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Urdu Lecturer Guide Pdf Free Download

Download Free PDF Books for PPSC Test of Lecturers 2021

PPSC Lecturers jobs 2021 are upcoming in the near future as they are showing now on the Official website of PPSC. There are about 2400+ jobs for females and males in Government Colleges in Punjab. Eligibility Criteria is just simple. You should be a Master in any College level subject.

Remember the basic rule of thump that first start preparation from course books of your master and Bachelor level and then go for some other material given here for the preparation of the PPSC Test of Lecturers 2021.

It's time to prepare for the test so just start from your School level books, GK, Islam, and computer basics.

Books for all Subjects of PPSC Lecturer Test 2021


Download Books for Biology Lecturer Test

Download Books for Chemistry Lecturer Test

Download Books for Commerce Lecturer Test

Download Books for Computer Science Lecturer Test

Download Books for Education Lecturer Test

Download Books for English Lecturer Test

Download Books forESE General and Math Lecturer Test

Download Books for GK Lecturer Test


Download Books for Math Lecturer Test

Download Books for Pedagogy Lecturer Test

Download Books for Pak Study Lecturer Test


Download Books for Physical Education Lecturer Test


Download Books for Physics Lecturer Test


Download Books for Psychology Lecturer Test

Download Books for Urdu Lecturer Test

Download Books for Zoology Lecturer Test

PPSC Lecturer Data for Different Subjects PPSC Test of Lecturers 2021

Download Books for Account and Tax Lecturer Test


Download Books for AEO Lecturer Test

Download Books for Analytical Reasoning Lecturer Test

Download Books for Botany Lecturer Test

Download Books for Geography Lecturer Test

Download Books for Sociology Lecturer Test

Download Books for Statistics Lecturer Test

Books For PPSC Head Master/Lecturers Test

All the candidates of PPSC lecturers and headmasters test, Please read carefully, a lot of preparing material, MCQS, PDF books, Guides for all levels, and categories are given here.
Please download all the books/Guides from the given links and save it on your mobile/desktop. Please use mobile desktops or laptops with Adobe Reader program installed on it. All books/Guides are in PDF format.

MCQs. B.Ed, Principals of Teaching.. Headmaster/Mistress Test
Link : https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFSllLNmRZd3pBelE/view

Qualify B.ed book for Educators
Link: https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFOWM4eGZjYkJUV1U/view

Math Test Preparation : https://drive.google.com/…/0B5B-oCjkkrzoanAxVFliTGtZV0k/view

Science and Math : ESE : https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFWWFRYVNMUDdtTlE/view

Solved MCQS Urdu : https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFTS15Z1BZaldxYkk/view

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) : https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFSkdrM2tUTG5aSVE/view

Basic Computer Knowledge: https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFYVBHV3R3TWxxTm8/view

MCQS Math : https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFQmhkS2F2WElDVVE/view

Teacher Guide..Concepts and Techniques : https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFTlhMM1JyeGRJdzA/view

English for Educators : https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFbkJJUHBSSzIxWEk/view
Course Content at Primary and Matric Level : https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFMmwyTjZ3TXd4WFE/view
Link 2… https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFbG5RanlQNmZLZEE/view

Biology Data for Educators : https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFcGItMm41Ri1kcGc/view

Head Master/Mistress Notes : https://drive.google.com/…/0B5B-oCjkkrzocnpna1Z1VndEMUU/view

Teaching Skills : https://drive.google.com/…/0B5B-oCjkkrzocUZLaXU3cnpyTGc/view

1000 General Knowledge Questions and Answers : https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFYzhYeFhGZmZyUzg/view

Solved Model Papers : https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFNENGYnV1WVpUY2c/view

Education MCQs : https://drive.google.com/…/0B5B-oCjkkrzoZTlEc2JMaWFEQjg/view



FREE Download all the necessary preparing material for all types of Written Tests of "NTS, PPSC, FPSC"

1. General Knowledge
2. Pak Geography
3. Everyday Science
4. Pak Affairs
5. Current Affairs
6. Math
8. Islamiat
9. Computer
10. English
11. GAT
12. GAT Plus
13. GRE Books
1. General Knowledge
Link 1 :https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFa2kzMWhURWVtbFU/view
Link 2 :https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFTlZIRTZCQkRwVG8/view
Link 3 :https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFSzNmbllRaEduX0E/view
Link 4 :https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFeGUxX0RBekt0T2s/view
Link 5 : https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFUC1TQVBlTFdzNXc/view
Link 6 :https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFOHdUWFJTZGxXNGs/view
Link 7 :https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFaHFqdjJ5WHdRRTQ/view
Link 8 :https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFa2kzMWhURWVtbFU/view
Link 9 :https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFSldTM0N2NmFkRGs/view
Link 10 :https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFSGxsdERWTWQzMms/view
Link 11 :https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFSldTM0N2NmFkRGs/view
Link 12 :https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFeGUxX0RBekt0T2s/view
2. Pak Geography :
Link 1 :https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFV01HZUIyczF2cXM/view
Link 2 :https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFQmM2MEpOQmtZUDg/view
Link 3 :https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFOUdPbVpXbC1GX1k/view
Link 4 :https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFU0J6dXJtODNzUlE/view
Link 5 :https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFZUt3Y0pPLUZaYWM/view
Link 6 : https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFUnJJMUtSTUJiRHc/view
3. Everyday Science :
Link 1 :https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFMjJQWks4VjBDLW8/view
Link 2 :https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFeE9TNkppTDNSRkk/view
Link 3 :https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFMjJQWks4VjBDLW8/view
4. Pak Affairs :
Link 1 : https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFQm56d2phOTRyQ0E/view
Link 2 :https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFMWVDNGxQZlZaSUE/view
Link 3 :https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFTjVOVHhIdkNDaUU/view
Link 4 :https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFVGZsM0ljTm9YRHc/view
Link 5 :https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFV1ZLV3VPQlVNM0E/view
Link 6 : https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFSW01S041cFdrY1k/view
Link 7: https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFN2pQdFZXdTdrZVk/view
Link 8: https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFNHlLS1RRMl9UelU/view
Link 9: https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFYmVsbXAzcVBrU1U/view
Link 10 : https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFcmZVTGdiN1pJRHM/view
Link 11 : https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFMGp4ZnMzUXh4aDA/view
Link 12:https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFbmVZSWhBd2NKYkU/view
Link13 :https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFLTRqTE12V1JTYWs/view
Link 14: https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFUWFfMWJzVGpQdUE/view
Link 15 :https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFeWlIZ0FTeFN0Rms/view
5. Current Affairs :
Link 1 :https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFVlVsQ0ZSSEFmUHc/view
Link 2 :https://drive.google.com/…/0B0HX1MoO0GsAWVNaWmE1aEFfMDg/view
Link 3 :https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFcnl6NDVyUE5tdE0/view
6. Math:
Link 1 :https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFMmxHbmdERS1VLUU/view
Link 2 :https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFQmhkS2F2WElDVVE/view
7. Urdu
Link 1 : https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFTS15Z1BZaldxYkk/view
Link 2 : https://drive.google.com/…/0B8Q5Rkd_1fvwYlF6MXE1SlZ2OG…/view

English Guide for Elementary Level
Link: https://drive.google.com/…/0B8Q5Rkd_1fvwTERwR0VOaHRfZjg/view
English MCQS – NTS
Link : https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFMDNlQTY4OEhYNUk/view
English Grade 9 to 10
Link : https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFSy1Pckt1enJrczg/view
English 6-7-8 Grade
Link : https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFUzJ3eF91Y2g4Q0U/view
Solved Urdu MCQS:
Link : https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFOG9nYUFsdXlRazg/view
Biology Grade 9, 10
Link : https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFSVhWX25FRUFtbEE/view
SESE/SSE English NTS Book : link : https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFZ1JLSVNkNG5ReHM/view
SSE and SESE :
Link : https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFVV9VQUx6V1hRQlk/view
Sample Paper :
Link : https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFaENyc1dCQk1Qb2M/view
Educator Solved Paper :
Link : https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFMEdVeVFDaWgzUTQ/view
Chemistry 9 and 10 grade :
Link : https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFUDlJU0I0TnROa00/view
Science 6,7,8
Link : https://drive.google.com/…/0B0SjF7qck1cFVnU4Z1Y4eEtLS2M/view

Punjab Educations Department Educators 2016- 2017
Science Guide for Following posts (as science is content for those posts)
Link: https://drive.google.com/…/0B8Q5Rkd_1fvwWlc0WElxWEFPWU0/view
Punjab Educations Department Educators 20160 2017
Urdu guide for SESE SSE
Elementary and Primary
Master and Graduation Level:
Link: https://drive.google.com/…/0B8Q5Rkd_1fvwYlF6MXE1SlZ2OG…/view

Especially for SSE Biology and SSE Chemistry and SESE SCIENCE which will cover 30 marks for each
Class 9 10 Biology Teacher Guide
Link: https://drive.google.com/…/0B8Q5Rkd_1fvwS09LcUNrZTVpRkU/view
Islamic Studies Mcqs
for ALL tests : http://www.mediafire.com/download/nruvvtn1ya0nrx7/Islamic+Studies+Mcqs.pdf
Current Affairs 2016 Mcqs for Different Tests : http:/www.mediafire.com/download/3nxh4o79xsa99rd/Current+Affairs+2016++Who+is+Who+2016+Wonder+of+World.pdf
Computer Knowledge MCQ's FOR DIFFERENT TESTS

FPSC PPSC Interview Preparation Help / How to prepare for PPSC FPSC Interview
Link :

Everyday Science… to the Point ..
Link :

Google Drive 2 for all posts

Download SESE and SSE Arts Book by Syed Mohsin Raza

Download SESE and SSE Arts Book by Syed Mohsin Raza

Download AEO Book by Syed Mohsin Raza

Google Drive 3 for all Posts

Google Drive 4 for ESE, SESE and SSE Science PDF Book

Google Drive 5 for ESE, SESE and SSE Arts and Science by Asim Subhani

Google Drive for Top 33 Books of Computer MCQs

Educators Computer Science Guide by Dogar Sons

Science and Math MCQ's for ESE -9, ESE SCI- 9 MATH SESE MATH-14, SESE SCIENCE-15
Link: https://drive.google.com/…/0B8Q5Rkd_1fvwZkpUUUZRZkVGSUU/view
Important for NTS Test
English Guide of Class 6 7 8 9 10
for Posts of
ESE -9
Link 1: https://drive.google.com/…/0B8Q5Rkd_1fvwTERwR0VOaHRfZjg/view
Link 2: https://drive.google.com/…/0B8Q5Rkd_1fvwRFA2QzZwNXhRTHc/view

Good Luck and stay blessed 🙂

Download Ebook of Pedagogy for Educators

Download Ebook of Bhatti Sons for Educators

You can directly view or download the educators' Ebook from below.

Download Ebook of Dogar Sons for Educators

You can directly view or download the educators' Ebook from below.

Sample Test Papers

For More Help

If you are unable to view or download any book from here, send me a message at my Facebook page here: https://web.facebook.com/topitworldcom/

Story of My Friend – Must Read

At the end of the post, I want to share the story of my friend. Read it and get a lesson from it.

Usman is one of my friends who has done MSc Physics following M.Phil. in 2012 and then he started searching for a job in a reputable institute university, colleges. After wasting around 3 years in this effort, he joined Punjab Education Department as ESE(S/M) in 2015 and now working at the same post from around 3 years. He is also working as AIOU Part time tutor.

I asked from him that why you don't select as a lecturer or any other good position while you have given around 70 to 80 tests in PPSC, FPSC, atomic, ministry of defense, SBP, WAPDA, and all the other job institutions. He has just answered that "waisy he". But I know the basic reason behind it and that is no preparation for the test.  Usman is now looking to apply for PPSC Lecturers Jobs 2021 in Punjab. PPSC Test of Lecturers 2021 will be after 6 months of advertisement.

I guess that most of you also know the reason and that is no preparation for the test. Most of us just apply for a job and then go for a test on the test date. Between the application and test period, we even don't try to explore what type of test will be or what will be the content weightage and how to prepare for it. Then the result will be simple e.g. we get average marks around 50 to 60 and that means nothing.

Source: https://www.topitworld.com/download-free-pdf-books-for-ppsc-test-of-lecturers-2021/

Posted by: scarlettpitassie0184111.blogspot.com

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