I think the day is only one time in a year, so be good to children is OK. If they have fun, I agree it. Besides candies need no much money, just for fun not indulgence.

  • Happy Halloween in 2020

  • Happy Halloween in 2020

  • Happy Halloween in 2020

  • Happy Halloween in 2020

--Emannuel, Li 07:22, 26 October 2020 (CET)

Mourning the prototype of Princess Snow White Ms. Merge Champion died last month.


--Emannuel, Li 12:11, 26 October 2020 (CET)

Feeling sad about the brother "Fu-Ming, Li" rest in peace.


Share the freedom response.


--Emannuel, Li 11:48, 29 October 2020 (CET)

After the completion of the old school building reinforcement project, three osmanthus trees died during the period.


--Emannuel, Li 12:14, 1 November 2020 (CET)

May Lord be in power on 2020 America President Election. Amen!


--Emannuel, Li 08:34, 7 November 2020 (CET)

Last two days I went to Kaohsiung joining a musical concert - Master Zhu-Shuei, Chen Music Works Exhibition. And I pass the night in the Xinsheng Street Church. In Sunday I join the Lord's day in the church then went back by train to my home. Short two days travel I felt happy. Thanks Lord.


  • The church in Xinshen Street, Kaohsiung which the place I passed the night.

  • Weiwuying National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts

--Emannuel, Li 02:11, 9 November 2020 (CET)

Thanks for America President "Trump".


--Emannuel, Li 07:02, 11 November 2020 (CET)

Congratulations to Prince Wenren of Japan for being appointed heir.

  • Congratulations

--Emannuel, Li 12:00, 11 November 2020 (CET)

Share my creative whims (2) with you!


Presenting a poem for England Prince William which is memorizing his loving dog "Lupo".

  • Memorize the loving dog

--Emannuel, Li 13:21, 23 November 2020 (CET)

Tribute to the father of blackfoot "Jin-He, Wang" and "Fun-Bin, Zeng".


Mourning Hispanic Football Star Diego Maradona.


--Emannuel, Li 02:43, 28 November 2020 (CET)

Sharing the overview of plants near the school gate.


Sharing the overview of mountain sakura in my working school.


--Emannuel, Li 11:10, 2 December 2020 (CET)

Sharing the article about campus plant overview.


--Emannuel, Li 10:55, 3 December 2020 (CET)

Now I know my composition is for God.


--Emannuel, Li 12:02, 9 December 2020 (CET)

The massage said the culture replace Christ. Oh! It is serious for me especially I am a music composer. Why dose music appear in the world? According to the Bible it's because man leaves out from God and produces the music for entertainment. It's the culture without God. How could I continue the works? After thinking, I ask myself that are not we sing the hymn in the church? It's the kind of music just the piece is for God. And in the history many famous composer made great music for God too. So I feel easy and I will continue to compose the music. Thanks Lord. My heart must always aim to you! Amen!

--Emannuel, Li 12:27, 13 December 2020 (CET)

Greetings for brother "Meng-Yi" getting married.


Greetings for brother "Yuan-Wei" getting married.


--Emannuel, Li 03:43, 14 December 2020 (CET)

Merry Christmas from the students in my working school.

  • Merry Christmas

  • Merry Christmas

  • Merry Christmas

  • Merry Christmas

  • Merry Christmas

  • Merry Christmas

--Emannuel, Li 06:15, 14 December 2020 (CET)

Today is the year-end thanksgiving meeting of my church. We brothers and sisters gathered in Wan Chau live fish restaurant and shared the blessed testimony. Then we ate lunch together. I saw some brothers have not been seen a period of times and I felt happy. They come back the home. Amen! Because Covid-19 we all suffered this year, thanks Lord keeps us peace and hope He keep leading us in the next year.


--Emannuel, Li 12:40, 20 December 2020 (CET)

Memorizing brother "Jie-Lin, Yu".


--Emannuel, Li 12:01, 21 December 2020 (CET)

My feeling after watching hometown painting of Mr. "Jin-Sheng, Guo".


--Emannuel, Li 01:50, 22 December 2020 (CET)

Sharing my thoughts that the government is about to open up imports of U.S. pigs containing ractopamine.


--Emannuel, Li 07:23, 23 December 2020 (CET)

Sharing my thoughts about New Year's Eve or not.


--Emannuel, Li 06:18, 24 December 2020 (CET)

This morning I went to sister "Shu-Fen, Tsai" rest gathering. It was mentioned that the sister was an optimistic sister. Although she was still optimistic in her illness, she cheered up with cancer friends and accepted the joyful savior. Later, the cancer cells metastasized. To the bones, then to the brain, and finally lost to the illness and left; before leaving, she told her brothers that he was ready, she was most worried about her children during her lifetime, and now the house is ready, and the children have jobs and she was relieved that they were baptized to become children of God's family. Amen!
People really can't know what the road ahead is. To be able to reach this Savior is really to grasp. He saves us from the hardships and sorrows of the world, brings us peace and joy, and knows where we are going after we die. Where, thank the Lord.

  • The rest meeting of "She-Fen, Tsai"

Then I went to Taipei to participate in a flute lecture by "Ren-Bin, Lin". The content talked about the way of using our tongue, our blowing, not our tongue, which can really affect the sound of the flute. The tongue is only the beginning of the flute sound. The length and change of the tone are leaning on the airflow, Lin took the flute master Pahud as an example to illustrate the difference.; Pahud played the flute in a state like surfing in the airflow, so that the music can continue to move forward instead of exhaling. ; And think about the resonance above and behind the head, so that the high pitch of the flute will be beautiful.
I watched Pahud play the flute effortlessly in the film. The teacher said that we play the flute with no more air than we use to speak; in the film, the flute master Pahud actually plays the flute to explain a ballet. The timbre changes are rich, there are bright and dark, and the volume is different. Watching him easily control it, he is truly a flute master. After listening to today's lecture, I feel that there is so much knowledge to play the flute. If you want to practice, it really takes a lot of time. It is not easy to play the flute well.

  • The flute lecture of teacher "Ren-Bin, Lin"

--Emannuel, Li 14:58, 26 December 2020 (CET)

Mourning the pianist "Ts'ong, Fu".


--Emannuel, Li 13:28, 30 December 2020 (CET)

The coming year is the year of ox for chinese people. Happy new year to everybody!!

  • Happy New Year!!

--Emannuel, Li 06:20, 31 December 2020 (CET)


I prayed to God and asked Him to forgive me. Many of the articles I published are based on my own views, my own ethics, and my own culture. There is no Christ in it. I also explain to fans who have watched my article that my article is for reference only. You need to pray into Christ and live and act according to Christ instead of what I said. Amen!

--Emannuel, Li 02:46, 6 January 2021 (CET)

Feeling about the qualitative change of family litigation.


--Emannuel, Li 02:30, 14 January 2021 (CET)

Congratulations on the inauguration of the new president of the United States

In such a difficult time
Anyone who serves as president has a long way to go
People are suffering and facing the threat of death
There are problems to be solved everywhere

America can regain its status as Big Brother
Continue to lead the world order
It can only be under the balance of all forces
Be the overlord of one party to compete

May God take care of those who love him
Caring for the land of America
Let God's justice be revealed to the earth

  • Congratulations on the inauguration of the new president of the United States

--Emannuel, Li 04:42, 24 January 2021 (CET)

Sharing my ideas about my creative idea (3)-Promoting Self-service in Service Industry.


--Emannuel, Li 01:57, 26 January 2021 (CET)

Yesterday afternoon, after get off work, I went home to wash my clothes and prepared things for the night. I took the train to Taipei to attend a salon lecture at the National Taiwan University Herbarium. At first, the staff shared the collection and production of weed tea. Look at the names of the weeds. They are all weeds that can be seen on campus. They claim to collect weeds near the organically grown vegetable gardens and then make them into tea to drink. Since they are plant-based, they are different from general Chinese medicine Taking it is not harmful to the body; how is this tea different from grass tea? Because grass tea is cultivated in a large area, it leads to a decrease in biodiversity and is harmful to the environment.

  • National Taiwan University Herbarium Salon Lecture

Then comes the main content of today's speech. The small book fern only reproduces with gametophytes, and its sporophyte is not found. When it reproduces, buds will be produced on the edge of the gametophyte, and then develop into new gametophytes. Classes have different conditions of generational alternation, so the taxonomy has also triggered discussion.

It is a pity that news of the epidemic has been coming from my mobile phone, which makes me feel that I should leave the venue with cooperation. After all, it was a small gathering.

  • A view of Ximending

  • A view of Ximending 2

Lin Renbin's flute class was given the next afternoon. This time the class is based on the flute concerto of Khachadu and the performer is Pahud. Originally this piece was written for the violin. After discussing with the composer, Langpar It was changed to a flute concerto. Pahud's performance is of course nothing to say. In terms of dynamic changes and fast-paced performances, he is able to control freely. The low and high ranges are clear and sweet, with almost no flaws. The teacher specifically pointed out that he was replacing fingering. In the use of it, it is easy and comfortable, so that the intonation can be maintained in place. Whenever a movement is over, a hand shake action, the master posture, very handsome. This piece is a piece of very difficult technique, which can fully demonstrate the performance of a soloist.

  • Teacher "Ren-Bin's" flute class

--Emannuel, Li 22:04, 30 January 2021 (CET)

Xin Chou Year of the Ox congratulations

  • Greetings in the lunar new year ox

--Emannuel, Li 13:28, 12 February 2021 (CET)

Feel so sad about comfort women for Japanese soldiers in World War 2.


--Emannuel, Li 11:55, 16 February 2021 (CET)

Last Sunday I went to Taipei taking the entrance exam. In the interview I know the graduate course is not what I want to study. The university is near my junior high school. So I took the picture of it and share it with you! I have not been came to the school many years.


--Emannuel, Li 12:57, 23 February 2021 (CET)

Mourning the Hong Kong actor "Meng-Da, Wu".


--Emannuel, Li 09:17, 28 February 2021 (CET)

Share the film I made with you! The paintings are from Biodiversity Heritage Library.


Share some picture of flowers with you!

  • Camellia

  • Small bouquet

--Emannuel, Li 06:17, 10 March 2021 (CET)

My father have been gotten sick several years. He has dementia, prostate hypertrophy, myocardial hypertrophy and weak feet. My mother takes care of him these years. Now he has the problem of frequent urination and difficulty urinating. After the body checking by the doctors, we think it's because prostate hypertrophy. So my mother find the doctor and went to Taichung doing the surgery. We family are all worried. After surgery he become better than before. Thanks Lord.

  • After the surgery of prostate hypertrophy

--Emannuel, Li 11:44, 12 March 2021 (CET)

Today morning on 10:30 a.m. we have a children meeting in the church. There are several children and adults joining together. We sang a hymn "Small light". We are very happy. The content of the hymn is that
I am a little beacon, willing to shine for the Lord,
I am happy to bear witness to Him, no matter where it is!
A small beacon, a small beacon, shines for the Lord every day,
A small beacon, a small beacon, shines for the Lord every day.
And then we play a little game, and spoke a story. Then we finished the meeting.

  • Children Meeting on Saturday in 3 hall Taoyuan, Puxin.

  • Children Meeting on Saturday in 3 Hall Taoyuan, Puxin.

--Emannuel, Li 09:09, 13 March 2021 (CET)

Today morning we have the children meeting in Hall 3, Taoyuan City. (Puxin) Some sisters have events so they can't come. But there is Mr. Li and his two daughters joining us. We sang a hymn as the last week "Small Light". After singing the sister played games with them. And the brother "Peng" said a story about "The Adventures of Jonah". Then we finished this meeting in an happy atmosphere. Hallelujah! Thanks God.

  • The children meeting on Saturday, 20 March, 2021

  • The children meeting on Saturday, 20 March, 2021

--Emannuel, Li 08:24, 20 March 2021 (CET)

Sharing my thoughts with some news I watched out these days.


--Emannuel, Li 17:46, 22 March 2021 (CET)

This month is our gospel preaching month. There are six full-time trainers cooperate with us. We, our church decide to preach gospel in Yanmei, and Puxin. Tonight we have a gospel meeting, and many gospel friends come here. Hope they all can receive the Lord to become their blessing. Amen!

  • 2021 gospel meeting

Tribute to the former examination director Mr. Shui-De, Xu.


Tribute to the casualties of the derailment of the Taroko car.


--Emannuel, Li 14:31, 3 April 2021 (CEST)

Mourning the former Minister of Law, Ms. Ying-Xue, Luo.


--Emannuel, Li 17:16, 4 April 2021 (CEST)

Tribute to Prince Philip of England.

  • Tribute to Prince Philip of England.

--Emannuel, Li 14:47, 9 April 2021 (CEST)

The fourth fellowship with brother "Fan-Yu".


My thoughts after watching the marriage testimony of Brother "Yuan-Wei".


--Emannuel, Li 03:48, 17 April 2021 (CEST)

Yesterday morning we had a children meeting. It's fun. We sang the hymn, told a story, and played balls. Hallelujah!

  • 20210417 Children Meeting

--Emannuel, Li 15:33, 18 April 2021 (CEST)

Remember brother "Han-Ting, Ji's" father rest in peace.


--Emannuel, Li 15:32, 21 April 2021 (CEST)

Yesterday night we had a gospel meeting. We invite friends contacting this week to come. We sang hymns and had some testimonies. Then brother Li spoke a short gospel speech. Some receive this gospel and baptized to become God's children and others not. We had a joyful meeting tonight.

  • 20210425 gospel meeting

Memorizing both parents of brother "Bai-Yueh" passed away one after another.


--Emannuel, Li 02:58, 26 April 2021 (CEST)

Memorizing brother "Guang-Yu, Lyu" rest in peace. He helped my parents a lot. When my brother stayed in the hospital. He visited him and help us leave hospital. Thanks him a lot.


--Emannuel, Li 08:00, 28 April 2021 (CEST)

Sharing the film I made with you!


--Emannuel, Li 15:32, 29 April 2021 (CEST)

Sharing some figures of our school engineer project with you!


--Emannuel, Li 03:14, 3 May 2021 (CEST)

Sharing the film of my church life in 2017.


--Emannuel, Li 13:44, 6 May 2021 (CEST)

My 2021 birthday testimonials.


--Emannuel, Li 16:12, 6 May 2021 (CEST)

Some friends know now I beside the full-time job-the security officer in the elementary school, I have a part-time job. Because that the pressure of debt forced me to find a part-time job. So I come to the South Garden Hotels and Resorts. Many years ago I had been worked here. Now I come back again. My major service is for catering banquet. The place is on No.8 Shuzi Rd., Zhongli Dist., Taoyuan City. Welcome friends to come here consuming.

  • South Garden Hotels and Resorts-the place of my part time job

--Emannuel, Li 02:37, 8 May 2021 (CEST)

Sharing my thoughts about the epidemic is warming up this time in Taiwan.


--Emannuel, Li 15:53, 12 May 2021 (CEST)

Sharing the observation of the growth status of purple broccoli and Chlorophytum macrophylla in the round flowerbed at the entrance of campus.


--Emannuel, Li 13:07, 14 May 2021 (CEST)

Sharing my thoughts on reading Deuteronomy


--Emannuel, Li 03:46, 18 May 2021 (CEST)

Sharing my thoughts on reading the book of Deuteronomy (2)


A short letter to brother "Sin-Cheng" and other five brothers and sisters preaching the gospel here with us.


The short article to brothers baptized newly.


--Emannuel, Li 04:17, 19 May 2021 (CEST)

Sharing my thoughts on Reading the Book of Deuteronomy (3)


Sharing a short letter to brother "Cheng-Wang".


Sharing my observation of the square flowerbed on the left side of the school gate which Photinia glabra is planted.


--Emannuel, Li 03:22, 21 May 2021 (CEST)

A fellowship with brother "Wie-Ji".(20210524)


Sharing an short article-Cherish each other, say love immediately


--Emannuel, Li 07:34, 24 May 2021 (CEST)

Sharing the observation of that Cherry blossoms in front of our school's kindergarten elephant class.


Sometimes I edit the pictures of flower and send them to my girlfriend making her happy. Now I share the two flowers with you! These flowers were planted by me before.

  • Redstring

  • African Marigold

Sharing my thoughts on reading the book introduction to Deuteronomy (4)


--Emannuel, Li 13:06, 26 May 2021 (CEST)

Share my thoughts about what's love.


Sharing the pictures of blooming poinciana and it's one flower.

  • Blooming Poinciana

  • Phoenix Flower

--Emannuel, Li 22:51, 31 May 2021 (CEST)

Sharing the observation of the Poinciana in my working school.


--Emannuel, Li 13:30, 1 June 2021 (CEST)

There seems problem with bougainvillea on the second floor of the campus corridor stairs.


--Emannuel, Li 21:15, 3 June 2021 (CEST)

Only thanks with my heart to the countries donate vaccines to Taiwan.


Congratulations to the Queen of England on her 95th birthday

  • The Poem of Congratulations

--Emannuel, Li 15:02, 7 June 2021 (CEST)

To know the recovery of Lord in life (Proposal)


--Emannuel, Li 06:07, 12 June 2021 (CEST)

2021 graduation congratulations.


--Emannuel, Li 20:03, 13 June 2021 (CEST)

A public letter of apology.


We are still friends.


--Emannuel, Li 06:46, 14 June 2021 (CEST)

My mom took the photo my father eating the zongzi on Dragon Boat Festival. Wish you have joy on this day.

  • My father ate the zongzi.

--Emannuel, Li 16:01, 14 June 2021 (CEST)

Sharing the 2021 summer full-time training graduation meeting invitation card with you. Welcome to scan the QR code and join the meeting.

  • 2021 Summer full-time training graduation meeting invitation card

--Emannuel, Li 02:14, 15 June 2021 (CEST)

Sharing the 2021 full-time training for middle-aged adults and the whole class graduation meeting invitation card with you! Welcome to join the meeting on line and 18, June.

  • 2021 full-time training for middle-aged adults and the whole class graduation meeting invitation card

--Emannuel, Li 11:59, 16 June 2021 (CEST)

I had the car accident last Tuesday. Fortunately, there is no serious problem. The car was repaired, and my brothers and family members were willing to help me. Thank them. Sharing the thoughts about the accident and graduation meeting testimony for full-time senior class and youth class.


--Emannuel, Li 12:14, 19 June 2021 (CEST)

Sharing the short article about the GaoRong Elementary School attached kindergarten play area floor replacement project.


--Emannuel, Li 04:39, 21 June 2021 (CEST)

Sharing my thoughts about my music style.


--Emannuel, Li 22:46, 22 June 2021 (CEST)

Sharing my thoughts about the Chinese government wants to donate vaccines to Taiwan but the Taiwan government refuses.


--Emannuel, Li 15:07, 23 June 2021 (CEST)

A letter in fellowship with Brother Bo Lin.


--Emannuel, Li 21:50, 29 June 2021 (CEST)

Brother's warning about my financial gap.


--Emannuel, Li 12:34, 4 July 2021 (CEST)

Mourning the assassination of the President of Haiti.


--Emannuel, Li 04:42, 9 July 2021 (CEST)

Sharing my prayer about the Indonesian brothers died of the epidemic.


--Emannuel, Li 13:42, 10 July 2021 (CEST)

I played the little game for psychological test of 2021 can best represent your flower language.

  • 2021 represent your flower language

--Emannuel, Li 21:14, 10 July 2021 (CEST)

To mourn the dead directors and actors.


--Emannuel, Li 06:14, 13 July 2021 (CEST)

Sharing after 2021 summer video training and listening information.


--Emannuel, Li 21:08, 13 July 2021 (CEST)

This weekend I injected the vaccine, so I feel uncomfortable. I spent the time to watch Youtube. And I share my feelings with you after the two films I watched. I make it as the title " Two special kids."


--Emannuel, Li 14:07, 18 July 2021 (CEST)

GaoRong Elementary School's Miscellaneous Insects Episode 3.


--Emannuel, Li 13:40, 23 July 2021 (CEST)

Sharing my thoughts about the annoying alligator weed.


--Emannuel, Li 22:18, 24 July 2021 (CEST)

Sharing my thoughts about 2021 North American Chinese-speaking saints complete.


--Emannuel, Li 14:59, 25 July 2021 (CEST)

Tribute to brother "Guo-Lun, Cheng", Science Park meeting hall in Taichung.


--Emannuel, Li 13:39, 11 August 2021 (CEST)

Happy 2021 Chinese Valentine's Day. Greeting my dear brother "Bai-Yue" and all lovers in this world.


--Emannuel, Li 11:37, 14 August 2021 (CEST)

I think the political situation in Afghanistan has changed.


Mourning the loss of democracy and freedom in Hong Kong.


--Emannuel, Li 15:12, 16 August 2021 (CEST)

Is it feasible for China and the United States to cooperate on the Afghanistan issue?


--Emannuel, Li 14:17, 17 August 2021 (CEST)

Share my information on typhoons and astronomical science.


--Emannuel, Li 12:00, 19 August 2021 (CEST)

Share my opinion about who can we rely on?


--Emannuel, Li 15:37, 22 August 2021 (CEST)

A short gospel letter to my friend "Zih-Jyun, Gao".


--Emannuel, Li 02:46, 23 August 2021 (CEST)

The new school season will start. Now students will go back to the school. There are some engineers are on going, and some easy ones are ready. The one of it is school children play area reset. Share the observation of the engineer from start to finish to you.


--Emannuel, Li 12:22, 27 August 2021 (CEST)

Tree trimming on my working campus.


Commemorating Master Ji's Rest in Peace.


--Emannuel, Li 09:07, 28 August 2021 (CEST)

Praise in advance for the death of the Queen of England. Fang Zong means admirable good conduct.

  • The short poem for the England Queen before she died

Congratulations to Princess Mako of Japan for her happiness after marriage.


--Emannuel, Li 13:39, 6 September 2021 (CEST)

I climbed the mountain "Fu-Ren" in Yanmei Dist. I seldom exercise cause of physical weakness. I have free time today. And my colleague has the habit of climbing. So I follow his step. I climb the mountain today too.
Mountain "Fu-Ren" is not high and challenging, but for me it's enough to exercise.

  • Climbing the mountain "Fu-Ren".

This morning brother "Bo-Lin" send me some messages sharing his negative emotion about the church life. Now I write a fellowship letter to him.


--Emannuel, Li 02:30, 11 September 2021 (CEST)

Originally I Initiated the Walk in Heaven, You Me" Music and Cultural Creation Project. It's for sharing the hymn made by saints included of me with friends. But just few saints can participate with. So after thinking, I decided to cancel the project.


--Emannuel, Li 02:02, 12 September 2021 (CEST)

To mourn the veteran artist "Shao-Hua, Long".


--Emannuel, Li 07:32, 15 September 2021 (CEST)

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival in 2021

  • The poem of Mid-Autumn Festival in 2021

--Emannuel, Li 15:31, 16 September 2021 (CEST)

This morning brother "Jia-Sin" and I met to go hiking and took a walk. We also called the brother "Guo-Fong" and his wife going with us. We walked from 7:30a.m. to 10:30a.m. It's a long time, we walked and talked. I shared cookies with them. Finally we sang a hymn "Washing in love". I felt happy blending with brothers and sisters.

  • Climbing and blending with brothers and a sister

--Emannuel, Li 10:48, 18 September 2021 (CEST)

Sharing the process of renovation of toilets in the school's administrative building.


Now the saints are creating new poems one after another. These new poems are different from traditional hymns and are more difficult. I have a burden to share these new poems with brothers and sisters, so that brothers and sisters can also enjoy modern new poems. The following poem should be the new poem "Home" created by Brother "Chen-Guang, Jian", because I use simple instruments and I am not from a music undergraduate department. I apologize for not singing well


--Emannuel, Li 02:55, 22 September 2021 (CEST)

Yesterday in the preying meeting, I heard brother "Sin-Li" just lose his job. We prey for him. And I wrote an encouraging letter to him. Amen!


Now the school erects new class card. It makes the class look interesting and colorful. And at the same time the classes install the air-conditioners. I just can say the students are more happiness then before.

  • New class card

  • Classroom equipped with air-conditioning

--Emannuel, Li 13:57, 22 September 2021 (CEST)

It is hoped that the United Nations will deal with the problem in substance, mainly focusing on the Afghan issue.


--Emannuel, Li 03:12, 23 September 2021 (CEST)

My thoughts about a China problem that is difficult to solve.


--Emannuel, Li 07:09, 23 September 2021 (CEST)

New poem-Turn to His favor. Sorry, the noise is a bit heavy, I don't know how to solve this problem yet.


--Emannuel, Li 03:20, 24 September 2021 (CEST)

Today we started meeting in the meeting hall, and not only online. I forgot how long ago cause of COVID-19, our meeting held online. The recovery is great progress.

This afternoon I went to Chungli Art Museum to watch the concert. All the songs were created by Yu-Sian, Deng., the father of Taiwanese folk song, and arranged by Jhe-Yi, Li., performed by the Taoyüan Chinese Orchestra. Some songs are sad and using the proper instruments to perform, others are happy and also using the same way. The conductor introduced every song before performance in order to let audiences enjoy the song more deeply. Teacher Jhe-Yi has enthusiasm in music. I think every musicians have this character. Also composer Deng. He lived shot life but he leaves many cultural treasures to generations to appreciate. Thanks all teachers performed this afternoon, you are all great. Thanks Lord gives us this great time to enjoy. Amen.

  • Yu-Sian, Deng's Spring, Winter, Autumn and Summer Concerts

Tribute to Mr. Hu-Siang, Fong, a member of the New Party


--Emannuel, Li 21:54, 26 September 2021 (CEST)

Share my thoughts about progressive energy replacement.


--Emannuel, Li 07:38, 27 September 2021 (CEST)

Share my thoughts on the Online Study Course of Musical Theatre of the National Taichung Opera House. Thanks National Taichung Opera House gave me this chance to participate this course. Thanks famous Korea playwright shared her abundant knowledges of musical plays with us. Thank you very much.


--Emannuel, Li 12:00, 27 September 2021 (CEST)

Share the observation and some pictures about Campus Central Building (Building B) Old School Building Reinforcement Project.


--Emannuel, Li 08:25, 29 September 2021 (CEST)

I joined the enneagram test online. Share the result with you all.

  • Enneagram Test

--Emannuel, Li 13:28, 29 September 2021 (CEST)

Share observation of that current status of plants in the flower gardens at the gate of the school.


--Emannuel, Li 03:00, 1 October 2021 (CEST)

Few days ago I recorded this new poem and send it to brothers and sisters in my church. Actually it's old tune and new poem. Share it with you "Wish You in these years".


Thoughts after viewing [Taiwan Institute of Plant Taxonomy Series Lectures] The mountain road is easy to walk-Taiwan Gentianaceae plant sharing.


--Emannuel, Li 13:23, 1 October 2021 (CEST)

Today I went to the tenth meeting hall of the Taoyuan City Church to participate in the training of brothers in the southern district of Taoyuan City. If I remember correctly, this is the third training. The training courses are mainly based on the book "Training for Elders."

There are three lessons in this training, and three pieces of information are covered. I share the part that I have impressions. First, the elders must be discriminatory, which is the discernment of a person's situation. When the brother mentioned this point, I fell down. In front of the Lord's feet, I am the person who has no discernment. Second, the elders need to be matched to show all-round functions. This point is easier to understand, because each of us is a member of the body, each with its own characteristics. But they are all partial functions. If they can be combined together, they will have a more comprehensive view of things. Therefore, it is said in the book that the elders must be plural. A local church with a small number of people must at least There are two elders, so that we can have a match. If we have a match, we need to learn the lesson of the cross and need to be broken. Third, we need to be open in fellowship, we need to be in fellowship, we need to be active, and speak our right in the spirit. If you are not in fellowship, if you know that there is fellowship about this matter in advance, you must first show your feelings. If you are not involved in fellowship, you must learn the decision made by brothers after fellowship. Don't make an afterthought Zhuge. He did not participate in fellowship, but he had many opinions on the content of fellowship, which would cause difficulties. May the Lord commemorate his church. Every brother is in the process of learning and growing up in his life. They can learn and become a blessing to his church. thank God.

  • Brother completion training in South District, Taoyuan City

--Emannuel, Li 10:35, 2 October 2021 (CEST)

Large-leaf Chlorophytum withered yellow and lodging in the round garden of campus.


--Emannuel, Li 13:27, 3 October 2021 (CEST)

Share the new poem-"Testify to the truth". It's old tune and new poem.


--Emannuel, Li 12:52, 4 October 2021 (CEST)

We plant new turf on the west gate of the school.


--Emannuel, Li 13:36, 6 October 2021 (CEST)

Share the observation of the firecracker flowers growing on the campus wall.


--Emannuel, Li 13:14, 8 October 2021 (CEST)

Congratulations on the 110th birthday of the Republic of China.

  • Coogratulations

--Emannuel, Li 09:23, 9 October 2021 (CEST)

All most three and half months there were constructions in my working school. Luckily I know two friends of the campus construction company(Sheng-Jie and Fong-Yao). This short article is for them.


--Emannuel, Li 13:27, 13 October 2021 (CEST)

Thoughts after the fire in Kaohsiung's "City within a City".


--Emannuel, Li 07:33, 18 October 2021 (CEST)

Yesterday night we, several brothers and sisters went to the 5th Meeting Hall in Taoyuan City preaching the gospel nearby the communities. When we arrived the Meeting Hall we prayed for this activity. And then we divided to several teams. Hallelujah! Although we didn't knock the many doors but we touch some families and they may leave the phone number and the name to us in order to touch them in the future. Thanks Lord!

  • Preaching the gospel in Gao-Cheng Communities.

--Emannuel, Li 03:38, 22 October 2021 (CEST)

A letter about the lambs I send the shepherd messages to (About the messages of morning revival).


--Emannuel, Li 03:24, 26 October 2021 (CEST)

Mourning former legislator "Gao-Jheng, Jhu".


--Emannuel, Li 02:52, 27 October 2021 (CEST)

I am so tired recently. I wrote a short article to share with you!


New plants I found in my working school (20211020).


--Emannuel, Li 06:54, 1 November 2021 (CET)

Because the school needs training hours for employees, and the theme is gender equality, I specifically looked for a film and took a lesson on gender equality.


Share my record of 2013 summer training slogan poems.


--Emannuel, Li 04:10, 2 November 2021 (CET)

Share my thoughts after listening teacher "Jhih-Yuan, Guo's" 100th Birthday Commemoration Concert.


--Emannuel, Li 14:44, 5 November 2021 (CET)

Young people who wish to participate in full-time service are welcome to participate.

  • Full-time Training Calling Meeting

--Emannuel, Li 12:20, 6 November 2021 (CET)

A little, interesting psychological test. Share my result with you all.

  • Mental Health Index Test

--Emannuel, Li 14:36, 7 November 2021 (CET)

Remembering "Yue-Hue, Liu-lin's" mother in peace.


--Emannuel, Li 22:02, 7 November 2021 (CET)

Sharing 2021 full-time training winter graduation party meeting card with you! The brother "Jhe-Yi, Jhou" is graduated too. His father and mother live in Yanmei Dist., Taoyuan City. And we meet together. So I may join this graduation meeting.

  • 2021 full-time training winter graduation meeting invitation card

Notification: The beginning time changes to the afternoon.

--Emannuel, Li 13:09, 10 November 2021 (CET)

Share the short article about I think about US-China-Taiwan relations.


--Emannuel, Li 02:17, 11 November 2021 (CET)

A little, interesting psychological test. Share my result with you all.

  • The opposite sex's first impression of you

--Emannuel, Li 13:52, 14 November 2021 (CET)

In the first half of the original circular flower garden, the large-leaf Chlorophytum grows poorly due to high density, and there are many phenomena of lodging and withering, and there are weeds growing. We have been warned by one of our guards, "Wun-Huang", after finishing it before the school celebration. More and more decent.

  • After finishing the round flower garden before the 2021 school celebration

--Emannuel, Li 06:26, 16 November 2021 (CET)

Welcome to join 2021 full-time training for senior class winter graduation meeting.

  • 2021 full-time training for senior class winter graduation meeting.

Congratulations to Mr. Jhong-Mou, Jhang his 90th birthday.


--Emannuel, Li 14:27, 29 November 2021 (CET)

Guangyi Foundation's No.5, Taiwan-Korea cooperative musical "Hui Yin" thoughts.


  • Propaganda poster for the musical "Hui Yin"

Letter 3 with Brother "Bo-Lin".


--Emannuel, Li 02:15, 30 November 2021 (CET)

The rectangular flowerbeds on both sides of the school gate were originally planted with Heather glabra that was planted by the previous directors. In November this year, the current director Huang changed the planting of Western rhododendrons. Share short essays on the replanting process.


--Emannuel, Li 03:47, 3 December 2021 (CET)

Posted by: scarlettpitassie0184111.blogspot.com

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